Twitter Recruitment Process

This article will give you information about the company, its recruitment process, sample questions that have been asked previously, lots of experiences shared by other aspirants, and the portal where you can apply.

About Company:

Users send messages known as “tweets” on Twitter, a microblogging and social networking platform owned by the American firm Twitter, Inc. Unregistered users can only view public tweets with some restrictions, however, registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets. Users can connect with Twitter programmatically through its APIs or using frontend apps for mobile devices or web browsers. Services were accessible via SMS till April 2020. In November 2017, the character limit for tweets in languages other than CJK was increased from 140 to 280. Most accounts continue to limit audio and video tweets to 140 seconds.

Recruitment Process :

  • Online Assessment
  • Technical Interview 1
  • Technical Interview 2
  • Design Round
  • Managerial + HR

Twitter Eligibility Criteria :

  • Graduate in Engineering

Online Assessment: This round is Conducted on an Online Platform Question asked about Data Structure and Algorithms Two – Three Questions Medium -Hard Level.

Technical Interview 1:  Check your Problem-Solving Skills Questions ask about Data Structure and Algorithms.

Technical Interview 2: Discussion on Projects and Data Structure and Algorithms and Computer Science Concepts.

Design Round: Questions ask on Low-Level Design and High-Level Design in Depth.

Managerial + HR:  Behavioral and Normal Hr Questions.

  • Tell me about yourself. …
  • Why do you want to work for our company? …
  • What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses? …
  • Why are you looking for a change?

Interview Experience: It is always beneficial if you know what it is to be there at that moment. So, to give you an advantage, we provide you with Interview Experiences of candidates who have been in your situation earlier. Make the most of it. To check all types of interview experiences please go through Twitter.

Questions Asked in Twitter :

We have resources for you from which you can prepare the programming questions that tech companies will ask you in the interview.

Where To apply:

  • Twitter LinkedIn
  • Twitter Career Page