100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored

Looking for ways to beat boredom? You’re in the right place! Our article, “100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored,” is packed with activities, ideas, and inspiration to turn your dull moments into exciting adventures. Whether you’re stuck at home, on a tight budget, or just looking for something new and exciting, this article is packed with Things to Do When You’re Bored with fun, creative, and trendy ideas to turn your boredom into an adventure. ideas to turn your boredom into an adventure.

From DIY projects that can transform your living space to mindfulness practices to help you find your inner peace, we’ve got you covered. Explore the latest tech gadgets that can entertain you for hours or dive into virtual experiences that can take you around the world without leaving your couch.

Here are some categories you will find interesting to vanish off your bored mood –

Things To Do When You’re Bored

  • 100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored
  • Fun Indoor Activities
  • Outdoor Things To Do
  • Activities to Relieve Stress
  • Creative Activities
  • Productive Activities
  • Educational Activities
  • Leisure Indoor Activities

100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored

Check out these ideas, and we’re confident you’ll discover an activity to keep you entertained when you’re feeling bored.

Fun Indoor Activities

In the quest to beat boredom, exploring enjoyable indoor activities can be a delightful escape. From learning to play instruments and crafting origami masterpieces to immersing yourself in board games or deep-diving into fascinating subjects, there’s an array of entertaining options awaiting discovery.

Whether solo or with family, these activities promise to turn dull moments into exciting experiences. So, when the indoors feel mundane, this collection of engaging pursuits offers a vibrant antidote, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment when seeking fun and fulfilment within the comfort of your own space.

1. Musical Exploration: Learn to Play an Instrument

Dive into the world of music by picking up an instrument like the piano or guitar. Perfect opportunity for beginners to discover the joy of creating their favourite tunes.

2. Creative Challenges: Writing and Beyond

Step outside your comfort zone with activities like writing short stories, essays, or plays. Explore new forms of expression to stimulate creativity.

3. In-Depth Learning: Discovering Your Passion

Take a deep dive into subjects that capture your interest, from Impressionism to Amazon rainforest animals. Immerse yourself in documentaries, articles, or books to enhance your knowledge.

4. Mental Agility: Crosswords and Puzzles

Keep your mind active with solo crossword puzzles, or engage the whole family in a puzzling adventure. Sharpen your problem-solving skills while combating boredom.

5. Origami Adventures: Crafting with Tutorials

Try your hand at Origami with accessible online tutorials. Overcome intimidation and enjoy the satisfaction of creating intricate paper art.

6. Family Fun: Board Games Galore

Turn off the TV and challenge the family to classic board games like Chutes and Ladders or Monopoly. Explore new games together, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

7. Puzzle Pleasure: Building and Completing

Utilize your free time by assembling jigsaw puzzles. Experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a challenging puzzle.

8. Movie Magic: Rom-com Marathons and Solo Nights

Indulge in rom-com marathons with a side of popcorn. Create a perfect solo date night with your favourite movies and snacks.

9. Musical Nostalgia: Disney Sing-Along

Boost your mood by singing along to beloved Disney songs. Tap into childhood nostalgia for an uplifting experience.

10. Travel Dreams: Planning Your Next Getaway

Turn daydreams into reality by researching and planning your next vacation. Explore flights and accommodations to feed your wanderlust.

11. Fort Building: Rediscovering Your Inner Child

Embrace your inner child by building forts with couch cushions, chairs, and blankets. Involve the whole family in this imaginative and playful activity.

12. Fashion Exploration: Mix and Match Wardrobe

Refresh your wardrobe by experimenting with different outfit combinations. Feel ready to impress at any social outing with your newly curated style.

13. Heartfelt Connection: Letter Writing

Break away from digital communication and write a heartfelt letter on nice paper. Spread love and strengthen connections with friends or family members.

14. Sporting Classics: Watching Games, Live or Not

Enjoy the excitement of sports by watching live games or classic matchups. Share the experience with friends or family.

15. Personal Connection: Phone Calls Over Texts

Foster closer connections by making phone or video calls instead of relying on texts. Experience real-time communication for a more intimate connection.

16. Cultural Entertainment: Watching Live Performances

Replace reality shows with online cultural performances like opera, ballet, or symphony. Explore the world of performing arts from the comfort of your home.

17. Language Exploration: Learning Something New

Stretch your mental muscles by learning a new language through apps like Duolingo. Make productive use of your time and acquire a valuable skill.

18. Solo Movie Night: Snacks, Couch, and Entertainment

Enjoy a movie night alone with your favourite snacks. Laugh or cry as loud as you want in the comfort of your own space.

19. Dance Fever: Home Dance Parties

Turn up the music and have a dance party at home. Let loose and have fun, either reminiscing with oldies or dancing to the latest hits.

20. Modern Moves: TikTok Choreography Challenge

Download the TikTok app and challenge yourself to learn trending dance moves. Connect with current trends and showcase your moves on social media.

21. Gaming Escapade: Video Games and Mobile Fun

Engage in gaming, whether on a console or through entertaining mobile games. Explore virtual worlds and enjoy interactive entertainment.

Outdoor Fun

When boredom strikes, step outside and discover a world of fun! Engaging in outdoor activities not only bans boredom but also adds excitement to your day. From taking a stroll to exploring parks, there’s a range of simple yet enjoyable options waiting for you.

22. Shoot Some Hoops

Get off the couch and into the game by shooting some hoops. It’s a great way to stay active and have fun.

23. Trade in Old Clothes at a Thrift Shop

After cleaning out your closet, trade in your rejected clothes for cash or fresh second-hand threads at a thrift shop. It’s a fun way to declutter and update your wardrobe.

24. Take a Drive

Change things up by taking a drive with no specific destination. Pair it with a playlist you love for a refreshing change of scenery.

25. Tour Model Homes

Pretend you’re in the market for a new home and critique or appreciate the staging. If you prefer staying at home, explore virtual tours of homes on platforms like Zillow.

26. Go Bowling

Enjoy the fun of indoor bowling, whether with friends or solo. Pair it with a frosty pint and some French fries for a complete experience.

27. Visit a Botanical Garden or Park

Head to a botanical garden or park, and bring coloured pencils if you like sketching outdoors. It’s a relaxing and creative way to spend your time.

28. Take a Walk

Banish boredom quickly by taking a walk. Enjoy the fresh air and light exercise for a feel-good experience.

29. Test Drive a Car

Curious about a new or electric car model? There’s no better time than now to test-drive one. Explore the features and experience the thrill of driving something new.

Relaxing Activities to Try

Unplug from screens, and try calming hobbies like knitting or painting your nails. Take a soothing bubble bath, indulge in a face mask, or listen to meditation videos. Exercise with yoga, Zumba, or core workouts. Revisit happy memories or write down your feelings for a therapeutic release. Here’s a list of stress relief activities that you can try.

30. Make a Gratitude List

Counteract bad news by listing things you’re grateful for. Focus on the positive to balance out negativity.

31. Write Out Your Goals

Look to the future and reflect on your goals. Consider where you want to be in a year, five years, or beyond.

32. Unplug Your Devices

Take a break from social media by giving yourself an hour away from your phone. Preserve your mental health.

33. Do a Random Act of Kindness

Brighten someone’s day with a simple act of kindness, like paying for their coffee or surprising them with a treat.

34. Give Knitting a Try

Discover the calming effect of knitting. Engage in the repetitive motion for a soothing experience.

35. Paint Your Nails

Create an at-home spa with a colourful manicure. Choose a trendy hue, add a design, and finish with a shiny top coat.

36. Take a Bubble Bath

Relax with a bubble bath and a few drops of essential oil. Bring a book for added enjoyment.

37. Put On a Face Mask

Treat yourself to a quick pick-me-up with a relaxing face mask. Choose one based on your skin concerns.

38. Give Your Sweetie a Massage

Create an at-home spa day with a massage. Use relaxing lotions or essential oils and set the mood with zen tunes.

39. Start Journaling

Reflect on your thoughts in a journal or dive into the artistic world of bullet journals.

40. Listen to a Meditation Video

Turn inward with guided meditation videos to ease anxiety and calm the mind.

41. Do Living Room Yoga

Strengthen your body and centre your mind with yoga. Use free apps for at-home practice.

42. Try Zumba

Lift your spirits with the structured dance party vibes of Zumba.

43. Work Your Core

Strengthen your core for improved posture and back pain relief. Simple exercises can make a difference.

44. Try a New Exercise Routine

Challenge yourself with a new workout to engage your body and distract your mind.

45. Give a Pep Talk

Share positivity with others to brighten your outlook. Call a friend or family member for a boost.

46. Have a Lights-Out Night

Create a creative date night by pretending the electricity went out. Connect in the dark with candles or flashlights.

47. Walk Down Memory Lane

Relive happy times by exploring old photo albums or scrolling through social media memories.

48. Sleep Somewhere New

Change things up by spending a night in a different room. Create a novel experience without leaving home.

49. Vent Your Frustrations

Release pent-up frustrations by writing them down or sharing them with a trusted friend. It’s okay to whine and feel better afterwards.

Creative Things to Do

Explore endless fun with creative activities when boredom strikes. Try crafting, drawing, or even cooking up something new.

50. Bake a Treat

Put on an apron and test your baking skills. Try becoming the star baker after binge-watching the Great British Baking Show.

51. Nail Art Adventure

Paint your nails and explore fun nail art ideas from Instagram for your next stylish look.

52. DIY Project Fun

Get crafty with DIY projects, from bandeau bathing suits to creating a gallery wall in your living room, using inspiration from Pinterest and your local hardware store.

53. Craft Your Jewelry

Visit a local bead store, grab some supplies, and turn your fine fashion sense into wearable art with a DIY jewellery project.

54. Sewing Exploration

Start a sewing project, even if you’ve never tried it before. Beginner sewing projects can help you develop your skills.

55. Origami Relaxation

Learn the Japanese art of origami, a relaxing way to be creative while improving focus and precision, with helpful guides for all skill levels.

56. Channel Your Inner Artist: Painting

Channel your inner Bob Ross, or just watch him, and give a blank canvas your best shot with a painting session.

57. Blogging Journey

Start a blog, whether ambitious or casual. It’s a great way to express yourself without any writer’s cramp.

58. Playlist Creation

Craft a personalised playlist, turning the process into an art form. It’s like creating a mixtape, and it’s a fun and artistic activity.

59. Coloring Therapy

Colouring isn’t just for kids. It’s a therapeutic activity for adults, too. Enhance your fine motor skills and create impressive artwork.

60. Learn to Knit

Take a virtual knitting class and discover a new hobby. Word on the street is that people who knit never get bored.

61. Get Crafty with Adult Crafts

Try seriously cool adult crafts for a fun activity that results in a Pinterest-worthy finished product.

62. Scrapbooking Adventure

Add a new twist to the perennial hobby of scrapbooking. Create sentimental crafts and keepsakes.

63. Sketching Fun

Occupy yourself with sketching, a sentimental craft that gets your creative juices flowing and produces a keepsake item.

64. Grown-Up Arts and Crafts

Why should little kids have all the fun? Start one of these 50 craft projects this afternoon.

65. Create a Vision Board

Make a vision board for a colourful and aspirational collage that can help you stay on target with your goals.

Productive Things

Beat boredom with productive tasks! Organize your space, learn a new skill online, or tackle a DIY project. Turn downtime into accomplishment with these engaging activities.

66. Do Your Taxes

Complete your tax return before the looming deadline. Reward yourself with a glass of wine for being a responsible adult.

67. Make a Five-Year Career Plan

Create a practical career plan, like a down-to-earth vision board, for your professional life.

68. Clean Out Your Inbox

Spend time organizing and decluttering your email inbox, a task that might take hours or even days.

69. Revise Your Resume with Help from AI

Use Kickresume, an AI-powered tool, to improve your resume by learning from successful examples in various industries.

70. Clean Out Your Fridge

Toss out expired items and clean your fridge, especially those forgotten leftovers growing new life forms.

71. Write a Grocery List

After cleaning the fridge, take inventory and create a shopping list for the week.

72. Meal Prep for the Week

Save time by planning and preparing meals for the week ahead. Your future self will thank you.

73. Redecorate Your Home

Transform your living space without spending much by rearranging furniture, even that big leather sofa.

74. Clean Out Your Closet

Tackle your wardrobe with a KonMari attitude, decluttering and organizing in one afternoon.

75. Try a Cool Budgeting Method

Explore the Japanese budgeting system Kakeibo for an easy and visually pleasing financial management approach.

76. Get a Head Start on Birthday and Holiday Gifts

Avoid last-minute stress by starting early on buying and planning gifts for birthdays and holidays.

77. Sort Through Your Bookshelves

Donate unwanted books to your local senior centre, creating a win-win situation.

78. Make a Weekly Meal Plan

Save time and reduce decision stress by planning your meals for the week with a variety of recipes.

79. Plan a Dream Home Reno on Pinterest

Use Pinterest to plan and visualize your dream home renovations, from perfect paint colours to ideal layouts.

80. Detail Your Car

Give your car a thorough cleaning, including shampooing the upholstery for extra points.

81. Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Take a few moments to clean your makeup brushes, finding it deeply gratifying.

82. Refresh Your LinkedIn Profile

Update your LinkedIn profile to attract more professional attention for potential career opportunities.

83. Organize Your Kitchen Cupboards

Use TikTok hacks to efficiently organize your kitchen cupboards for maximum return on investment.

84. Inventory Your Kitchen Cupboards

Take stock of pantry staples and shop for the essentials recommended by experts for a well-stocked kitchen.

85. Deep Clean Your Home

Follow a guide to give your home a thorough, deep clean, addressing neglected areas.

86. Do Some Online Networking

Utilize LinkedIn for networking purposes, updating your profile, and exploring connections that could lead to various opportunities.

Educational Things

Elevate your downtime with engaging educational activities. Explore a world of knowledge and growth through these enjoyable pursuits that turn boredom into an opportunity for learning and enrichment.

87. Dive into Documentaries

When in need of mental stimulation, opt for documentaries exploring intriguing subjects. They provide a deep dive into fascinating topics beyond the usual rom-coms.

88. Embrace Reading

Put down your phone and pick up a book for a captivating escape. Find books that keep you engrossed and entertained.

89. Library Exploration

Head to your local library for a variety of options, from books and DVDs to video games. Enjoy a change of scenery in this cosy haven.

90. Audiobook Enjoyment

If reading feels too much, press play on an audiobook. Listen to a story without needing to give it your full attention; perfect for lazy or distractible moments.

91. Language Learning Adventure

Impress friends by learning a new language, especially one of the easiest ones, in as little as 24 weeks. Explore online resources to embark on this language journey.

92. Podcast Listening

Tune into podcasts based on your interests, whether it’s something scary for parents or royal enthusiasts. Choose from a variety of options for a passive listening experience.

93. Online Chess Play

Enjoy the brain-boosting benefits of chess by playing online. Test your strategic skills and have fun from the comfort of your home.

94. Vocabulary Challenge

Test your patience and vocabulary with the New York Times Spelling Bee. A fun way to enhance your language skills.

95. Crossword Puzzles

Focus your mind and test your general knowledge with crossword puzzles. Use your phone to ask a friend (not Google) when you need help, making it an engaging social activity.

96. Museum Exploration

Take a virtual trip to renowned museums worldwide without leaving your home. Explore cultural gems like the Musée d’Orsay in Paris and the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam from the comfort of your couch.

Leisure Activities

Discover a world of boredom-busting activities! From ordering takeout to learning magic tricks, these simple and fun ideas offer a perfect escape for a more enjoyable and fulfilling day.

97. Order Takeout

Spice up your day by befriending a Chinese restaurant menu. Treat yourself to delicious takeout when your company feels lacking.

98. Shop Online

Enjoy some retail therapy wisely. Check out the latest sales online and spend your hard-earned money on something special.

99. Play Online Blackjack

Dive into a free and addictive card game on the Washington Post website. Have fun without breaking the bank.

100. Talk to a Psychic

Seek excitement by talking to a psychic about your future. Discover what the universe might have in store for you.

101. Make a Time Capsule

Relive good times by creating a time capsule filled with memorable items. Hide it away for a delightful rediscovery when boredom strikes.

102. Binge a TV Series

Kick back and enjoy a TV series marathon. Choose a binge-worthy option, grab snacks, and make it a relaxing experience.

103. Learn a Magic Trick

Embrace your inner magician. Learn magic tricks from online videos or virtual classes and become the life of the party.

104. Play Video Games

Have a lazy day on the couch with some video games. Turn it into a social affair by inviting friends or your significant other to join in.

105. Make a Wish List

Satisfy your online shopping urge without spending money. Create a wish list of things you currently covet.

106. Take a Personality Test

Have fun with personality quizzes. Find entertaining tests online, but remember to take the results with a grain of salt.

107. Read Your Horoscope

Explore your current horoscope for inspiration. Discover new insights to lift your spirits and escape the monotony.

108. Send a Care Package

Brighten someone’s day by curating a care package or sending a ready-made gift basket. Spread thoughtful gestures and kindness.

109. Pleasure Yourself

Add excitement to your day with self-care. Explore effective toys for some personal pleasure.

110. Start a Festive Text Chain

Share this story and plan a party with friends for your next birthday. Whether you get great ideas or a bit of annoyance, it’s all in good fun.

111. Pull Tarot Cards

Use your deck or try a free online reading. Uncover what the cards may reveal about your future and add a touch of mystique to your day.


In conclusion, this list of 100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored offers a wide range of activities to suit any mood or interest. Whether you’re looking to learn something new, get creative, or simply relax and unwind, there’s something on this list for everyone. Remember, boredom is just an opportunity to explore new hobbies, develop skills, or even just take a well-deserved break. So next time you find yourself feeling bored, refer back to this list and choose something that sparks your interest. With these activities, you’re sure to find enjoyable and fulfilling ways to spend your time.

100+ Things to Do When You’re Bored – FAQs

What can I do when I am bored at home?

When you’re bored at home, there are plenty of things you can do to keep yourself entertained:

  • Read a book or listen to an audiobook.
  • Try out a new recipe or bake some cookies.
  • Start a DIY project or craft.
  • Watch a movie or binge-watch a new TV series.
  • Do a puzzle, play board games, or solve brain teasers.

What did I do when I’m bored?

When you’re bored, you might consider doing activities like:

  • Reading a book to immerse yourself in a different world.
  • Cooking or baking something new to treat yourself.
  • Starting a DIY project to express your creativity.
  • Watching a documentary or series to learn something new.
  • Exercising or meditating to boost your mood and health.

What to do on boring days?

  • Read
  • Take a nap
  • Play with your pet
  • Assemble a care package for someone in need
  • Take an online class
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Listen to an audiobook.

What can I do for fun?

  • Go to a museum, aquarium or zoo
  • Read a book
  • Catch a movie
  • Play a game inside
  • Play a game outside
  • Volunteer
  • Visit the farmers market
  • Go thrift shopping.

How can I have fun in 5 minutes?

  • Would You Rather Be Questions.
  • Two Truths and a Lie.
  • Commonalities and Differences.
  • My Name and A Thing.
  • Paper Tower Building.
  • The Great Debate/ Soup, Salad or Sandwich.
  • Random Questions/ Quiz.
  • Never Have I Ever.

Can I do these activities alone or do I need someone with me?

Both! The list contains a mix of solo and group activities. Depending on your preference or the social distancing guidelines in your area, you can choose activities that fit your current circumstances.

Are these activities suitable for all ages?

The list includes a wide range of activities, catering to different age groups and interests. While some may be more suited to adults or teenagers, many can be adapted for children with a little creativity and adult supervision.