Types of Titration

Titration is an important process in chemical analysis used to determine the quantity of a sample’s constituent by adding a known proportion of a standard solution. There are several types of titrations based on the nature of the chemical reaction between the sample and the titrant. In this article, we will see what is titration, its types, applications, and more.

Table of Content

  • What is Titration?
  • Types of Titration
  • Acid-Base Titration
  • Redox Titration
  • Precipitation Titration
  • Complexometric Titration

What is Titration?

Titration is a laboratory method of quantitative chemical analysis used to determine the concentration of an unknown solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. This process involves the slow addition of a titrant (a solution of known concentration) to an analyte (a solution of unknown concentration) until a neutralization reaction occurs, often indicated by a color change. The endpoint of titration is the point at which the reaction is complete. In titration, indicators like phenolphthalein or methyl-orange are used to detect the endpoint, which is crucial for determining the exact amount of titrant consumed.

Types of Titration

The different types of titrations include acid-base titrations, precipitation titrations, complex-formation titrations, and redox titrations, each serving specific analytical purposes based on the chemical reactions involved in the process.

Acid-Base Titration

An acid-base titration is a quantitative analysis method used to determine the concentration of acids or bases in a solution by neutralizing them with a solution of known concentration. A few examples of acid-base titration are:

  1. NaOH and HCl Titration
  2. Ba(OH)2 and HClO4 Titration
  3. HCOOH and LiOH Titration

An acid-base titration is a fundamental technique used in chemistry to determine the concentration of an acid or a base in a solution by reacting it with a solution of known concentration. This process involves the controlled addition of one solution to another until the reaction is complete, typically monitored using a pH indicator that changes color at the endpoint. In this method, a strong acid can be titrated with a strong base or vice versa to reach the equivalence point where neutralization occurs, resulting in the formation of water and salt. The pH at the equivalence point for titrations of a strong acid with a strong base is always 7.0, indicating a neutral solution.

Acid-Base titration Curve

Acid-base titrations are crucial in analytical chemistry for quantitatively analyzing solutions’ acid or base concentrations. A titration curve, which plots solution pH against the amount of added titrant, is used to monitor and detect the endpoint of the titration. This curve provides valuable information about the solution’s composition and helps in computing sample pH at different stages of the titration process.

Redox Titration

Redox titration involves an oxidizing agent being titrated against a reducing agent, where electrons are transferred between species. In these titrations, transition metal ions like manganate(VII) and dichromate(VI) are commonly used, with the former being self-indicating due to its color change. Different types of Redox titrations are as follows:

Permanganate Titration

In permanganate titrations, potassium permanganate (KMnO4) is used as the oxidizing agent. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • The purple potassium manganate(VII) solution is placed in the burette.
  • The analyte, often containing iron(II) ions, is titrated with KMnO4 until a color change occurs.
  • The endpoint is marked by a color change from purple to pink, indicating excess manganate(VII) ions.
  • An example calculation involves determining the percentage of iron in iron(II) sulfate tablets based on the titration results.

Dichromate Titration

Dichromate titrations involve using potassium dichromate(VI) (K2Cr2O7) as the oxidizing agent. The procedure includes:

  • Acidifying the solution with sulfuric acid to provide hydrogen ions for the reaction.
  • The color change at the endpoint is from orange (dichromate(VI)) to green (chromium(III)).
  • An indicator like diphenylamine sulfonate can be used to enhance the color change at the endpoint.

Iodometric and Iodimetric Titration

Iodometric titrations involve iodine (I2) being reduced to iodide (I-) using a reducing agent like thiosulfate. The procedure includes:

  • Converting an unknown amount of solute to an equivalent amount of iodine for titration.
  • Other halogens or haloalkanes may be used in intermediate reactions for better accuracy.
  • The blue color of iodine disappears when all iodine is spent, marking the endpoint.

Gravimetric Analysis

In analytical chemistry, Gravimetric Analysis is a quantitative method that determines the quantity of an analyte based on the mass of a solid. The procedure involves several key steps:

Preparation of the Solution:

  • Weigh the sample to be analyzed.
  • Dissolve the sample in a suitable solvent, such as water.

Separation of the Desired Constituent:

  • Add a precipitating reagent to the solution to precipitate the analyte.
  • The precipitate formed must be a pure substance with a definite chemical composition.

Weighing the Isolated Constituent:

  • Filter and isolate the precipitate from the solution.
  • Wash and dry the precipitate to a constant mass.
  • Weigh the precipitate accurately using a balance or similar equipment.

Calculating the Quantity of the Analyte:

  • Determine the amount of a specific constituent in the sample based on the measured weight of the separated constituent.

Gravimetric analysis can be used in various applications, such as determining chemical composition, calibrating equipment, and analyzing industrial materials. It is based on the principle of mass conservation, where the total mass of reactants and products in a chemical reaction remains constant.

Volumetric Analysis Titration

Volumetric analysis, also known as titrimetry, is a quantitative chemical analysis method that determines the concentration of a solution by measuring the volume of one solution needed to react with another. The procedure involves several key steps:

Preparation of Solutions:

  • Prepare a solution from an accurately weighed sample to be analyzed.
  • Choose a substance that reacts rapidly and completely with the analyte to prepare a standard solution of known concentration.

Titration Process:

  • Place the standard solution in a burette and slowly add it to the unknown solution (analyte) in an Erlenmeyer flask.
  • Add the titrant slowly while swirling the flask until the indicator changes color at the endpoint.
  • The endpoint is reached when the amount of titrant added exactly reacts with all the analytes present, marked by a color change.

Calculating Analyte Concentration:

  • Before and after titration, measure the exact volume of standard solution used from the burette readings.
  • Calculate the number of moles of titrant based on its known concentration and volume used.
  • Determine the number of moles of analyte present in the sample using stoichiometry from the balanced chemical equation.
  • Calculate the concentration of the analyte based on the number of moles and volume used in the titration.

Use of Indicators:

  • Indicators are substances that change color at or near the equivalence point, aiding in detecting the endpoint accurately.

Volumetric analysis is crucial for determining concentrations, molecular masses, purity percentages, and stoichiometry in chemical reactions. It involves precise measurements using specialized apparatus like burettes, pipettes, and volumetric flasks to ensure accuracy.

Precipitation Titration

Precipitation titration is a method based on the formation of a slightly soluble precipitate during the titration process. The procedure involves the following key steps:

Preparation of Solutions:

  • Prepare a solution of the analyte (the substance being analyzed) and a standard solution of the titrant (the solution added to react with the analyte).
  • The titrant should form an insoluble substance with the analyte.

Titration Process:

  • Slowly add the titrant to the analyte solution while stirring until a visible precipitate forms.
  • The endpoint is reached when all the analyte has reacted with the titrant, indicated by the formation of a precipitate.

Calculating Analyte Concentration:

  • Measure the volume of titrant used during the titration.
  • Calculate the concentration of the analyte based on the volume and known concentration of the titrant.

Use of Indicators:

  • Indicators like potassium chromate can be used to detect the endpoint by forming colored precipitates.

Complexometric Titration

Complexometric titration, also known as chelatometry, is a volumetric analysis method that uses the formation of colored complexes to indicate the endpoint of a titration. The procedure consists of the following key aspects:

Preparation of Solutions:

  • Prepare a solution of the analyte containing metal ions and a standard solution of the titrant, often ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
  • The EDTA forms complexes with metal ions in solution.

Titration Process:

  • Add the EDTA titrant to the analyte solution containing metal ions until a color change occurs, indicating the formation of metal-EDTA complexes.
  • The endpoint is reached when all metal ions have formed complexes with EDTA, leading to a distinct color change.

Calculating Analyte Concentration:

  • Measure the volume of EDTA titrant used during the titration.
  • Calculate the concentration of metal ions in the analyte based on the volume and known concentration of EDTA.

Use of Indicators:

  • Complexometric indicators like Fast Sulphon Black, Eriochrome Black T, or Murexide are used to detect the endpoint by displacing them from metal cations in solution.

Example Result:

An example application involves determining total hardness in water using complexometric titration with EDTA. The process includes:

  • Adding excess standard EDTA and back-titrating with standard Mg solution using an indicator like solochrome black to determine the sum of all metals present.
  • Treating an aliquot portion with excess KCN to determine Mg only.
  • Adding excess chloral hydrate to liberate Zn from the cyanide complex and titrating until the indicator turns blue to determine Zn content.
  • The Cu content can then be calculated by difference.

Complexometric titrations are widely used for determining metal ion concentrations in various samples due to their accuracy and versatility. These methods are essential in industries like pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and analytical chemistry for precise metal ion analysis.

Types of Titration FAQs

What is titration and its types?

Titration is a method used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution by reacting it with a known concentration of another substance. Types include acid-base, redox, and complexometric titrations.

What is the titration method?

Titration involves slowly adding a solution of known concentration (titrant) to a solution of unknown concentration until the reaction reaches completion, as indicated by a change in color or other measurable signals.

What is the role of an indicator in a reaction?

An indicator is a substance that shows changes in color in response to a change in ph. It helps to visually determine when the reaction between the titrant and analyte is complete, indicating the endpoint or equivalence point of the titration.

What is a standard solution?

A standard solution is a solution with a precisely known concentration of a substance. It is used in titrations to accurately determine the concentration of another substance by reacting it with the standard solution.

What is an equivalence point?

The equivalence point in a titration is the point at which the stoichiometrically equivalent amounts of reactants have been mixed. It’s when the reaction between the titrant and analyte is complete.

What is the endpoint in KMnO4 titrations?

In KMnO4 titrations, the endpoint is reached when the solution being titrated changes color permanently. It indicates the completion of the reaction between the analyte and the potassium permanganate (KMnO4) titrant.

What are the differences between back titration and direct titration?

In direct titration, the titrant reacts directly with the analyte. In back titration, an excess of a known reagent is added to the analyte, and the remaining excess is titrated with another reagent. Back titration is used when the direct titration endpoint is difficult to observe directly.