Western Digital Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Eligibility Criteria:

Stream: BE (CS, IS, MECH) / M.Tech(CS, MECH)

CGPA: 7 and above

Let us see the campus hiring process:

Online Test:

It was a of 1-hour test, consisting 6 sections namely ABString (5 marks), Bug Fixing (5 marks), Plus Minus (5 marks), word (5 marks), Quantitative Reason (5 marks), SQL and Java (15 marks) Each correct answer gets awarded 1 mark and each wrong answer will result in a penalty of 0.25 marks First 4 section were more of writing the code, the sections name itself are the title for the problem statement, each problem having 5 marks.

30 – 35 students got shortlisted for the 1 hour next round.

Technical interview (Round 1):

This round was about 50 minutes to 1 hour long and it was to check fundamental skills and software development skills of the candidate.

The interview started with a smooth self-introduction.

Questions that were asked:

  • Tell me about my projects and among that my favorite project that I enjoyed most.
  • The difficulties I faced during completion of my favorite project and how I solved that.
  • Interviewer started asking basic OOPS concepts (I answered them all with brief explanations and good examples)
  • About the company, what all things I have studied about the WDC company (Try to tell about some famous products services, there vision and tell them about similarities in your vision and the companies vision)
  • I got a task, I have to tell how I will approach it, if it is given me in the team. The task was make UI for product selling website for WDC, I have to draw the process for user for their good experience. (My answer was not up to the mark, he was expecting little more, I was a bit nervous)
  • He asked if there are questions from my side (I asked about the role and feedback for myself)

Interview ended, after few days they shortlisted 9 students for next technical round, I was one of them.

3. Technical interview (Round 2):

It was the longest interview I have appeared, around 1-hour to 1.25-hour, In this round there was no personal introduction, interviewer directly asked me about my previous interview.

Interviewer asked name of my earlier interviewer and had a chat with him to confirm, my heart beats got increased, he smiled and started the interview

Questions that were asked:

  • Tell me about your skills and expertise. (As I did my projects in web-development I mentioned bootstrap4 while answering)
  • I started getting questions on bootstrap, he asked some depth concepts in bootstrap, like carousel customization in JavaScript, breakpoints used etc.
  • How is your logical and problem solving ability and how you will rate it out of 10.
  • I got three questions, I need to give the approaches

The problems that were asked:

1. https://www.w3wiki.net/swap-two-numbers-without-using-temporary-variable/was , before I tell my full answer he skipped the question and asked the other question

2. I have given a number greater than 7 and I have to express that in multiples of 5 and 3 and their sum. Similar to https://www.w3wiki.net/find-number-currency-notes-sum-upto-given-amount/ (I gave 2 different approaches and explained the time and space complexities and best between them, he was happy)

3. Third question was a tricky one, it was easy but he added some conditions https://www.w3wiki.net/program-find-line-passing-2-points/ this was the similar problem, but there was no 2nd (x, y) point given, we have to give the approach to make a straight line from only one point. (I didn’t understand that 2nd co-ordinate I can assume until it is a finite line. I asked to give hint, he gave and I was able to give an approach, he was satisfied with that).

  • Interviewer started asking questions on C++.
  • Difference between a structure and a class in C++.
  • What are virtual functions.
  • Pure virtual functions and example (I was unable to answer properly).
  • Basic questions about software development, different methods I know in SD
  • Difference between Waterfall model and Agile method.
  • Interview asked me about any other campus offers I have (I told about 2 offers)
  • Why I am interested in WD after having 2 good offers in hand.
  • Questions from my side (I asked the feedback, I got positive comments).

4. HR interview:

This was just 10 to 15 minutes of friendly discussion. It was about my background and interests.

Questions that were asked:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Family background.
  • Future goals, what value I will bring for WDC.
  • Questions from my side.

All the rounds got over, we got the results in the evening, 3 students got placed, I was happy I was one of them.

Tips: Be patient in interviews, don’t directly start answering without thinking for a while, while answering coding questions start with explaining what you understood from the problem statement, ask questions if the information given is not enough for you, start with a naïve approach first and then refactor your answer to make another approach, wait for your opportunity. Appreciate people your time will come.