How Do Viruses Infect Cells? – Virus Reproduction

Viruses are unable to reproduce on their own as they rely on host cells to replicate. Viruses infect cells through a series of steps. Let’s discuss.

Virus Reproduction – How Do Viruses Infect Cells?

Initially, a virus binds to a specific receptor on the host cell’s surface. This interaction is highly selective, as each virus targets particular receptors on certain cells. Then, the virus enters the host cell through endocytosis or membrane fusion depending on the virus. When the virus enters the body of the host cells, it releases its genetic material into the cytoplasm.

The genetic material takes over the host’s cellular machinery and starts replicating the viral genome and synthesizing viral proteins. These viral components are then assembled into new particles within the host cell leading to the cell rupture and death. Then newly formed viruses infect other cells, perpetuating the cycle and spreading the infection throughout the organism. This process results in the symptoms and diseases commonly associated with viral infections.