Why is Good Friday called “Good Friday”?

Answer: The reason behind calling it “Good” Friday is not explicitly stated in the Bible itself. However, it is believed that the term “good” might have originated from a sense of “holy” or “pious” because of the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice on that day, which Christians believe ultimately led to the forgiveness of sins and salvation.

In the Bible, Good Friday is not specifically mentioned by name. The term “Good Friday” evolved over time in Christian tradition to refer to the Friday before Easter Sunday, the day Jesus was crucified.

Good Friday’s name might be puzzling because it’s the day Jesus died. Some think it’s called “good” because of the positive result of Jesus’ sacrifice, despite the sadness of the day.

How is Good Friday celebrated?

Good Friday is a serious day for Christians to honor Jesus’ sacrifice and reflect on its meaning. Here are steps for “How Good Friday is celebrated” –

Attend Church:

Start by going to church services dedicated to reflecting on Jesus’ crucifixion. These services include prayers, songs, readings, and sermons about Jesus’ death.


Take time to think about what Jesus’ sacrifice means to you. You can pray, meditate, or read Bible passages about his crucifixion.


Some people join rituals like the Stations of the Cross, which focus on different stages of Jesus’ journey to the cross.

Fast and Abstain:

Many Christians choose to fast or give up certain things on Good Friday, like meat or entertainment, as a way to remember Jesus’ suffering.

Attend Events:

Look for special events in your community, like Passion plays or processions, to commemorate Jesus’ death.