What is the Past Tense of “grind”?

Answer: The past tense of the verb “grind” is “ground.”

This form describes the action of reducing something to small particles or powder by crushing or rubbing it against a hard surface, usually done with a grinder or a mill. It means that this action had happened, being finalized sometime in the past.

For example, in “She ground spices for the curry last night,” the form “ground” indicates spices were already ground in the past, most probably last evening.

Proper use of the past tense in the writing and speaking medium is essential to tell when events or actions were accomplished in the past.

Through the proper employment of “ground,” we assure that there is grammatical correctness and that communication is done to represent grinding that has been completed in the past.

Whether narrating an event that happened in the past, describing an entire historical event, or narrating an action that took place sometime earlier, the suitable form in past tense assures a perfect answer.