What is the Past Participle of “drink”?

Answer: The past participle of the verb “drink” is “drunk.”

This form is used in various grammatical constructions, including perfect tenses and passive voice. “Drunk” indicates that the action of consuming liquid has occurred and been completed in the past.

For example, “He has drunk too much soda today” employs the past participle “drunk” in the present perfect tense to convey that the act of drinking soda has been completed prior to the present moment.

Additionally, “She had drunk a glass of water before going to bed” uses the past participle in the past perfect tense to indicate that the action of drinking water occurred before another past event.

Correctly using the past participle “drunk” ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity when discussing past actions related to drinking.

Understanding the past participle form of “drink” facilitates effective communication in various contexts, allowing for precise expression of past events involving liquid consumption.