When IPV6 Will Run Out?

Answer: IPv6 is unlikely to run out in the foreseeable future Because IPv6 uses an address space of 128-bits, which gives it about 3.4 × 10^38 unique addresses. Hence, this enormous number dwarfs the 4.3 billion addresses given by the IPv4’s 32-bit address space.

The Need for IPv6

It was designed with a specific aim to overcome limitations posed by IPv4 towards running out of its assignable address range. The expansion of the Internet of Things (IoTs) and an increasing number of internet-connected devices are among the elements that forced change as IPv4s limited scale could not meet demand.

IPv6 V/s IPv4

However, IPv6 provides sufficient addresses to cater to new devices and advancements in technology in the future. Even if there is inefficient management of the allocation process for these IP addresses, due to its size, it is highly improbable for one to run out of IPv6 addresses.

Additional Benefits of IPv6

Furthermore, it supports simplified routing mechanisms, provides better security measures as well as automatic configuration making it more advantageous than any other method currently available for use on networks today.


Essentially, the huge IPv6 address space means that there will be numerous IP addresses to supply the world’s internet for upcoming Centuries, so running out of IPv6 addresses is not a concern.