What is Celsius Formula?

Temperature significantly can be defined as the measure of how atoms are moving and colliding. Higher the temperature means faster is the rate of their collision with each other. For determining how hot tea is or how cold a piece of ice is, the temperature is used. It can be measured in various units like, but the most famous units of measurement of temperature are Celsius, Kelvin, and Fahrenheit. We can measure temperature using thermometers. Using a thermometer, the measure of the hotness and coldness of a body is obtained. 

Some of the famous temperatures are, 0°C is known as the freezing point of the water, it can be written in Fahrenheit as 32°F and in Kelvin as 273.15K, generally 0.15K is discarded and only 273K is written.


The most common and widely used temperature scale is the Celsius scale. This scale is used mostly in our daily needs. This scale was developed during historical progress, having the base as the freezing point of water as 0°C and the boiling point of water as 100°C, both of these are recorded at sea level atmospheric pressure.  Because it has 100 divisions it is also called the centigrade scale. 

The Celsius temperature scale was first introduced and developed by Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius. However, after accepting Kelvin in SI units, it has become more common in significant usage.


Fahrenheit is one of the most commonly used temperature scales. The freezing and melting point in the Fahrenheit scale is 32°F and 212°F respectively.


Kelvin is the SI unit of temperature. The freezing point and melting point of water in this scale are 273K and 373K respectively. It is defined as 1/273.16 of thermodynamic pressure.

Celsius Formula

The celsius formula is used to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius i.e., °F to °C, Kelvin to Celsius, and their inverses. the most common usage of it comes, as the US uses mostly Fahrenheit for measuring temperature while in India, Celsius. Let’s see the formula and its implementation in different examples below.

Conversion  Formula
Celsius in Fahrenheit (9/5 × °C) +32
Fahrenheit to Celsius 5/9 × (°F – 32)
Celsius to Kelvin 273.16 + K
Kelvin to Celsius K – 273.16


  • °C means measurement of temperature in Celsius
  • °F means measurement of temperature in Fahrenheit
  • K means measurement of temperature in Kelvin.

Relationship between Celsius and Fahrenheit

The Celsius and Fahrenheit scale are related to each other directly with some constants. Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit with the formula (9/5 × °C) + 32. 0°C in Fahrenheit scale is equal to 32°F and 100°C in Fahrenheit scale is equal to 212°C.

Sample Problems

Question 1: Convert 400K to Celsius.


We know that, 

°C = K – 273.16

Thus, 400K = 400 – 273.16 °C 

400 K = 126.84 °C.

Question 2: Convert 68 °F to Celsius.


We know that,

°C = 5/9 × (°F – 32)

Thus, 68 °F = 5/9 × (68 – 32)

68 °F = 5/9 × 36

68 °F = 20 °C.

Question 3: Convert 15° C to Fahrenheit.


We know that,

°F = (9/5 × °C) + 32

Thus, 15 °C = (9/5 × 15) + 32 °F

15 °C = 27 + 32 °F

15 °C = 59 °F

Question 4: Convert 30° C to Kelvin.


We know that,

K = °C + 273.16

Thus, 30 °C = 30 + 273.16 K 

30 °C = 303.16 K

Question 5: Convert 95° C to both Fahrenheit and Kelvin temperature scales.


We know that,

°F = (9/5 × °C) + 32

Thus, 95 °C = (9/5 × 95) + 32 °F

95 °C = 19 + 32 °F

95 °C = 51 °F

K = °C + 273.16

Thus, 95 °C = 95 + 273.16 K

95 °C = 368.16 K

Question 6: Convert 80° F to both Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales.


We know that,

°C = 5/9 × (°F – 32)

Thus, 80 °F = 5/9 × (80 – 32)

80 °F = 5/9 × 38

80 °F = 21.11 °C

K = °C + 273.16

Thus, 80 °F = 21.11 °C = 21.11 + 273.16 K

80 °F = 294.27 K

Question 7: Convert 378K to both Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales.


We know that,

°C = K – 273.16

Thus, 378 K = 378 – 273.16 °C

378 K = 104.84 °C

°F = (9/5 × °C) +32

Thus, 378 K = 104.84 °C = (104.84 × 9/5) + 32 °F

378 K = 188.71 + 32 °F

378 K = 200.71 °F