Types of Biodiversity : Overview & Importance

Types of biodiversity on the earth are found in vast diversified ways, including species, genes, and ecosystems. The biodiversity evolved over 3.8 billion years ago along with land, freshwater, and ocean life. It also includes interaction between species and their environments.

Table of Content

  • Types of Biodiversity- Overview
  • What is Biodiversity?
  • Types of Biodiversity
  • Species Diversity
  • Genetic Diversity
  • Ecological Diversity
  • Importance of Biodiversity

Types of Biodiversity- Overview

First Type of Biodiversity

Species Diversity

Second Type of Biodiversity

Genetic Diversity

Third Type of Biodiversity

Ecosystem Diversity

What is Biodiversity?

The term biodiversity was used for the first time in 1985. It can be defined as the number and the variety of living organisms living in a particular area. This area may include plants, animals, and microorganisms. It usually refers to the diversity of living organisms found in an ecosystem. It is a kind of earth’s library consisting of a variety of life at every level from genes to ecosystems.

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines biodiversity as, “the variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine & other aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes of which they are part, this includes diversity within species, between species & of ecosystems.”

Types of Biodiversity

Broadly, biodiversity is categorized into three types. These three types are as follows:

  1. Species Diversity
  2. Genetic Diversity
  3. Ecological Diversity

Species Diversity

Species diversity refers to the variety of different species within an ecosystem. It includes from the smallest bacteria to the largest mammals and trees. These may be invisible to the naked eye. The higher the number of species in an ecosystem, the greater the stability and productivity.

It is found within the community or a particular geographical area. It is measured by the species richness and the species evenness. Species richness refers to the number of different species per unit area in a region. Whereas, species evenness refers to the relative abundance of individuals of different species in a unit area.

Genetic Diversity

Genetic diversity can be defined as the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic combination of species. No two individuals from the same species can be exactly similar. it shows differences in appearances and functions.

Genetic variation ensures the survival of the species through reproduction and adaptation to the environment.

Ecological/Ecosystem Diversity

Ecological diversity can be defined as the variety of ecosystems in a geographical location and across the planet. It consists of a wide range from forests, grasslands, and deserts to lakes, rivers, and oceans. Each segment supports a unique compilation of life. Ecological diversity contributes to economic diversity that provides a range of goods and services such as agriculture, fishing, and tourism.

Importance of Biodiversity

Biodiversity is like a safety net for the Earth. It helps ecosystems to recover from disasters, supports food chains, and helps to maintain the climate.

  • Ecological stability: In ecosystems, every species needs requirements to survive and grow. Every species of biodiversity depends upon each other and other factors. These help in sol formation, reducing pollution, and protecting land, water, and air resources. All of these functions are important for the ecosystem to function and perform its activities.
  • Economically importance: It is a key source of goods and services that support the economies. These goods are food, fiber, and medicine whereas the services include pollination, water purification, and disease regulation along with climate change regulation.
  • Ethical Importance: Many cultures, traditions, and lives surround biodiversity. These are integral to beliefs, traditions, and so on.

Biodiversity in India

India is very rich in biodiversity. It ranks ninth for the plant species richness globally. There are major four biodiversity hotspots in India. These are as follows:

  1. Himalayas
  2. Indo-Burma Region
  3. western ghats
  4. Sundaland


To conclude, we need to understand the importance and role of biodiversity in our lives. The types of biodiversity help us to understand the role of all factors involved in the ecosystems. To conserve biodiversity, it is very important to know and understand the different types of biodiversity so that it can help us to conserve and plan accordingly. The interdependence of these types of biodiversity shows the need for conservation and protection of the biological resources around us. Biodiversity has been facing threats from habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and overexploitation. Therefore, there should be efforts to save and protect the environment and biodiversity at the international—national, and local level.

FAQs on Types of Biodiversity

What are the types of biodiversity?

There are three types of biodiversity. These are species diversity, genetic diversity, and the ecosystem diversity.

What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity refer to the variety and various biotic and abiotic components of life. It includes diverse species, genes, ecosystem.

What is the importance of biodiversity?

The importance of biodiversity can be seen through its critical role in maintaining and sustaining the life on the death. It provides goods and services to support the life.

When was the term biodiversity first used?

The term biodiversity was used for the first time in 1985.

What is species diversity?

Species diversity can de defined as the variety of species living within a ecosystem.

What is genetic diversity?

The genetic diversity reers to the difference and distinction between the species in their appearance an the function due to difference in genes.

What is ecosystem diversity?

The ecosystem diversity refers to the variety of ecosystems in a particular area that includes various ecosystems such as forests, grasalnds, desrts, lakes, rivers, and oceans.