What would happen if there were no restrictions on the power of elected representatives?

India was ruled by the English for 200 and more years and during this rule, the powers of Indian rulers were cut short and they were allowed to rule their province as a subject of the British East India Company. The British East India Company solely managed the administration of India and laid several harsh laws which deprived Indians of their basic rights. The entire power was concentrated within the British East India Company and the true Indians suffered a lot and started protesting for freedom.

Who Are Elected Representatives?

To avoid the concentration of power in the hands of a single person, the framers of the Indian constitution distributed power among the legislature-law-making body, the executive-the execution body, and the judiciary. Hence, the executive is composed of elected representatives who represent the people.

The citizens of India are given a right to elect their representatives at national, state, and local levels as MPs, MLAs, and councillors once every 5 years. These Elected Representatives are obliged to pursue the advancement of individuals in each alcove and corner of the country.

Role of Elected Representative

The role of the elected representative is as follows-

  • An elected representative should keep himself completely educated about his supporters, subtleties of plans and projects viable or potentially executed, and any remaining advancement exercises of his voting demographic through the assigned sites as well as through every single accessible source. Additionally, check the data given on the site, really look at something similar and affirm its exactness or propose changes where important.
  • It will be the obligation of the elected representative to likewise keep up with a shared agreement and harmony among individuals of their particular bodies electorate. For this reason, he will connect continually with Government specialists and individuals from his supporters.
  • The elected representative will survey the deficits and report the insufficient to the concerned divisions in the State and Central Governments. The elected representative will likewise distribute such passes on the site and keep the information refreshed according to the recommended rules.
  • An elected representative should have normal communication with different elected representatives of that voting demographic through the boards shaped at the Ward level, Assembly Level, and Parliament level. 
  • The elected representative will record all relevant information on the resources and liabilities of himself and his direct relations on the site when he assumes responsibility for the position and update the equivalent every year or when there are any material changes in their resources or liabilities.

Consequences of no Restrictions on Powers of Elected Representatives

  • The elected representatives will not be answerable to the people.
  • No restrictions automatically lead to no responsibilities, if the power of elected representatives is not restricted they will misuse their powers and use them for their personal growth.
  • Funds that are released by the government for the welfare of people might not be utilized properly if there won’t be restrictions on the power of elected representatives.
  • No restriction on powers leads to injustice against the citizens of India.
  • Outright power brings about oppression and dictatorship.
  • Power defiles and outright power taints totally.
  • The fundamental right of every Indian citizen-the “Universal adult franchise” loses its peculiarity.

Keeping all these in mind, the powers of elected representatives should be limited to a certain extent.

Frequently Asked Questions

Que 1. What safeguard did the constitution of India provide to limit the power of elected representatives?


The Constitution gives shields against this abuse of force by our political chiefs. The Constitution sets down decisions that watch the residents against the abuse of force. The separation of power is the key feature of the Indian Constitution, power is shared among the legislature, executive, and judiciary. Misuse of power by legislature and executive is questionable by the judiciary.

Que 2. Write about the Member of Parliament(MP).


An MP is a member of Parliament, liable for every one of the plans, requests, and demands of individuals living in his electorate, that are administered centrally. Like necessities connected with  Railways, superhighways, National Highways, Sea ports, Electricity, Airports, Natural gas, Coal, Petroleum, etc.

Que 3. Write about the Member of the Legislative Assembly(MLA).


An MLA is answerable for the plans, requests, and demands, of individuals living in his electorate, that are administered by the state government. Like necessities connected with water supply, agriculture, business, state transport, state funds, and education.