What is the significance of Voter’s list?

For democratic elections, a list is prepared of people who are eligible for voting much before the election and is given to all, which is officially known as Electoral Roll and more commonly as the Voters’ List. Each voter has an equal opportunity for the selection of their representatives.

Voters are basically the owners of the country and it is the duty of the government to get the names of all those persons, who have the right to vote.  As this is an important tool in the hands of so-called citizens, they also have the power to change the world, by choosing their favorite leader, and then they will be a member of Parliament or be a part of the Government and will make laws that affect their lives. They all are going to vote in secret, for whom they wish as their leader. India is a democratic country where people or voters use their power in decision-making, to choose their leaders:

  1. That means that in India we have free and fair elections.
  2. Anyone who is eligible to vote also has the right to vote. Citizens are free to vote in secret, that is without any pressure from anyone.
  3. Everyone in a democratic country gets an equal opportunity to choose their leaders.

Who can Vote? And who can’t?

Following are the important points on who can vote and who cannot :

  1.  In our country, all persons whose age is above 18 plus are eligible to vote. 
  2. Every person has the right to vote, regardless of his or her religion, caste, or gender.
  3. Every person must carry a voter card to give their vote.
  4. The Government  has introduced a new system of Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC)  The government is trying  to give this card to every person on the voters’ list
  5. As only a voter card is not meant for voting, the voters can also show many other relevant documents of identification like a ration card or a driving license.

Role of the Government

The role of government is as follows:

  • As new persons attain the voting age, their names must be added to the voters’ list. 
  • A  complete survey should take place after every five years. This is to be done to remain updated. 
  • People who move into a new area, need to be added to the voter’s list for that area.
  • Names of those who don’t live there or are out of a place or those who are dead must be deleted from the voter list.
  • New voters who turn 18 or became Indian citizens need to be added to the voter’s list.
  • For people who have moved out of a town or city, their names need to be removed from the voter’s list.
  • Dead people’s account and their names must be removed from the voter’s list.

Use of Voter list

A voter list is very useful to get the correct information about how many have voted, also even to make sure that no person has given two votes.

Voters  Helping Different Groups in an Election

If their names are on the voter’s list, they may get all types of information from the portal. They will not face any problems when they go out to vote on election day.

  • Helping candidates: Leaders can also use their names and addresses on the voter’s list to go door-to-door during their campaign.
  • Helping officials: They use their list to identify the voters and make sure that all voters are cast only once.
  • Helping  Elections Officials: They use to set the spending limits for candidates and political parties and also guide accordingly as per law or the constitution of India.
  • Helping Government: A voter list is used to count the total number of eligible citizens who have given their votes in an election. This is one of the best ways to know whether citizens are participating eagerly or not.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. Who prepares the voters’ list?


The voters’ list is prepared by the Election Commission of India, prepared in advance for Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha.

Q 2. Why are elections important?


Elections are important as it gives a important chance for evaluation of their leaders and also chance for changing the government.

Q 3. What is the importance of elections in democracy?


The importance of elections in democracy is that the officials who are elected are accountable to the people, and mostly return to voters at intervals for seeking their mandate for continuation of office. Elections are mostly held at regular intervals.