What are some guidelines for deciding when to use custom hooks?

Custom hooks in React are reusable JavaScript functions that enable the encapsulation of stateful logic, promoting cleaner and more modular code in components. Here are some custom hooks i.e. useLocalstorage, useTimeout, useInterval, useForm, useTheme and useOrientation etc.

Some Guidelines for deciding to use custom hooks:

  • Reusability: If you find yourself repeating the same logic in multiple components, consider extracting that logic into a custom hook for reusability across your application.
  • Complexity: When your component logic becomes complex, using custom hooks can help simplify your components by abstracting away the intricate details into smaller, manageable pieces.
  • Abstraction: If you want to abstract certain behaviors, such as data fetching, authentication, or animation, into reusable units, custom hooks provide an excellent way to encapsulate such functionality.
  • Organization: Custom hooks can improve code organization by separating concerns and keeping your components focused on their primary responsibilities, making your codebase more maintainable and easier to understand.
  • Testing: Custom hooks promote testability by allowing you to test the logic in isolation from the components, leading to more robust and reliable tests.
  • Composition: Custom hooks support composition, enabling you to combine multiple hooks together or use them alongside built-in React hooks to create powerful and flexible component logic.

By considering these guidelines, you can effectively leverage custom hooks to enhance the scalability, maintainability, and reusability of your React applications.