What is Dry Ice? Why it is called so?

Answer: Dry ice, scientifically known as solid carbon dioxide (CO2), is a solid-state form of carbon dioxide that is extremely cold, typically at a temperature of -78.5 degrees Celsius (-109.3 degrees Fahrenheit). It is produced by compressing and cooling gaseous carbon dioxide until it undergoes a phase transition directly from a gas to a solid, skipping the liquid phase.

Dry ice prices in India vary depending on quantity, purity, and supplier. Expect a range of ₹50-200 per kilogram

What is Dry Ice Used for?

Dry ice, which is the solid form of carbon dioxide, has several practical uses across various industries and applications. Here are some of the most common uses:

  • Preservation and Cooling: Dry ice is widely used for freezing and keeping things frozen due to its very cold temperature (-78.5°C or -109.3°F). It’s used in the transportation of ice cream, medical supplies, and other perishable items.
  • Medical and Scientific Applications: Dry ice is often used to transport biological samples and vaccines that require low temperatures. It’s also used in laboratory settings for various experiments and procedures.
  • Special Effects: In the entertainment industry, dry ice is used to create fog and smoke effects. The fog from dry ice creates a thick, ground-hugging cloud, perfect for theatrical productions and haunted houses.
  • Industrial Applications: Dry ice is used in various industrial processes, such as shrinking metal fittings, facilitating the removal of electronic components, and in manufacturing processes.
  • Pest Control: It has been used as an eco-friendly way to exterminate rats. The dry ice sublimates into carbon dioxide gas, displacing oxygen and thereby suffocating the rodents.

How to Store Dry Ice?

Storing dry ice safely and effectively requires understanding its properties and taking necessary precautions. Here are some tips on how to store dry ice:

  • Use an Insulated Container: Store dry ice in an insulated container, but not in a completely airtight one. As dry ice sublimates (turns from solid to gas), it can cause a tightly sealed container to expand or even explode. Styrofoam coolers or insulated ice chests are good options.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place: Keep the dry ice in a cool environment to slow down the sublimation process. Avoid storing it in places where temperatures are high.
  • Minimize Air Space: Try to minimize the amount of air space within the container. Air space accelerates sublimation.
  • Don’t Store in Freezer or Refrigerator: Avoid storing dry ice in your freezer or refrigerator. The extremely cold temperature of dry ice can cause the thermostat in these appliances to turn off.
  • Use Gloves for Handling: Always handle dry ice with care, using gloves or tongs. Direct contact can cause frostbite-like burns.

In summary, dry ice is solid carbon dioxide with a sublimation point of -78.5°C (-109.3°F), widely used for cooling, preservation, special effects, and various other applications while requiring safety precautions due to its extreme cold temperature and the release of carbon dioxide gas during sublimation.