What are Micro Frontends? Definition, Uses, Architecture

Micro front-end refers to a design pattern in software architecture where the user interface (UI) of a web application is broken down into smaller parts for more manageable parts known as micro front-ends. Each micro frontend is a self-contained module and is responsible for rendering a specific section of the overall user interface.

The concept of micro frontend comes from microservice architecture. Basically, Microservice is an architecture in which an application is decomposed into small independent services that can be worked independently and combined with a fully working service by combining all the services. Let’s understand it in more detail before knowing What is Micro Frontends.

What are Microservices?

In software development, a microservice is an approach to dividing a project into small segments to handle them independently. It generally helps us to modify small parts of a project which can be easily created or modified. This approach can make a better solution to a problem and many developers can work simultaneously, it is useful to create a scalable project and can have many developers work simultaneously. Microservices are used in app development sed in the backend whereas micro front end is used in front-end applications also used front-end languages like react, vue, angular, etc.

What are Micro Frontends?

If we talk about Micro Frontends, they are small components from different languages and can have different directories/projects that can be combined into a single website/webpage. These components work separately and can create a webpage using all the components. We can create each of the components and integrate it into the letter stage.

There are many uses and advantages of using Micro Frontends. Let’s understand them one by one

Advantages of Micro Frontend

  • Scalability: By decomposing large applications into smaller modules, teams can independently scale parts of the front end that experience high traffic or demand.
  • Team Autonomy: Different teams can work on separate modules, using different technologies, frameworks, or languages that best suit their requirements. This autonomy fosters innovation and accelerates development.
  • Reusability: Modules can be reused across multiple projects, reducing duplication of effort and promoting consistency across applications.
  • Improved Maintenance: With smaller, more focused modules, maintenance becomes more manageable. Teams can update or replace modules without affecting the entire application, minimizing risks and downtime.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Micro Frontends enable parallel development, allowing teams to release features independently and bring them to market faster.
  • Easier Migration: Legacy monolithic applications can gradually migrate to a Micro Frontends architecture by converting components one at a time, reducing the risk and complexity of the migration process.

Micro Frontend Architecture

Micro frontend architecture is an approach to building web applications as a collection of small, self-contained frontend modules each responsible for a specific part of the user interface. These micro frontends can be developed, tested, and deployed independently, allowing for greater flexibility, scalability, and maintainability in large and complex web applications.

The architecture of Micro Frontends typically revolves around the following key components:

  • Module Composition: Micro Frontends are a combination of multiple independent modules, each representing a different feature or functionality. These modules can be developed using different technologies, frameworks, or languages.
  • Integration Layer: An integration layer is responsible for combining individual modules into a symmetric user interface. This layer can be implemented using various techniques such as server-side composition, client-side composition, or edge-side composition.
  • Routing and Navigation: Since Micro Frontends consist of multiple independently deployable modules, routing and navigation between modules must be carefully handled. This can be achieved using techniques like URL routing, event-based communication, or centralized routing services.
  • Communication: Modules within a Micro Frontends architecture often need to communicate with each other to exchange data or trigger actions. This communication can be established using techniques like pub-sub messaging, shared state management, or RESTful APIs.
  • Deployment and Orchestration: Each module in a Micro Frontends architecture can be deployed independently, allowing teams to release updates or new features without disrupting the entire application. Orchestration tools like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm can be used to manage and scale these deployments efficiently.

Characteristics of Micro Frontend Architecture

  • Modularity: Micro frontend architecture divides the user interface into more manageable, smaller components, which encourages modularity, Because each micro frontend concentrates on a certain function, page, or area of the application, it is simpler to comprehend, create, and manage.
  • Independent Development: Teams can work autonomously on different micro frontends, using their preferred technologies, frameworks, and development practices. This independence enables faster development cycles, as teams are not blocked by dependencies on other teams or components.
  • Scalability: Micro frontend architecture scales well with the growth of the application and the team. New features or sections can be added as independent micro frontends, without affecting the rest of the application. This allows for better organization and management of the codebase, particularly in large and complex applications.
  • Reuse and Composition: Micro frontends can be reused across multiple pages or applications, promoting code reuse and consistency in the user interface. Additionally, micro frontends can be composed together to create complex layouts or workflows, providing flexibility in designing the user experience.
  • Isolation and Fault Tolerance: Failures in one micro frontend are isolated from others, minimizing the impact on the overall application. This fault isolation enhances system reliability and resilience, as errors or bugs are contained within the affected micro frontend.
  • Flexibility in Deployment: Micro frontends can be deployed independently, allowing for more granular updates and rollbacks. This enables continuous delivery practices, as changes to one micro frontend can be released without affecting others.
  • Improved Performance: Micro frontend architecture can improve performance by enabling lazy loading of components or pages. Only the necessary micro frontends are loaded initially, reducing the initial page load time and improving the overall user experience.
  • Team Autonomy and Ownership: Each micro frontend is owned by a specific team or individual, clarifying ownership and responsibility for that part of the user interface. This fosters accountability and empowers teams to make decisions and drive improvements autonomously.

Difference between Monolithic Architecture and Micro Frontend Architecture.


Monolithic Architecture

Micro Frontend Architecture


Single-tier architecture where all components are tightly coupled and deployed together as a single unit.

Modular architecture where frontend components are independently developed, deployed, and maintained.


All features are bundled into a single code. Large

Fine-grained, with each feature or component developed and deployed separately.

Technology Stack

Relies on a single technology for the entire application

Allows the use of different technology stacks for different frontend components.


Scaling requires scaling the entire monolith

Scaling in specific component independently.


It can be slow due to large size and complexity

Fast development cycle, team can work independently

Types of Micro-frontends

1. Monorepository

In this, the application can be found within the same directory or repository. We can create a global directory and include all the components in it to use them. It is useful in small types of applications.


  • Simplicity in Dependency Management: Monorepositories typically have centralized dependency management, ensuring that all components within the repository use consistent versions of libraries and dependencies. This can simplify the development process by reducing dependency conflicts.
  • Ease of Code Sharing: With all code stored in a single repository sharing code between different parts of the system is straightforward. This encourages code reuse and helps maintain consistency across the project.
  • Single Version Control History: Having a single version control history for the entire project provides a comprehensive view of all changes made over time, and ensures collaboration, troubleshooting, and auditing.
  • Atomic Commits: Changes to multiple components can be committed atomically, ensuring that the project remains in a consistent state across all its parts.

2. Multirepository

In this, components can be found outside the directory. Different components with different languages can be found in the different repositories. It is useful in larger size of projects which need clarity and reliability.


  • Modularity and Autonomy: Multirepositories offer greater modularity and autonomy for individual components or services. Each repository can have its own release cycle, development process, and tooling, allowing teams to work independently and efficiently.
  • Parallel Development: Teams can work concurrently on different repositories without being hindered by dependencies on other teams or components. This enables faster development cycles and reduces bottlenecks.
  • Scalability: As the project grows, additional repositories can be added to make new features or services. This scalability allows for better organization and management of the codebase, particularly in large and complex projects.
  • Isolation of Failures: Failures in one repository are isolated from others, minimizing the impact on the overall system. This fault isolation enhances system reliability and resilience.

3. Metarepository

These are the combination of the above two repositories. This project is divided into different repositories and one of those repositories can have more than one repository.


  • Centralized Management: A meta-repository provides centralized management and visibility across multiple repositories. This centralization can streamline processes such as dependency management, code reviews, and release management.
  • Cross-Repository Refactoring: With a meta-repository, it’s easier to perform refactoring or changes that span multiple repositories. It will improve code consistency and maintainability across the entire project.
  • Dependency Tracking: A meta-repository can track dependencies between repositories. It will ensure that changes in one repository will not break dependencies in others. This helps maintain consistency and stability in the overall system.
  • Unified Documentation and Governance: Centralized documentation, policies, and governance can be applied uniformly across all repositories within the meta repository. It will help in consistency and compliance with organizational standards.


Micro Frontends represent an example shift in frontend development, offering benefits such as scalability, team autonomy, reusability, and improved maintenance. By breaking down monolithic frontend applications into smaller, self-contained modules, teams can increase in development, enhance flexibility, and adapt to changing requirements more effectively. However, adopting Micro Frontends requires careful planning, design, and implementation to realize its full potential and reap the benefits it offers in modern web development.