Twitter Interview Questions | Set 2

Question 1: Acme Rotations 

Archaeologists on planet Acme just uncovered an ancient temple! Above. At the entrance, there is an inscription written in lowercase English letters, where each letter is carved into its own stone block. There is a lever next to it that causes a single left-circular rotation of the inscription each time it’s pulled. For example, if the inscription says, BCA pulling the lever once changes the inscription to cab and pulling, a second time changes the inscription to ABC. The door will unlock once the inscription is rotated into a state where it’s as lexicographically small as is possible. lexicographically small means has the lowest alphabetical order. 
Complete the function in the editor below It has one parameter a string inscription, describing the inscription over. a temple’s entrance. the function must return an integer denoting the minimum number of left circular rotations needed to make the inscription a, lexicographically small as possible. 

Input Format 
Locked stub code in the editor reads a string denoting inscription from stdin and passes it to the function. 
• The inscription consists of lowercase English alphabet letters only. 
• 1<= length of inscription <= 10^6 
Output Format 
Return an integer denoting, the minimum number of left-circular rotations needed to make the inscription as lexicographically small as possible. This is printed to stdout by locked stud code in the editor. 

Sample Input 0 

Sample Output 0 

Sample Input 1 

Sample Output 1 


Question 2: Identifying Triangles 

Twitter encourages people to create clear bolts. Imagine you wanted to write a bot that created beautiful triangles from a string of integer values. 
Given a string of integer values in the form a b c, we want to know which of the following answers that the values of a,b and c satisfy: 


  • if the values form a valid triangle that has exactly equal sides. the answer is Equilateral.
  • if the values form a valid triangle that has exactly three equal sides, the answer is Equilateral.
  • if the values do not form a triangle then is neither isosceles nor equilateral, the answer is None of these.

input Format 

The first line contains an integer, n, denoting the number of elements in abc 
Each line i of the n subsequent lines (where 0 <= i < n) contains a string describing abci. 


1 <= n <= 5000 
1 <= a,b,c <= 2000 


All Practice Problems for Twitter