Why Did the Vietnam War Start?

Answer: The Vietnam War started because Vietnam was divided into communist North Vietnam and non-communist South Vietnam.

Reason for Vietnam War

The Vietnam War began when Vietnam was divided into communist North Vietnam and non-communist South Vietnam. The conflict escalated because the North wanted to take control of the South and spread communism.

The U.S involvement in the war to prevent communism from spreading further, supporting South Vietnam. This led to a long and devastating war that caused immense suffering and loss of life on both sides.

Vietnam War summary




1955–1975 (U.S. involved: 1964–1973)


North Vietnam (Viet Cong) vs. South Vietnam (supported by U.S., Australia, etc.)


North Vietnam wanted to make all Vietnam communist

U.S. wanted to stop communism spreading in Southeast Asia


Viet Cong used sneaky guerrilla tactics

U.S. and South Vietnam used regular fighting tactics


North Vietnam won, Vietnam became communist

Lots of damage and loss of life on both sides


Many Americans disagreed with U.S. being in the war

Vietnam had a hard time recovering after the war

Who won Vietnam War:

The Vietnam War was won by North Vietnam, supported by the Viet Cong.