Tracking User Engagement in Firebase

Understanding how users interact with our app is important for optimizing user experience and driving engagement. Firebase offers tools to track and analyze user engagement and help developers make data-driven decisions to improve their apps. In

In this article, We will go through the process of tracking user engagement in Firebase and complete it with detailed examples and at the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Firebase Analytics to monitor and enhance user engagement in our app.

Introduction to Firebase Analytics

Firebase Analytics is a part of the Firebase suite and provides insights into user behavior, allowing you to track various events and user properties. It’s a free and powerful solution for measuring user interactions, enabling us to make informed decisions based on real data.

Key Benefits

  • Comprehensive Event Tracking: Monitor specific user actions and interactions within our app.
  • User Segmentation: Define and segment users based on various attributes.
  • Real-Time Analytics: View real-time data and user behavior as it happens.
  • Integration with Firebase Services: Seamlessly integrate with other Firebase products such as Remote Config, A/B Testing, and Cloud Messaging.
  • Custom Reporting: Create custom reports and dashboards in the Firebase console.

Setting Up Firebase Analytics

Before you can track user engagement, you need to set up Firebase Analytics in your project. Here’s a quick overview of the setup process:

Step 1: Create a Firebase Project

  • Navigate to Firebase Console: Go to the Firebase Console.
  • Add a New Project: Click on “Add project,” enter your project name, and follow the setup instructions.

Step 2: Register Your App with Firebase

  • Register Your App: Click on the appropriate platform icon (Web, iOS, Android) and follow the instructions to register your app.
  • Download Configuration File: Firebase will provide you with a configuration file (google-services.json for Android or GoogleService-Info.plist for iOS). Include this file in our app.

Step 3: Integrate Firebase SDK

For Android

Add Firebase SDK: Open your build.gradle file and add the Firebase SDK:

// Project-level build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ''

// App-level build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''

dependencies {
implementation ''

Add Configuration File: Place the google-services.json file in the app/ directory of your project.

For iOS

Add Firebase SDK: Add the Firebase SDK to your Podfile:

# Podfile
platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'YourApp' do
pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
  • Install Pods: Run pod install in your project directory.
  • Add Configuration File: Add the GoogleService-Info.plist file to your Xcode project.

For Web

Install Firebase: Use npm to install Firebase:

npm install firebase

Initialize Firebase: Initialize Firebase in your app:

import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getAnalytics } from "firebase/analytics";

// Your Firebase config object
const firebaseConfig = {
apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY",
authDomain: "",
projectId: "YOUR_PROJECT_ID",
storageBucket: "",
messagingSenderId: "YOUR_SENDER_ID",
appId: "YOUR_APP_ID",
measurementId: "YOUR_MEASUREMENT_ID"

// Initialize Firebase
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const analytics = getAnalytics(app);

Tracking User Engagement

With Firebase Analytics set up, we can start tracking user engagement by logging various events and user properties.

Key Engagement Metrics

  • User Engagement: Measures how long users interact with your app.
  • Active Users: Tracks the number of users actively using your app.
  • Retention: Measures how often users return to your app.
  • Conversion: Tracks actions that lead to a specific goal, such as sign-ups or purchases.

Default Events

Firebase Analytics automatically tracks some default events, such as:

  • first_open: Triggered when a user opens the app for the first time.
  • app_open: This event happens when a user opens the app.
  • screen_view: Triggered when a user views a screen.

Custom Events

To track specific user interactions, you can log custom events. Here’s how to log custom events for different user engagement scenarios.

Example 1: Tracking Button Clicks

Log an event when a user clicks a specific button in our app.

import { logEvent } from "firebase/analytics";

// Log a custom event
logEvent(analytics, 'button_click', {
button_name: 'subscribe'

Example 2: Tracking User Sign-Ups

Log an event when a user signs up for your app.

logEvent(analytics, 'sign_up', {
method: 'email'

Example 3: Tracking In-App Purchases

Log an event when a user makes an in-app purchase.

logEvent(analytics, 'purchase', {
transaction_id: 'T12345',
value: 9.99,
currency: 'USD',
items: [
{ item_id: 'P123', item_name: 'Product Name', item_category: 'Category' }

Example 4: Tracking Feature Engagement

Log an event when a user engages with a specific feature in your app.

logEvent(analytics, 'feature_engagement', {
feature_name: 'chat'

Analyzing User Engagement Data

Using Firebase Console

  • Navigate to the Analytics Dashboard: Go to the Firebase console and click on “Analytics.”
  • Event Reports: View reports for different events you’ve logged, such as button_click, sign_up, and purchase.
  • User Properties: Define and view user properties to segment and analyze your audience.

Creating Custom Reports

Firebase allows you to create custom reports to gain deeper insights into specific metrics.

  • Custom Dashboards: Use the Firebase console to create custom dashboards.
  • Google Analytics Integration: Link your Firebase project to Google Analytics to access advanced reporting and analysis tools.

Example Reports

Report 1: User Sign-Up Funnel

Track the user journey from app open to sign-up to identify drop-off points.

  • Create a Funnel Report: Define the steps in the funnel, such as app_open, view_sign_up_screen, and sign_up.
  • Analyze Drop-Off Rates: Identify where users are dropping off in the sign-up process and optimize accordingly.

Report 2: Feature Engagement

Measure how often users engage with specific features in your app.

  • Track Feature Engagement Events: Log events for feature engagements, such as feature_engagement.
  • Create a Custom Report: View the frequency and duration of feature engagements to understand user interest.

Example Outputs

User Engagement Report: Shows the average session duration and number of engaged sessions per user.

  • Active Users Report: Displays the daily, weekly, and monthly active users.
  • Retention Report: Tracks user retention rates over time, indicating how often users return to your app.
  • Conversion Report: Measures conversion rates for specific goals, such as sign-ups or purchases.

Best Practices for Tracking User Engagement

  • Define Clear Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with your analytics data (e.g., increase user engagement, track conversions).
  • Track Relevant Events: Focus on tracking events that align with your objectives and provide actionable insights.
  • Segment Your Audience: Use user properties to segment your audience and analyze their behavior more effectively.
  • Monitor Regularly: Make it a habit to check your analytics data often. Look for trends, patterns, and areas where you can improve.
  • Optimize Based on Insights: Use the data to make informed decisions and optimize your app for better user engagement.


Tracking user engagement with Firebase Analytics is essential for understanding how users interact with your app and making data-driven decisions to improve their experience. By setting up Firebase Analytics, logging relevant events, and analyzing the data, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior and optimize your app accordingly.