What is a File-Infecting Virus? Definition

A file-infecting virus is a form of malicious software (malware) that attaches itself to real executable files on a computer. When the infected file is executed, the virus is active and runs with the intended program, spreading to other executable files and performing its harmful actions.

What is a File-Infecting Virus?

A file-infecting virus is a type of malware that, as its name suggests, infects files on a computer. It inserts malicious code into the files it targets, which can include executable files (.exe), dynamic link library files (.dll), and sometimes documents. When an infected file is opened or executed, the virus code is run, leading to various potential outcomes depending on the virus’s intent.

How is the File Infector Virus spread?

  • File Sharing and Downloads: Infected files can be shared via email attachments, peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, file-sharing services, and other online platforms. Users directly download and open these infected files, leading to the spread of the virus. Downloading software or media from untrusted or pirated sources can also lead to downloading files infected with a virus.
  • Removable Media: Viruses can spread through USB drives, external hard disks, and other removable media. When an infected device is connected to another computer, the virus can execute and infect files on the new system.
  • Networks: In organizations or homes with connected network drives or shared folders, a file-infecting virus can easily spread from one computer to others on the same network by infecting files stored in shared locations.
  • Web Browsers and Applications: Visiting malicious websites can lead to automatic downloads of infected files, sometimes exploiting browser vulnerabilities to execute without user consent. Vulnerable applications, such as outdated PDF readers or media players, can be exploited to execute malicious code from infected files.

Characteristics of File-Infecting Virus

  • Network Propagation: File-infecting viruses spread by attaching themselves to executable files (files with extensions such as.exe or.dll). When the infected file is executed, the virus also runs and searches for additional files to infect.
  • Residency: Some file-infecting viruses are memory-resident, meaning they load into system memory when the infected file is executed. They can then infect other files without re-executing the original host file.
  • Mutation: To prevent detection by antivirus software, many file-infecting viruses are polymorphic or metamorphic, which means they can change their code or appearance with each new file they infect.
  • Payload: Once activated, the virus may deliver a payload, which is a specified set of malicious operations. This can include showing unwanted advertisements, stealing data, destroying files, and even damaging the operating system.

Uses of the File Infector Virus

Unlike software developed for beneficial or neutral purposes, file-infecting viruses are inherently designed with malicious intent, aimed to harming users, systems, or networks. Here are some common malicious objectives behind the creation and distribution of file-infecting viruses:

  • Data Theft
  • System Damage
  • Ransomware
  • Launching Attacks.

Protection From File-Infecting Virus

  • Install reliable antivirus software and keep it updated.
  • Regularly update your operating system and software.
  • Be cautious with email attachments and links, especially from unknown sources.
  • Use a firewall to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic.
  • Back up your data regularly to an external drive or cloud storage.
  • Avoid downloading or executing files from untrusted sources.


Protecting your devices from file-infecting viruses is crucial. With cyber threats constantly evolving, it’s important to employ robust security measures. By installing updated antivirus software, being cautious of suspicious emails and downloads, and keeping your system software up-to-date, you can protect your personal information and maintain your digital well-being.

Frequently Asked Question on File-Infecting Virus – FAQs

What files that are infected with virus?

File infecting viruses, or file infectors, generally copy their code onto executable programs such as .com and .exe files. Most file infectors simply replicate and spread, but some inadvertently damage host programs.

What is the meaning of infected file?

An infected file is a file that has been impacted by a computer virus in any of several ways. Anti-virus technologies work to quarantine an infected file, and may, in some cases, repair the file by removing the virus code.

What is the meaning of virus file?

A virus file from the internet is a file that contains a virus, which is a type of malicious software that is designed to replicate and spread from one computer to another.

Which files are mostly infected?

  • ZIP and RAR Files. Cybercriminals love to hide malware in files
  • Microsoft Office Documents
  • PDF Files
  • IMG and ISO Disk Images

Can you get a virus from a file?

The most common reason your computer will get infected is because you downloaded or installed infected files. Pirated media and free games are common reasons of a virus.