UBS Interview Experience – on Campus for Internship

I applied to UBS through college internship process.

Round 1: Online Aptitude Test

The first round was an aptitude test on hackerearth platform. The test was for an hour and a half. It consisted of 25 multiple choice questions. The MCQs comprised of questions based on Java and snippets and OOP concepts. There were a couple of puzzles which I felt were of medium difficulty. Rest 23 MCQs were based on Multi-threading, assertion, code debugging, predict the output of the code snippet, etc. The overall difficulty of the test was Medium. About 20 students were selected for the next round.

Round 2: Technical Interview

The interviewer started off with the “Tell me something about yourself” just to make me less nervous and then he started asking questions on my resume. Make sure you are answerable to every questions asked on the concepts written on your resume. I had done an internship earlier in a startup in Android Development, so he started asking me questions about android development and gradually increased the difficulty of the questions. After answering all the questions, he then started asking me questions about the mini-projects that I had done (Web Development, Java application, etc.). Later, coding question:  “find the first duplicate character in a string” was asked. I gave  O(n) solution and he was very happy with it. My O(n) solution included the use of HashMap, so he asked me questions about internal working of the HashMap. This was the last question of my technical interview and he asked me if I had any questions. UBS being an investment bank, I asked him ” What is Asset Management?”. So we had a conversation about this for about 10 minutes. My technical interview lasted for about 40 minutes.

After tech round 1, 9 students were selected for next round.

If you do exceptionally well in the Technical Interview, you will be directly called for the HR round. Or if you have done moderately well then you will be called for another Technical Interview.

Round 3: HR round

Immediately after my technical round, I was called up for the HR round.

So my HR round started with the question “Tell me something about yourself”.  Later questions were asked on extra-curricular activities(like working in college festivals, sports, etc.) . Later the interviewer asked me if I was willing to relocate and I answered “yes”. This concluded my HR interview. This round lasted for about 20 minutes.

Round 4:Resume Shortlisting

After the  HR interview round around 8 were shortlisted. After resume shortlisting 5 were selected for the internship.

Among 5, 3 were from IT and the remaining 2 were from Computer Science.

Luckily I was among the final selects.