What are the Two Types of Reproduction?

The two main types of reproduction are – sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. Reproduction is the biological process by which new organisms are formed from parent organisms. This process ensures the continuation of a species.

What are the Two Types of Reproduction?

The two main types are discussed below:

Sexual Reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a process where two parents are involved in the formation of gametes. In this type of reproduction, the offspring receives the genes from both of their parents which leads to genetic variation. The genetic variation is an advantage for the offspring where they get the ability to adopt new environments and survival instincts. 

Asexual Reproduction

This type of reproduction involves only one parent and offspring inherit the genes of that single parent only. Asexual reproduction can be faster and more efficient than sexual reproduction, but sexual reproduction allows for greater genetic diversity. This type of reproduction process is generally followed by the lower organisms. There are different types of asexual reproduction we can see including fission, budding, and fragmentation