What is Adenovirus? Symptoms in Adult and Children

Adenovirus is such a virus if it is not taken care of properly and if it happens to us, then it will trouble us with different types of diseases. This family of viruses is very big which can give us many diseases, our ability to breathe, our ability to see in our eyes, and can also cause problems in the work of digesting food. Infections caused by adenovirus are quite common and can occur throughout the year.

Table of Content

  • What is Adenovirus?
  • Spread of Adenovirus
  • Symptoms of Adenovirus in Adults and Children
  • Treatment of Adenovirus
  • Prevention of Adenovirus
  • FAQs on Adenovirus

What is Adenovirus?

This virus is named when it is first found in the adenoid glad. Adenovirus virus belongs to the Adenoviridae family. The structure of Adenovirus is like a non-enveloped protein coat (called a capsid) which is covered under genetic material. This virus has double-stranded DNA as the genetic material and this DNA instructs the virus to replicate and produce more infectious particles. Both humans as well as animals can be infected with this virus. Adenovirus cause a wide range of illnesses ranging from mild respiratory infections to severe diseases.

Spread of Adenovirus

Here are some points discussed about the spread of Adenovirus:

  1. Respiratory Droplets: This virus is majority spread when an infected person coughs and sneezes, their droplet comes in contact with other persons. The droplets contain the virus and can make another person ill.
  2. Close Personal Contact: This includes Hand shaking, hugging can make the process of transmission of this virus easy. This could easily happen in a crowded place like daycares, schools, or any public gathering.
  3. Contaminated Surfaces: Adenovirus can survive on objects and surfaces for a certain period. If a person first touches the contaminated surfaces and then touches the face, especially the nose or mouth, eyes then the virus can easily enter the body and cause infections.
  4. Airborne Transmission: In some situations, adenovirus can spread through small airborne particles called aerosols. The changes in this mode of transmission are very less but can occur in poor ventilation or certain medical procedures.
  5. Lack of Proper Hygiene: Lack of Proper Hygiene such as not washing hands, and regularly not covering mouth, or nose during coughing and sneezing can contribute to the spread of the virus.
  6. Susceptibility: This virus can affect people of all ages, individuals having weak immune systems and those who are already affected with some other disease can get easily infected with this virus.

Symptoms of Adenovirus in Adults and Children

Symptoms of Adenovirus in Adults and Children are as follows:

  • Respiratory Symptoms: Adenovirus has similar types of symptoms as flu and cold such as:
    • Sore throat
    • Sneezing
    • Coughing
    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Mild to high-grade fever
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): This symptom is related to the eye as adenoviruses can cause pink eye, Symptoms of conjunctivitis include:
    • Watery or thick discharge from the eyes
    • Redness and irritation of the eyes
    • Discomfort in the eyes
  • Gastrointestinal Symptoms: Adenovirus can also cause gastrointestinal illness, which leads to symptoms such as:
    • Abdominal cramps or pain
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
  • Fever and Fatigue: Symptoms related to Adenovirus can cause Fever(Mild to high) in addition to loss of energy, tiredness, or Fatigue.
  • Other Symptoms: In certain cases, adenovirus infections in adults/children may result in additional complications such as:
    • Bronchitis or Pneumonia: Respiratory infection caused by adenoviruses leads to more severe lung infections.
    • Urinary tract infections: Pain in urination, burning during urination and frequent urination is also a common symptom of Adenovirus.
    • Rare complications: Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) are some uncommon symptoms or severe conditions that can be caused by Adenovirus.

Treatment of Adenovirus

Some points regarding the treatment of adenovirus infection are as follows:

  1. Supportive Care: Most Adenovirus does not require specific antiviral treatment because of its self-limiting nature. Treatment mainly focuses on recovery and managing the symptoms. This includes:
    • Getting proper/plenty of sleep.
    • Drinking plenty of water, electrolyte or soups, etc.
    • Pain delivery can be used if some excessive pain feels in the body. But, painkillers should be used under the recommendation of a doctor.
  2. Symptom Relief: Some medication can be taken to relieve the symptoms such as congestion, cold, or sore throat. However, it is necessary to take the advice of the doctor to get an idea of the right doses of medicine.
  3. Good Hygiene Practices: Having good hygiene is the surest way to prevent/treat any disease also encourage children to practice some of the below hygiene practices:
    • Frequent washing of hands for at least 20 seconds, especially after using the restroom, before eating, or after coughing or sneezing.
    • Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth without properly washing your hands.
  4. Medical Evaluation: If some severe symptoms are seen then it is important to visit a health professional for a thorough evaluation of the disease and symptoms. They provide additional treatments and appropriate medical advice to monitor the situation closely.
  5. Hospitalization and Intensive Care (for severe cases): While many cases of adenovirus infection are mild and can be treated with normal medicine in some cases where normal treatment is not working cases may need hospitalization. This is more common in people having very weak immune systems. In those cases, professionals give intensive support including intravenous fluids or respiratory support.

Advice from a healthcare professional is important for proper guidance, and treatment options.

Prevention of Adenovirus

Some points discussing the prevention of adenovirus infection:

  1. Good Hand Hygiene: Handwashing is an essential part of maintaining good hygiene, use soap for handwashing, and if it is not available then use alcohol-based hand sanitizer having at least 60% content alcohol. Promote regular bathing using a clean towel etc.
  2. Avoid Close Contact: Sharing personal items with infected individuals, hugging, and handshaking should be avoided with individuals with adenovirus infections.
  3. Respiratory Etiquette: Children and every other people should practice respiratory etiquette such as covering the nose or mouth with tissue while sneezing or coughing. Discourage them to cover with a hand as it leads to the spread of the virus with touch.
  4. Clean and Disinfect: Cleaning surfaces that are regularly touched by different people such as classrooms, halls, play areas, doorknobs, and electronic devices.
  5. Vaccination: Some vaccines are available for the Adenovirus. These vaccines give protection against gastrointestinal or respiratory adenovirus infections.
  6. Stay Home When Sick: If any person at home facing this symptom, keep them isolated at home from preventing the spread of the virus. Follow healthcare guidelines from educational institutions or healthcare authorities regarding activities.

Adenovirus is one of the viruses from the group or family of viruses that can cause a number of diseases in animals as well as humans. Understanding the nature, spread, and symptoms, is crucial for treatment, prevention, and control of these types of infections.

FAQs on Adenovirus

1. How is adenovirus transmitted?


Adenoviruses are normally spread through close contact when an infected person contacts with a non-infected person. It can happen when an infected person coughs or sneezes, then its particles come in contact with a non-infected person.

2. Symptoms of adenovirus in adults?


Common symptoms of adenovirus are seen like fever, sore throat, cough, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, and fatigue.

3. Symptoms of adenovirus in children?


Even in children, we can see symptoms almost similar to what we get to see in adults. Sometimes some serious symptoms are seen in the child, such as upset stomach, and abdominal pain must also be taken to the doctor.