We know that a unidirectional device like a SCR incorporates the characteristics of the reverse blocking current since it stops the progression of current in a reverse-biased state however for a few applications, this sort of current control is essential, particularly in AC circuits. So this can be accomplished through SCRs, where the association of two SCRs ought to be finished in enemy of lined up for controlling over both positive as well as bad information half cycles. However, this game plan can be changed through a unique semiconductor device called TRIAC, used to accomplish bidirectional control. This device controls the air conditioner unequivocally and every now and again utilized in controlling the speed of the engine, AC control devices, AC circuits, light dimmers, pressure control systems, and so on.

In this Article We will be Going Through TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current), We will go through the Types of TRIAC, Characteristics of TRIAC, How to Trigger the TRIAC, TRIAC Dimming and at last we will Conclude our Article With its Applications, Advantages, Conclusion and Some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Construction
  • Triggering of TRIAC
  • Types
  • TRIAC Dimming
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications
  • TRIAC Vs Thyristor

What is TRIAC?

TRIAC(Triode for Alternating Current) is a semiconductor device broadly utilized in power control and exchanging applications. It finds applications in exchanging, stage control, chopper plans, splendor control in lights, speed control in fans, engines, and so forth. The power control framework is intended to control the conveyance level of AC or DC. Such power control frameworks can be utilized to change the capacity of machines manually or when temperature or light levels go past a preset level.

TRIAC Symbol

Symbolic representation of TRIAC

It is identical to two SCRs associated in opposite lined up with the gates connected together. Subsequently, it capabilities as a Bidirectional switch to pass the ongoing in the two directions once the gate is triggered. It is a three-terminal gadget with the Principal terminal1 ( MT1), Fundamental terminal 2( MT2), and a Door. The MT1 and MT2 terminals are utilized to associate the Stage and Nonpartisan lines while the Entryway is utilized to take care of the setting off beat. The gate can be set off either by a positive voltage or negative voltage.

At the point when the MT2 terminal gets a positive voltage concerning the MT1 terminal and the gate gets a positive trigger, then at that point, the left SCR of the TRIAC triggers and circuit finishes. Be that as it may, in the event that the extremity of the voltage at the MT2 and MT1 terminals is switched and a negative heartbeat is applied to the Entryway, then the right SCR of TRIAC conducts. At the point when the gate current is taken out, the TRIAC turns off. So a base holding current should be kept up with at the entryway to keep the TRIAC leading.

Construction of TRIAC

The construction of TRIAC is shown in below. It incorporates four layers as well as six doping regions. The planning of its gate terminal should be possible with an Ohmic contact utilizing two regions specifically the P region and N region so this device can initiate through both the polarities. Despite the fact that it is a bidirectional device, where the current and voltage of this can be indicated with MT1 like the reference to lessening confusion.

Construction of TRIAC

In case of SCR, the terminals of the TRIAC can be meant with MT1 and MT2 like an anode and cathode, and the gate terminal can be addressed through ‘G’ like the thyristor. The door terminal ‘G’ is associated with both P2 and N4 regions through a metallic contact and it is near the MT1 terminal.

The association of MT1 should be possible to both the locales of P2 and N2 though MT2 can be associated with the areas of both P1 and N3. Consequently, the two terminals like MT1&MT2 are associated with both the districts of P and N of the gadget. In this way, the ongoing stream between these two terminals can be chosen through the layers in the device.

MT2 is associated with positive by the gate open when contrasted with MT1 for a TRIAC which is associated in forward biased. Accordingly, TRIAC works in the mode of forward blocking until the voltage across the TRIAC is low as compared with forwarding break overvoltage. Similarly, the MT2 terminal is made negative when a TRIAC is associated backward predisposition concerning the MT1 terminal through entryway open, then this gadget works in the method of opposite obstructing mode. A TRIAC can be made conductive through either positive in any case negative voltage on the gate terminal.

Triggering a TRIAC

When the applied voltage in the TRIAC is equivalent to the breakdown voltage, then the TRIAC will go into the conduction state. Be that as it may, the most chosen technique for turning ON a TRIAC is by offering either a positive gate signal or a negative gate signal.

On the off chance that the progression of current at the entryway terminal is high, less voltage is expected to turn ON the TRIAC and it has the ability to get switch ON through both the polarities toward the door signal. The working of TRIAC should be possible in four sorts of modes like the accompanying.

MT2 terminal is positive as for MT1 terminal through a positive gate extremity concerning MT1 terminal.

MT2 terminal is positive as for MT1 terminal through a negative gate extremity as for MT1.

MT2 terminal is negative concerning MT1 terminal through a negative gate extremity as for MT1 terminal.

MT2 terminal is negative as for MT1 terminal through a positive gate extremity concerning MT1 terminal.


In this mode, when the MT2 terminal is positive regarding the MT1 Terminal, then the ongoing stream will be toward P1-N1-P2-N2. In the meantime, the intersection among the layers like P1-N1 and P2-N2 is associated in forward one-sided while the Intersection among N1-P2 is associated backward one-sided. Once the positive signal is given to the door terminal then the intersection among P2-N2 is associated in forward one-sided and breakdown occurs


When the MT2 terminal is positive and the door signal is negative, then the progression of current will be likewise to the main method of P1-N1-P2-N2, but here the intersection among the P2-N2 can be associated in forward one-sided and the ongoing transporters are added into the P2 layer.


When the MT2 terminal is positive and negative sign can be given toward the door terminal, then the progression of current will be toward P2-N1-P2-N2. In the meantime, the intersection among the two layers like P2-N1 and P1-N4 is associated in forward one-sided while the intersection among the layers N1-P1 is associated backward one-sided. Hence, this TRIAC will work inside the locale of adversely one-sided.


When the MT2 terminal is negative and the entryway terminal is enacted through a positive sign then the intersection among P2-N2 is associated in sending one-sided and the transporters of current are added, in this way the TRIAC is turned ON. Normally, the TRIAC doesn’t work in that frame of mind because of the downside that it ought not be utilized for high di/dt circuits.

The awareness of TRIAC setting off by utilizing modes 2 and 3 is high. The negative entryway sign can be utilized in the event of a minor enacting limit. The initiating of mode 1 is delicate when contrasted with different modes like 2 and 3, but it utilizes a positive entryway signal for enacting. The most often utilized modes are 2 and 3.

A basic application circuit of TRIAC is shown. For the most part, TRIAC has three terminals M1, M2, and door. A TRIAC, light burden, and a stock voltage are associated in series. At the point when supply is ON at positive cycle then the ongoing courses through light, resistors, and DIAC (gave setting off beats are given at pin 1 of optocoupler bringing about pin 4 and 6 beginnings leading) entryway and arrives at the inventory and afterward just light gleams for that half cycle straightforwardly through the M2 and M1 terminal of the TRIAC.

Working Diagram of TRIAC

Waveform of TRIAC

In the negative half cycle, exactly the same thing rehashes. Subsequently the light gleams in both the cycles in a controlled way relying on the setting off beats at the isolator as seen on the chart beneath. In the event that this is given to an engine rather than a light the power is controlled bringing about speed control.

Triggering of TRIAC

They have a 4 modes of triggering are possible in TRIAC:

  1. A positive voltage at MT2 and a positive pulse at the gate
  2. A positive voltage at MT2 and a negative pulse at the gate
  3. A negative voltage at MT2 and a positive pulse at the gate
  4. A negative voltage at MT2 and a negative pulse at the gate

V-I Characteristics of TRIAC

V-I Characteristics of TRIAC

TRIAC is comprised of two SCRs in backwards equal. It works in four modes. At first the TRIAC works in forward and turn around impeding mode and just little spillage current moves through it. At the point when the applied voltage at the MT2 terminal is additionally expanded and when it crosses the breakover voltage TRIAC begins conduction. The ongoing begin to flow and the voltage applied at the gate terminal controls this current flow.

First Quadrant (I)

  • In this quadrant, both MT1 (Main Terminal 1) and MT2 (Mian Terminal 2) are positive concerning the gate terminal.
  • At the point when a positive voltage is applied to the gate terminal concerning MT2, the TRIAC becomes forward-one-sided, permitting current to flow.
  • The TRIAC conducts during the positive half-cycle of the AC waveform.

Second Quadrant (II)

  • MT1 is negative, and MT2 is positive concerning the gate terminal.
  • Applying a positive voltage to the gate terminal as for MT1 triggers the TRIAC to lead.
  • The gadget conducts during the negative half-cycle of the AC waveform.

Third Quadrant (III)

  • Both MT1 and MT2 are negative concerning the gate terminal.
  • A negative voltage applied to the entryway terminal as for MT2 makes the TRIAC lead during the positive half-cycle.
  • This quadrant permits control of force in the negative half-pattern of the AC waveform.

Fourth Quadrant (IV)

  • MT1 is positive, and MT2 is negative concerning the gate terminal.
  • A negative voltage applied to the entryway terminal regarding MT1 makes the TRIAC lead during the negative half-cycle.
  • This quadrant empowers control of force in the positive half-pattern of the AC waveform.

Types of TRIAC

Generally there are some types of TRIAC as follows:

  • General useful TRIACs: These are flexible TRIACs intended for many range applications. They are regularly utilized in light dimmers, motor speed controls, and other universally useful AC power control circuits.
  • Sensitive Gate TRIACs: Sensitive Gate TRIACs require lower triggering current and are profoundly receptive to control signals. They are reasonable for applications where low-power control signals are accessible.
  • High Commutation TRIACs: High compensation TRIACs are intended to deal with high paces of progress of current (di/dt). They are in many cases utilized in applications where quick exchanging happens to limit the gamble of false triggering.
  • High-temperature TRIACs: These TRIACs are intended to work proficiently at raised temperatures. They find applications in conditions where heat dispersal is a basic variable.
  • Low Holding Current TRIACs: Low holding current TRIACs require a lower current to keep up with conduction once triggered. This element can be helpful in applications where it is critical to limit power utilization.
  • Gate Trigger Current Variations: TRIACs are accessible with various door trigger current details. Standard TRIACs have a commonplace door trigger current, while high and low trigger current variations take care of explicit application prerequisites.
  • Snubberless TRIACs: Snubberless TRIACs consolidate an implicit snubber organization to ingest the energy created during exchanging changes. This diminishes the requirement for outside snubber circuits and improves on plan in specific applications.

TRIAC Dimming

TRIAC dimming is a strategy used to control the brightness of glowing lights and particular sorts of dimmable LED or smaller bright lights. It includes the utilization of a TRIAC (Triode for Alternating Current) to direct the power provided to the load, taking into consideration smooth and constant change of the light output.

Here is a step-by-step clarification of TRIAC dimming:

  • AC Power Supply – The TRIAC dimming interaction starts with an alternate current(AC) power supply. In private and business applications, this is commonly the standard substituting flow given by the electrical GRID.
  • TRIAC Component– A TRIAC is a three-terminal semiconductor device that goes about as a switch for controlling AC power. It can lead in the two directions, permitting it to control power during both the positive and negative half-cycles of the air AC waveform.
  • Control Signal– To control the TRIAC and, subsequently, the power conveyed to the heap, a control signal is applied to the door terminal of the TRIAC. This sign is many times created by a stage cut dimmer switch.
  • Firing Angle Adjustment– The TRIAC is set off into conduction at a particular point in every half-pattern of the air conditioner waveform. The planning of this setting off, known as the terminating point, decides the part of the waveform over which power is conveyed to the heap. Changing the terminating point really controls how much power arriving at the load.
  • Variable Brightness- By changing the firing angle, the successful power conveyed to the heap can be shifted. While the terminating point is close to the start of the half-cycle, more power is conveyed, bringing about more splendid light. On the other hand, while the terminating point is nearer to the furthest limit of the half-cycle, less power is conveyed, dimming the light.
  • Smooth Dimming- TRIAC dimming gives smooth and constant diminishing of lights without perceptible advances or gleaming. This is especially profitable for making climate and changing lighting levels to suit various situations.
  • Similarity with Various Loads- TRIAC dimming is regularly utilized with glowing lights, yet it can likewise work with particular kinds of dimmable LEDs and reduced fluorescents. Nonetheless, not all Driven or bright lights are viable with TRIAC dimmers, so it’s critical to actually take a look at the determinations and ensure similarity.

Advantages of TRIAC

  • Low cost: TRIAC are generally cheap and promptly accessible, pursuing them a savvy decision for some applications.
  • AC Power Control: TRIAC are utilized to control the power conveyed to AC loads, like lights, radiators, and little engines. They can switch AC power on and off, making them appropriate for diminishing lights or directing the speed of engines.
  • Easy to Control: TRIAC are not difficult to control utilizing low-power gadgets, for example, microcontrollers or basic setting off circuits. This simplicity of control makes them reasonable for a large number of uses.
  • Bi-directional Conduction: TRIAC are bidirectional gadgets, meaning they have some control over current stream in the two bearings. This makes them ideal for AC applications where the current intermittently switches heading.
  • Long Lifespan: Strong state parts like TRIAC have a more extended life expectancy contrasted with mechanical switches or transfers, as they have no moving parts.
  • Low cost: TRIAC are generally cheap and promptly accessible, pursuing them a savvy decision for some applications.
  • Smaller Size: TRIAC come in minimized bundles, considering space-proficient plans in different electronic circuits.
  • High Efficiency: TRIAC ordinarily have low voltage drops while directing, bringing about insignificant power scattering. This proficiency is significant in applications where power misfortune should be limited.

Disadvantages of TRIAC

  • Sensitivity to Voltage Transients: TRIAC can be delicate to voltage homeless people or spikes, which can set off accidental exchanging or harm the gadget. Proper insurance circuits might be expected to moderate this issue.
  • Non-Linear Conductance: The conductance of a TRIAC isn’t straight with the door current, which can make exact control seriously testing in certain applications.
  • Gate Triggering: TRIAC require exact entryway setting off to accurately work. Wrong setting off can bring about undesired conduction or breakdown. Outer circuits are frequently expected to create the right door trigger signs.
  • Limited to AC Applications: TRIAC are planned explicitly for exchanging current (AC) applications and can’t be utilized to control direct current (DC) loads without extra hardware.
  • No Isolation: TRIAC don’t give electrical confinement between the control circuit and the heap. In certain applications, this absence of confinement can be a wellbeing concern or may require extra parts to give disengagement.
  • Limited Switching Speed: TRIAC have impediments on their exchanging speed, which may not be appropriate for high-recurrence applications. For extremely quick exchanging, different gadgets like protected door bipolar semiconductors (IGBTs) or MOSFETs might be more suitable.
  • Limited Voltage Range: TRIAC are ordinarily utilized in low-and medium-voltage applications. For high-voltage applications, elective gadgets like high-power thyristors might be more appropriate.
  • Limited to Resistive Loads: TRIAC are the most appropriate for controlling resistive burdens. They may not be reasonable for a few inductive or capacitive burdens, and extra hardware might be expected to successfully deal with these heaps.

Applications of TRIAC

  • AC Power Controllers: TRIACs are fundamental parts in AC power Controllers utilized in different electronic device and apparatuses. They give a method for changing the power conveyed to resistive loads.
  • Light Dimmers: TRIACs are broadly utilized in light dimmer circuits for changing the brilliance of radiant lights. By controlling the firing angle of the TRIAC, the power provided to the light can be shifted, considering smooth dimming.
  • Motor Speed Control: TRIACs are utilized in motor speed control circuits for single-stage AC engines. By controlling the power provided to the engine, the speed can be changed.
  • Switching Power Supplies: In some exchanging power supply circuits, TRIACs are used to control the power conveyed to the load. This is particularly obvious in applications where the load is resistive and requires variable power.
  • Phase-Shift Triggering Circuits: TRIACs are many times utilized in phase shift setting off circuits for controlling the power consider amendment AC circuits.
  • Heat Control: In applications where exact control of warming components is required, for example, in broilers or electric ovens, TRIACs are utilized to direct the capacity to the heating components.
  • Fan Speed Control: TRIACs can be utilized to control the speed of AC fans in cooling and ventilation systems. By changing the firing angle, the speed of the fan can be controlled.

Difference Between TRIAC AND Thyristor




Type of Device

It is a bidirectional device

It is a unidirectional device


It Controls AC Power

It Controls DC Power


It Conducts in Both Directions

It Conducts only one direction

Number of Terminals

It have a 3 terminals(MT1, MT2 and Gate)

It have a 3 terminals(Anode, Cathode and Gate)

Voltage Rating

It used for low to medium voltage applications

It used for medium to high voltage applications


Triode for Alternating Current

Silicon Controlled Rectifier


AC power control, Heating Control, Light Dimming, Motor speed control etc.

Rectifiers, power supplies, Inverters, Battery charges etc.


TRIACS(triode for rotating current) are strong state electronic gadgets with a few benefits and hindrances that make them reasonable for explicit AC power control applications. Their essential benefits incorporate bidirectional conduction, cost-adequacy, conservative size, simplicity of control, high productivity, dependability, and quiet activity. TRIAC are especially valuable for darkening lights, managing engine speed, and controlling different AC loads.

However, TRIAC likewise have constraints that ought to be thought about while planning circuits and choosing parts. These limits incorporate aversion to voltage drifters, non-straight conductance, restricted voltage and current evaluations, the requirement for heat soaking in high-power applications, and restricted appropriateness for specific burdens like inductive or capacitive ones. TRIACS are the most ideal for resistive loads and low-to medium-voltage applications.

In general, TRIAC are significant devices in gadgets and electrical designing, yet they ought to be utilized wisely while considering their benefits and drawbacks to guarantee protected and viable activity in unambiguous AC power control situations. Appropriate plan and assurance measures are crucial for capitalize on their abilities and moderate their limits.


What is a TRIAC?

A TRIAC, another way to say “triode for rotating current,” is a strong state electronic gadget utilized for controlling the force of AC (exchanging current) loads.

How would you trigger a TRIAC?

TRIAC are set off by applying a door current, which is commonly finished through a low-voltage control circuit. The door current starts conduction through the TRIAC.

Can TRIAC be use with microcontrollers or advanced control systems?

Indeed, TRIAC can be incorporated into control frameworks, and you can set off them with the proper voltage levels created by microcontrollers or computerized control circuits.

What is the “firing angle” in TRIAC control?

The terminating point, frequently communicated in degrees, is the postpone between the no intersection of the air conditioner waveform and when the TRIAC is set off to lead. It decides how much power conveyed to the heap in stage control applications.

Do TRIAC require heat sinking?

In high-power applications, TRIAC can produce heat and may require heat sinking to disperse this intensity and forestall overheating.