TEKSystems Interview Experience | On-Campus

TEKSystems conducted an oncampus drive at our University this year.

The complete Selection process consisted of 5 rounds-

  • Online Test
  • Group Discussion/HR
  • Technical Round-1
  • Technical Round-2
  • Hackathon of 48 hours

The selection process took approximately 2 weeks.

Round 1:Online Test

The test consisted of MCQ’s and 2 coding questions. Total time was 1 hours 30 minutes

I don’t think there was a sectional cutoff.

The MCQ section was divided into :

  1. General Aptitude- 10 questions
  2. Verbal- 10 questions
  3. Data Interpretation- 6 questions
  4. Logical Reasoning-10 questions
  5. Coding- 2 questions [60 minutes]

1.) Compared to previous years this time the level of questions were slightly increased.

2.) 2, 3, 4 sections were very easy anyone can do it.

3.) What is the name of the parent company ? What is the tagline of this company ? All of my friends were asked the same question.

4.) This year they increases the time for coding section. Also the questions were distributed in the format of 1 DP question and other of easy level.

First question was to convert a given roman numeral to its number.Constraints were the roman number would represent value between 1-500 only

Solve either of the questions to proceed to next round.

Many students got both the Questions belonging to DP while some got both easy.

Out of 500 students 43 were selected for next round which included me.

Round 2: Group Discussion/HR

Before the GD/HR we were given a pre-placement talk and presentation by the company officials. The students were divided in group of 15, 15 and 13

We all sat in a circle with the HR in center and she told us to start by first introducing ourselves, our aim, schooling details. In short it was you have to answer the question “Introduce yourself.”. Everyone was given 2 minutes.

After this we were giving a GD topic on “Today’s engineering curriculum are producing goof engineers or not”.

We were divided into groups of 8 and 7 and were told that we have to speak for the topic and the other group against and were given 5 minutes to discuss the points.

After 5 minutes we were told to start speaking, it was more of a debate not GD.After 2 minutes of shouting we were told to change the roles i.e. now we spoke against and the other group for. After 2 minutes we were told to halt and now every individual was given a 60 seconds to summarize their viewpoint either on for or against.

You need to be loud and be specific on your point to go for the next round.

20 student out of 43 including me proceeded for the next round

Round 3: Technical Interview I

This round was conducted after 2 days.

Held on Skype every candidate was allotted 30 minutes for the interview.

Don’t try to bluff with the interviewer, if you do not know the answer to the question then simply say I don’t know.

The questions were fired from your resume.

  1. Explain your project.
  2. Difference between the equals() and == in java.
  3. Describe all the OOPS concept with example.
  4. Difference between interface and abstract classes.
  5. What are singleton classes?
  6. What is PEP8 in python?
  7. Difference between post and get methods?
  8. Asked few output questions in language you are good in. The questions were basic and easy.

After this he asked share screen and open onlinegdb.com and type a program of print the nth term of a Fibonacci series using Dynamic Programming.

(To some of my friends they asked to write the code of quick sort and matrix multiplication)

At last he asked that do I have any questions to ask for him.

[Tip: you given the interviewer’s name a day before so if possible check out his LinkedIn profile]

Out of 20 only 10 (including me) proceeded to next round.

Round 4: Technical Interview II

Conducted the next day, unfortunately due to some internet issues on the interviewers side it was conducted over the telephone for about 20 minutes.

For some it was more of a HR round and for some it was technical.

  1. He started by asking me about my projects in depth.
  2. Continuing with the project he asked me the difference between the servlet and JSP.
  3. Tell me the logic how to find the middle element in a circular linked list.
  4. The worst case complexity of quick sort and the example condition.
  5. Describe the MVC model and life cycle of JSP.
  6. Describe Clusters.
  7. Difference between the Hadoop 2.x and Hadoop 3.x .
  8. What are the phases of a Map reduce?
  9. Command to check the IP address on Windows and Linux.
  10. Explain Decorators in python.
  11. Give disadvantages of python.

Out of 10 only 4 proceeded to next stage, including me.

Round 5: Hackathon [48 hours]

The 4 students were to create a project on some problem statement of our own and upload the projects code on the GitHub repository and share its link with the interviewer.

This round also happened on Skype and we were given a time of 48 hours to develop a working project and the presentation of the same describing your roles and tasks you performed in the project.

How well you present your presentation and the answer you give to questions asked by the interviewer were the basis of selection.

It took 3 days for them to give the result. Out of 4, 2 got selected including me.