Top 50 Dialect Quiz Question and Answers [2024]

Ever thought about which English way of speaking matches your style? Our cool dialect quiz can help figure out your special way of using words! Jump into the wide world of how English sounds different in places and see which one fits you best.

Embark on a fun and insightful quest with our quiz, designed to capture your speech patterns and word choices. Whether it’s the polished tones of British English, the dynamic rhythms of American English, or the enchanting variations in between, this quiz is your key to discovering the English dialect that truly reflects your linguistic style.

Dialect Quiz For USA and UK

Q1. What do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage?

a.) Soda

b.) Pop

c.) Coke

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q2. How do you refer to a group of people?

a.) You guys

b.) Y’all

c.) You lot

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q3. What do you call the end piece of a loaf of bread?

a.) Heel

b.) End

c.) Butt

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q4. What do you call athletic footwear?

a.) Sneakers

b.) Trainers

c.) Running shoes

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q5. What term do you use for rain while the sun is shining?

a.) Sunshower

b.) Liquid sun

c.) The devil is beating his wife

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q6. How do you refer to the act of throwing something?

a.) Chuck

b.) Toss

c.) Hurl

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q7. What do you call the night before Halloween?

a.) Mischief Night

b.) Devil’s Night

c.) Gate Night

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q8. What term do you use for a small freshwater lobster?

a.) Crawfish

b.) Crayfish

c.) Crawdad

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q9. What do you call a long sandwich that contains cold cuts, lettuce, and so on?

a.) Sub

b.) Hoagie

c.) Hero

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q10. How do you refer to someone from the United Kingdom?

a.) Brit

b.) Limey

c.) Pom

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q11. What do you call a small road parallel to the highway?

a.) Frontage Road

b.) Service Road

c.) Access Road

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q12. What term do you use for the sweet spread that comes from fruit?

a.) Jelly

b.) Jam

c.) Preserve

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q13. What do you call the piece of playground equipment where one sits and goes up and down on a fulcrum?

a.) Seesaw

b.) Teeter-totter

c.) Teeterboard

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q14. What term do you use for an alleyway behind houses?

a.) Back alley

b.) Lane

c.) Snicket

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q15. What do you call the act of soliciting a ride from a stranger?

a.) Hitchhiking

b.) Thumb a ride

c.) Autostop

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q16. What term do you use for a rubber-soled shoe worn in gym class?

a.) Sneaker

b.) Trainer

c.) Gym shoe

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q17. How do you refer to the evening meal?

a.) Dinner

b.) Supper

c.) Tea

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q18. What do you call a sweet, frozen dessert made from dairy?

a.) Ice cream

b.) Gelato

c.) Soft serve

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q19. What term do you use for a public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder?

a.) Auction

b.) Sale

c.) Bid sale

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q20. How do you refer to the device that changes TV channels?

a.) Remote control

b.) Clicker

c.) Zapper

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q21. What do you call the paved area beside a house?

a.) Patio

b.) Terrace

c.) Driveway

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q22. What term do you use for a carbonated soft drink in Scotland?

a.) Soda

b.) Pop

c.) Juice

Correct Answer: c.) Juice (specifically, “ginger” is also used).

Q23. How do you refer to an easy class?

a.) Blow off

b.) Gut

c.) Bird course

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q24. What do you call the act of removing weeds from a garden?

a.) Weeding

b.) De-weeding

c.) Weed pulling

Correct Answer: a.) Weeding.

Q25. What term do you use for a shopping cart?

a.) Buggy

b.) Trolley

c.) Cart

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q26. How do you refer to a meal at midday?

a.) Lunch

b.) Dinner

c.) Noon meal

Correct Answer: a.) Lunch (though “dinner” can also be correct in some dialects).

Q27. What do you call a sweet baked good that is small and round?

a.) Cookie

b.) Biscuit

c.) Scone

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q28. What term do you use for a light rain?

a.) Drizzle

b.) Sprinkle

c.) Mizzle

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q29. How do you refer to the paved area for pedestrians at the side of a road?

a.) Sidewalk

b.) Pavement

c.) Footpath

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q30. What do you call the area of grass between the sidewalk and the road?

a.) Boulevard

b.) Verge

c.) Grass strip

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q31. What term do you use for a container for trash?

a.) Trash can

b.) Garbage bin

c.) Rubbish bin

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q32. How do you refer to a carbonated soft drink in the southern United States?

a.) Soda

b.) Pop

c.) Coke (for any kind)

Correct Answer: c.) Coke (for any kind), though all terms are used.

Q33. What do you call a second-year university student?

a.) Sophomore

b.) Second-year

c.) Junior

Correct Answer: a.) Sophomore.

Q34. What term do you use for the holiday following Thanksgiving?

a.) Black Friday

b.) Boxing Day

c.) Sales Day

Correct Answer: a.) Black Friday.

Q35. How do you refer to the last car of a train?

a.) Caboose

b.) Guard’s van

c.) Brake van

Correct Answer: a.) Caboose (primarily in North America).

Q36. What do you call a gathering where each guest contributes a dish of food to be shared?

a.) Potluck

b.) Bring and share

c.) Covered dish party

Correct Answer: a.) Potluck, though all terms describe similar events.

Q37. What term do you use for a machine that dispenses cash?

a.) ATM (Automated Teller Machine)

b.) Cashpoint

c.) Cash machine

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q38. How do you refer to the main administrative area of a city?

a.) City Hall

b.) Town Hall

c.) Municipal building

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q39. What do you call a small, shallow stream?

a.) Brook

b.) Creek

c.) Streamlet

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q40. How do you refer to a temporary cessation of work?

a.) Break

b.) Recess

c.) Time-out

Correct Answer: All are correct.

Q41. What do you call a sweet carbonated beverage specifically in the Northeastern United States?

a.) Soda

b.) Pop

c.) Tonic

Correct Answer: a.) Soda.

Q42. How do you refer to a sandwich made on a round roll with meats and cheeses, typically found in parts of New Jersey and Philadelphia?

a.) Sub

b.) Hoagie

c.) Grinder

Correct Answer: b.) Hoagie.

Q43. What term do you use for the rubber-soled shoes used for athletic activities?

a.) Sneakers

b.) Tennis shoes

c.) Gym shoes

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q44. How do you refer to the large vehicle used to carry freight or goods?

a.) Truck

b.) Lorry

c.) Semi

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q45. What do you call the last meal of the day in the United Kingdom?

a.) Dinner

b.) Supper

c.) Tea

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region and social class.

Q46. What term do you use for a piece of playground equipment that children can slide down?

a.) Slide

b.) Slippery dip

c.) Sliding board

Correct Answer: a.) Slide.

Q47. How do you refer to a carbonated soft drink in Australia?

a.) Soda

b.) Pop

c.) Soft drink

Correct Answer: c.) Soft drink.

Q48. What do you call a small store that sells snacks, drinks, and other everyday items?

a.) Convenience store

b.) Corner shop

c.) Bodega

Correct Answer: All are correct; varies by region.

Q49. How do you refer to the floor of a building that is level with the ground?

a.) First floor

b.) Ground floor

c.) Lobby

Correct Answer: b.) Ground floor (though “first floor” is also used, depending on the country).

Q50. What term do you use for the piece of cloth or paper used at meals to wipe the mouth and to cover the lap?

a.) Napkin

b.) Serviette

c.) Tablecloth

Correct Answer: a.) Napkin, b.) Serviette (both are correct; varies by region).

Well done on finishing our Dialect Quiz! We hope you had fun and learned something new about how English is spoken in different places. This quiz was made to show you the cool and different ways people use English around the world. Whether you love languages or were just curious, we hope you found something interesting. Keep looking into how people talk in different places—it’s a great way to learn more about the world. Thanks for taking our quiz!