Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Fest Experience (Internal Hackathon Work)

Participating in the internal hackathon organized by our college named Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) was an exhilarating and educational experience. Designed to promote coding skills among students, the event provided a platform for collaboration, innovation, and learning. Here’s a detailed account of my journey through this hackathon.

Forming the Team

Our team consisted of five enthusiastic members, each with a unique set of skills and a shared passion for technology. We brainstormed various project ideas and finally decided to create a project focused on enhancing the education system. Our goal was to develop a platform that would allow students to maximize their use of educational resources.

The Project: Revolutionizing Education

We envisioned a comprehensive platform that would cater to students’ diverse learning needs. Our project aimed to provide easy access to educational resources, facilitate interactive learning, and foster a community of learners. To bring this vision to life, we used the following technologies:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Backend: Python
  • Database: MySQL

Each team member contributed to different aspects of the project, ensuring a collaborative effort that leveraged our combined expertise.

Learning and Development

Throughout the hackathon, I gained invaluable insights into various aspects of software development. Here are some of the key takeaways:

Team Participation and Spirit

Working in a team taught me the importance of collaboration and effective communication. We faced challenges together, brainstormed solutions, and supported each other, fostering a strong sense of team spirit.

Coding Skills and Technology Stack

The hackathon provided an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding of different programming languages and technologies. I enhanced my proficiency in frontend languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and delved into backend development with Python. Additionally, I learned how to effectively use MySQL for database management, understanding its crucial role in creating dynamic and interactive applications.

Project Development Lifecycle

From ideation to implementation, I experienced the entire project development lifecycle. This hands-on experience was instrumental in understanding how different components integrate to form a complete project. It also highlighted the importance of time management and the ability to adapt to changing requirements.

The Outcome:

Although our team did not win the hackathon, the experience was immensely rewarding. The winners were awarded cash prizes and certificates, but for us, the real prize was the knowledge and experience gained. We walked away with a deeper understanding of software development, improved technical skills, and a renewed enthusiasm for coding.


Participating in the internal hackathon was a transformative experience. It not only enhanced my technical skills but also taught me the value of teamwork and perseverance. The knowledge and experience gained during this event will undoubtedly be beneficial in my future endeavours. Hackathons like these are crucial in nurturing the next generation of developers, providing them with the platform and encouragement to innovate and excel.