Whiteklay Technologies Pvt Ltd Interview Experience for Data Engineer

Round 1(Online Coding Test – 2 hours): This round contains 4 coding questions on the doselect.com platform. 

  • All 4 questions are logic-based questions, so you should apply brute force first to solve the problems that would be enough. I have passed all the test cases and many other students as well. 
  • So try to solve all questions as soon as possible because here time matters.

Round 2 (Technical Interview 1 – 45 min):  In this round, he first introduces himself then asked to introduce myself. After that,  he asked me to explain my projects and for group projects what is my contribution in that, what are the difficulties we faced during its development. After that, he gives me some puzzles to solve but the values are changed, so it’s better to understand the concept behind these problems. I recommend, prepare puzzles from w3wiki.

  1. https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-1-how-to-measure-45-minutes-using-two-identical-wires/
  2. https://www.quora.com/There-are-9-coins-8-coins-weigh-1-gram-and-1-coin-weighs-2-grams-How-will-you-find-out-the-heavier-coin-in-a-minimum-number-of-weighings-and-how-many-weighings-will-be-needed
  3. https://www.w3wiki.net/puzzle-9-find-the-fastest-3-horses/
  4. https://www.quora.com/You-are-given-a-flash-light-which-takes-2-good-batteries-to-run-and-8-batteries-4-good-ones-and-4-used-up-What-is-the-minimal-number-of-trials-needed-to-get-the-flashlight-running

Round 3(Technical Interview 2 – 45 min): In this round,  the Vice president and CTO are there to take the interview. This round is also similar to the previous round, here he give me two coding questions and asked me to give the logic to solve the problem and also can write the code for it. 

After that, he gives me a table and problem statement and asked me to write a MySQL query for it, I used an aggregate function with the group by clause to solve this problem, we have some discussion over both the coding problems and query that how I approach the solutions.  Then he asked me do I have any questions for him, so we discussed about the job role. 

He told me that after selecting some students from us next there would be an HR round, so be prepared for that. But after 8 – 10 hours final verdict has arrived and I got Placed.

Thank you https://www.w3wiki.net/ for so informative articles. 

Verdict: Selected