What is the TOEFL Test Format and Score Division?

The TOEFL is a widely accepted standard for evaluating competency in the English language. The TOEFL exam, which is designed to evaluate non-native speakers’ proficiency in the English language, is essential for several academic, professional, and personal activities in English-speaking areas. In India, the TOEFL iBT test is computer-based, and the paper-based test TOEFL PBT has been phased out. TOEFL scores remain valid for two years after the test date.

In this article, we will learn about the TOEFL test format and score division!

What is the TOEFL test format and score division?

Table of Content

  • TOEFL Test Format
  • TOEFL Score Division: Breakdown by Sections
  • Scoring Criteria
  • Tips for TOEFL Preparation and Success
  • TOEFL Test Centers in India

TOEFL Test Format

The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam is structured to assess the English language proficiency of non-native speakers across four key skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. Here’s an overview of each section’s format and timing:


  • Format: The Reading section consists of 3-4 passages, each followed by multiple-choice questions.
  • Timing: Test-takers have 54-72 minutes to complete this section, depending on the number of passages.


  • Format: The Listening section comprises conversations, lectures, and discussions, followed by multiple-choice questions.
  • Timing: Test-takers have 41-57 minutes to complete this section, including the time for listening to audio recordings and answering questions.


  • Format: The Speaking section includes 4 tasks: reading aloud, listening and speaking, speaking on a familiar topic, and expressing an opinion on a topic.
  • Timing: Test-takers have 20 minutes to complete all 4 speaking tasks.


  • Format: The Writing section requires test-takers to write two essays: an integrated essay based on a reading and listening passage, and an independent essay expressing personal opinions.
  • Timing: Test-takers have 50 minutes to complete both writing tasks.


Time Limit




60-80 mins

36-56 questions

Read 3 or 4 passages from academic texts and answer questions.


60-90 mins

34-51 questions

Listen to lectures, classroom discussions and conversations, and then answer questions.


10 mins


20 mins

6 tasks

Express an opinion on a familiar topic; speak based on reading and listening tasks.


50 mins

2 tasks

Write essay responses based on reading and listening tasks; support an opinion in writing.

TOEFL Score Division: Breakdown by Sections

Each section of the TOEFL exam contributes to the overall score, with specific scoring criteria and weightage. Overall, the total TOEFL score is calculated by summing the scores from each section, resulting in a total score range of 0 to 120 points. Here’s a detailed breakdown of each section’s scoring:


  • Scoring Criteria: The Reading section is scored based on the number of correct answers to multiple-choice questions.
  • Weightage: The Reading section contributes approximately 25% of the total TOEFL score.
  • Score Range: Scores range from 0 – 30 points.


  • Scoring Criteria: Similar to the Reading section, the Listening section is scored based on the number of correct answers to multiple-choice questions.
  • Weightage: The Listening section also contributes approximately 25% of the total TOEFL score.
  • Score Range: Scores range from 0 – 30 points.


  • Scoring Criteria: The Speaking section is scored based on various factors, including pronunciation, fluency, coherence, and content.
  • Weightage: The Speaking section contributes approximately 25% of the total TOEFL score.
  • Score Range: Scores range from 0 to 30 points, with each of the 4 tasks scored on a scale of 0 – 4.


  • Scoring Criteria: The Writing section is scored based on the quality of written responses, including organization, development, and language use.
  • Weightage: The Writing section contributes approximately 25% of the total TOEFL score.
  • Score Range: Scores range from 0 to 30 points, with each essay scored on a scale of 0- 5.


Min-Max Marks




Low (0–14)

Intermediate (15–21)

High (22–30)



Low (0–14)

Intermediate (15–21)

High (22–30)


0–4 points converted to a 0–30 score scale

Weak (0–9)

Limited (10–17)

Fair (18–25)

Good (26–30)


0–5 points converted to a 0–30 score scale

Limited (1–16)

Fair (17–23)

Good (24–30)

Total Score


Scoring Criteria

TOEFL scores are calculated, scaled, and interpreted using a standardized process to ensure fairness and consistency. Here’s an overview of how TOEFL scores are determined and interpreted by institutions and organizations:

Scoring Calculation

  • Each section of the TOEFL exam (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) is scored separately based on established scoring criteria.
  • The raw scores from each section are converted into scaled scores, which range from 0 – 30 points.
  • Scaled scores are calculated to account for variations in difficulty levels across different test administrations.

Total Score Calculation

  • The total TOEFL score is calculated by summing the scaled scores from each section.
  • The total score range is from 0 to 120 points, with each section contributing equally to the overall score.

Score Interpretation

  • Institutions and organizations use TOEFL scores to assess the English language proficiency of applicants.
  • Different institutions may have specific score requirements for admission, certification, or immigration purposes.

TOEFL scores are interpreted as follows:

  • Scores between 0-30 indicate proficiency levels ranging from beginner to advanced.
  • Higher scores typically reflect a higher level of English proficiency.
  • Institutions may have minimum score requirements for admission or certification, with some specifying minimum scores for each section.

Validity Period

  • TOEFL scores are valid for two years from the test date.
  • Institutions and organizations typically require recent scores to ensure the applicant’s language proficiency is up-to-date.

Tips for TOEFL Preparation and Success

By following these practical tips and strategies, you can effectively prepare for the TOEFL exam and maximize your chances of success. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and believe in your ability to achieve your desired TOEFL score:

  • Familiarize yourself with the format and structure of the TOEFL exam, including the types of questions in each section and the timing for each task.
  • Utilize official TOEFL study materials provided by ETS (Educational Testing Service), including practice tests, sample questions, and preparation guides. These resources offer authentic exam content and insights into the test format.
  • Take full-length TOEFL practice tests under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment and assess your progress. Practice tests help identify areas of strength and weakness, allowing you to focus your study efforts effectively.
  • Work on improving your English language skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing through regular practice. Engage with English-language materials such as books, articles, podcasts, and videos to enhance your proficiency.
  • Identify your weak areas based on practice test performance and allocate additional study time to improve them. Practice specific question types and review relevant grammar and vocabulary concepts to strengthen your skills.
  • Practice effective time management techniques during practice tests to ensure you can complete each section within the allotted time. Pace yourself appropriately and prioritize questions based on difficulty.
  • Practice speaking English regularly to build confidence in your speaking skills. Record yourself speaking responses to TOEFL speaking tasks and review them for clarity, fluency, and coherence.
  • Practice writing essays for the TOEFL Writing section, focusing on structuring your arguments, supporting your ideas with examples, and using appropriate grammar and vocabulary.
  • Get feedback on your speaking and writing from teachers, tutors, or study partners to identify areas for improvement and refine your skills.
  • Establish a regular study routine and stick to it consistently. Stay motivated and persistent in your TOEFL preparation journey, knowing that consistent effort and practice will lead to success.

TOEFL Test Centers in India

Although the dates of the TOEFL exam are subject to vary, it typically happens on Saturdays and Sundays at 30 test locations throughout India. The test may be retaken as often as you like, but you are limited to one 12-day window during which to do so. The cost of the test in India is 16,900/.

Conclusion – What is the TOEFL Test Format and Score Division?

To successfully prepare for and pass the TOEFL, one must understand the test’s structure and scoring system. For non-native speakers, the four portions of the TOEFL exam—Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing—provide a thorough evaluation of their level of English language competency. Every segment has a defined value and set of scoring criteria, and they all contribute equally to the final score. In conclusion, test-takers can approach the exam with confidence, preparedness, and a clear strategy for reaching their goal scores if they have a complete understanding of the TOEFL test format and score division.

What is the TOEFL Test Format and Score Division?- FAQs

What are the sections of the TOEFL exam?

The TOEFL exam comprises four sections: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.

How is the TOEFL exam structured?

The TOEFL exam follows a computer-based format, with each section administered in a specific order: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.

How long is each section of the TOEFL exam?

The duration of each section varies: Reading (54-72 minutes), Listening (41-57 minutes), Speaking (20 minutes), and Writing (50 minutes).

How are TOEFL scores calculated?

TOEFL scores are calculated by summing the scaled scores from each section: Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. The total score ranges from 0 to 120 points.

What is the scoring criteria for the TOEFL Speaking section?

The Speaking section is scored based on factors such as pronunciation, fluency, coherence, and content.

How are TOEFL scores interpreted by institutions?

Institutions interpret TOEFL scores to assess English language proficiency for admissions, certifications, and immigration purposes. Higher scores generally indicate higher proficiency levels.

How long are TOEFL scores valid?

TOEFL scores are valid for two years from the test date. After this period, scores expire and may not be accepted by institutions.