What is Subnet Mask for the

Answer: The address is itself a subnet mask for the /29 CIDR address.

The has no subnet mask as it itself is a subnet mask. It can be subnet mask of Class A, Class B or Class C address. In CIDR representation it is the subnet mask of /29 networks.

Below table represents the number of network, subnets and hosts in different Class of IP where is subnet mask.

Class of IP

No of Networks + Subnet bits

Number of Subnets

Number of Hosts

Class A

8 + 21

221 – 2 = 2097150

23 – 2 = 6

Class B

16 + 13

213 – 2 = 8190

23 – 2 = 6

Class C

24 + 5

25 – 2 = 30

23 – 2 = 6


The subnet mask is equivalent to /29 in CIDR notation. In binary, it looks like this: 11111111.11111111.11111111.11111000. This means that there are 29 bits set to 1 in the subnet mask, leaving 3 bits for host addresses.

With a subnet mask of (/29), you can have a total of 8 IP addresses in the subnet, with 6 addresses available for hosts, since 2 addresses are reserved for network address and broadcast address.

So, in conclusion, for the subnet

Network address: X.X.X.0
First usable IP address: X.X.X.1
Last usable IP address: X.X.X.6
Broadcast address: X.X.X.7