University College Of Engineering Campus Experience

Imagine this:

You’ve just graduated from school and are waiting for college admissions. The board exams didn’t go well, and you have low entrance scores, basically feeling like a failure in front of society. That was me, and as you’ve probably guessed, it’s not a pleasant feeling. But deep down, there was a desire to not give up and do something about it.

So, I started shortlisting colleges. As my exam scores weren’t good, I didn’t exactly have a lot of options. Finally, I found this one college in Trivandrum, the capital of my home state Kerala, named University College Of Engineering. As a techie, this college intrigued me like crazy as I scouted their Tech Club handles. This random college, about which I hadn’t even heard, has been organizing quality tech events more often than most well-reputed colleges. So, I decided to reach out to students there via Instagram.

I reached out to one student there, asking how the activities of GDSC (a tech club) were going. I got a reply the next day, and this person turned out to be the GDSC lead of that campus. We chatted a lot, I asked him questions, and he gave me answers which I felt were genuine to the core. So eventually, I decided to select that college instead of a private college that I’d been considering before. That turned out to be a great decision.

I took admission there and attended the orientation, and I instantly knew what this place was about. Unlike other colleges, our orientations weren’t taken by resource persons from outside but our seniors who represented various clubs. The orientation was done with such finesse and care; no one from outside could have done a better job. I eventually met up with the GDSC lead and a lot of other amazing folks who really inspired me as time went by. I made a lot of great friends, even as an introvert. I didn’t have much of a social presence in school, but college changed that completely. I became more capable of expressing my opinion and connected with those around me.

Later on, I went on to be a part of the GDSC Core team, participated in and won a lot of tech competitions, attended great workshops and events. Now the campus mantri of w3wiki in our college. 6 months into the college as of now, I see a plethora of improvements in myself, both personally and professionally. I’ve made more progress in these 6 months than my entire life before combined. I’ve made connections with many leaders and professionals in the technical field, organized numerous events, and became part of a startup idea which was incubated by our university recently. I’ve even started learning software development and made great amounts of progress in a short period of time.

I’m still nowhere near perfect, and I’ve still got a long way to go, but now I believe that I can do that.

So what I wanted to say is, never give up on yourself at any cost. Don’t be afraid to take risks and grab opportunities. Connect with like-minded people and learn together. For me, the opportunity was my college, but it can differ for you. It can either be your college like mine, but it can even be a library or even a neighborhood community. The rule of thumb is, find people who share similar interests, and opportunities will come knocking at your door.

What others think you can or cannot do doesn’t matter at all.

Hope this read was worth your time.