What are Styled Components in React?

Styled Components is a popular library for styling React components using tagged template literals and CSS syntax. It allows developers to write CSS in JavaScript, creating components with encapsulated styles directly within the component definition.

Features of Styled Components in React:

  • CSS-in-JS Approach: Styled Components follow the CSS-in-JS approach, where styles are defined directly within the component’s JavaScript file using tagged template literals.
  • Component-Based Styling: With Styled Components, styles are applied directly to individual React components, creating a more modular and component-centric approach to styling.
  • Dynamic Styling: Styled Components support dynamic styling through the use of JavaScript expressions within template literals. This allows you to conditionally apply styles based on props, state, or other runtime variables, enabling more flexible and expressive styling solutions.
  • Global Styles: Styled Components also provide support for defining global styles that apply to the entire application. Global styles can be defined using the createGlobalStyle utility function, allowing developers to set global CSS rules such as resets, typography, or theme-specific styles.
  • Theme Support: Styled Components offer built-in support for theming, allowing you to define and access theme variables within styled-components. Themes can be passed down through the component tree using React’s context API, enabling consistent theming across the entire application.