What is the Past Tense of “eat”?

Answer: The past tense of the verb “eat” is “ate.”

This indicates that action was taken to eat food and completion had already occurred at some time in the past. When one says “ate,” this will specify particularly the time in the past when someone had food in their system.

“For example, ‘Last night, she ate dinner with her family’; ‘ate’ in that sentence lets us know that the action of eating dinner was completed, most probably last night.

The past tense calls for proper use of it in both oral and written communications while expressing timing about past events. Using ‘ate’ to describe the completion of eating activities in the past has been used grammatically.

In recounting personal experience, description of historical events, and recounting of past actions that involved knowing the right word for “eat,” one is fast-stepping for clear and accurate communication on actions done to get food into their mouth in the past.