United Institute of Management and Technology,Yusufpur Hackathon Experience (CodeInnovate 2024)

Project: In order to achieve this objective, an Automated Attendance System will be developed that would consist of an application that runs on the Windows Operating System.

Event Platform: As described in the Unstop approach systematic organization is an organized approach online.

Team Composition:

  • Team Leader
  • Backend Developer
  • Frontend Developer
  • UI/UX Designer

Project Concept:

Based on this notion, the specific project we had in mind aimed at replacing the old system of recording the students’ roll call through manual signing into the roll book with an automatic system of marking the attendance through the use of cell phones. The key features included:

  • Geofencing: This was possible only when it was conducted in the class and teachers could not be able to follow up with others who had no time to come during the day.
  • Anti-Proxy: The HEAS generated for this particular assignment situation could not be marked if the student was out of class because the type of learning that would inform the HEAS requires an active assimilation of the materials learned in class.

Technology Stack:

  • Backend: Node. js and Express. js code for the functions that will take place on the server end of the implementation.
  • Database: To initialize the structure to get data of users and their logs for attendance, MongoDB has been used.
  • Frontend: React. s for developing the actual graphical user interface of the application via a tool kit referred to as web.
  • Mobile Integration: Selecting a framework for developing mobile applications: Now the discussion is going on to use React Native for our mobile application.
  • Geofencing and Location Services: Mobile Geo-Fencing API, and GOOGLE MAPS API in assist the system in determining the location of a given Student.
  • Mobile Integration: Further, in the front end of mobile application development, React Native is used.
  • Geofencing and Location Services: by employing the Google Maps API and Geofencing API, the geographical location of the student was determined.

Project Development:

Idea Formation:

Based on these points, we came up with some solutions to the frequent issues associated withcentre the working environment of educational institutions and the problem of proctoring as well as reporting fraudulence and additional efforts was the center of our development. Because of the systematic research employed in the study and the nature of the problem, we were told to design and implement a mobile-based attendance system with geofencing to prevent cases of proxies.

Role Assignment:

  • I was assigned to go into the project as the project manager of the project as well as being involved in the realization back-end.
  • There was a cohesiveness in Sarah’s area of specialization, which was majorly in developing and improving the server-side feature in CrossPad.
  • Our frontend developer Yash decided to prioritize this since navigation forms an important aspect whereby users don’t find it difficult when moving from one page to another on the website.
  • Aman was devoted to the areas of the UI/ UX design that had the objective of designing convenient interfaces.

Development Process:

  • Backend: So, it is actually very simple and we started creating server using Node where both Sarah and I. js as well as Express. js. We have integrated RESTful APIs for controlling the access to students records and also for marking students attendance as well as to verify the locations.
  • Database: For the databases, the usage of MongoDB was done to store user details and logs and location of the attendees of the meetups.
  • Frontend: Speaking of the web interface, John said that he used React and it was he who created the UI. ts to help the teachers monitor attendance and be able to get an overall performance report.
  • Mobile App: The contingency mobile application was created with the help of the React Native framework as the core technology. The free app also incorporated the Geofencing API into the app, making it impossible to take attendance from any other place apart from the class where the student was physically located.
  • Location Services: This feature is made possible through integration with the Google Map API, where geographical fencing was done to enclosing the classroom. However, if a student is operating the device in a prohibited region or area, the social app hinders the kind of marking that is related to attendance.


The main function of the system was also checked very efficiently and to a large extent we were quite sure about the output that the system will provide us. To evaluate geofencing mechanisms, and to avoid the possibility of adversaries to avoid a filter or hurdle, we conducted some scenarios.

Hackathon Experience:

Initial Presentation:

In the Unstop, we demonstrated our project to the evaluator by showing them a working application and giving them a brief idea on operation of the application as well as the functions of the project.

Feedback and Selection:

This means that our project made it to the next round but the panellists had some comments regarding it which frAs shown above, our project was taken forward to the next phase but the panellists had some social concerns that need to be addressed. The judges put forward some ideas for improvement: some of them suggested that it should be more precise to determine the geographical area in question, and also gave suggestion that the graphical interface should be made more friendly in the application.

Improvement Phase:

  • Geofencing Accuracy: Besides discovering the improved parameters in geofencing, we also came to know more novel ideas in the current study. We also did a modification of this battery usage on this application especially when using location services.
  • UI/UX Enhancements: There were certain changes that Emily had to make: changes were done to the interface so that they suit for a better and more meaningful design on the website. Some of the new features included; the envelope icon for marking the learners’ attendance and notifying both the instructors and the learners in real-time.


As I noted in the assessment of our project progress, there are many aspects that could be improved to reach the latter level, but it was very useful for us. Save for the technical benefits termed above, there are numerous experience we can glean from this project, for instance, the technology of the collaborative development, the procedure of assimilating the numerous APIs into the system, the importance of the user feedbacks, etc. This hackathon has put us in the position where we had to come up with unique ideas and make sure we implemented solutions for the task at hand in the stipulated time.

Final Thoughts:

In regard to my standpoint, it was really amazing to be with the participant of CodeInnovate 2024. It enabled us create a foundation through which we can work out a solution to a problem in the world, and get input from professionals. Cutting the long story short, everyone came back home with something or the other that they had learnt during this hackathon and believe you me; all that things will for sure be of great use when the next projects and plans come knocking.