VectoScalar Technologies Pvt Ltd Interview Experience for Software Engineer | On-Campus 2021

Eligibility Criteria: No Exam backlog. Not have a gap of more than one year.

Round 1(Online Coding Test): The first round comprised 11 MCQ questions, 3 Coding questions, and 5 SQL queries questions on the code judge platform. The time duration was 2 hours. 

Round 2(Technical Interview Round 1): This round was held virtually and I was asked to share my entire Screen. Some of the questions asked from me: The interview Duration was 40-45 minutes.

  • Introduce Yourself.
  • I was asked to explain my projects. My project was on React, so he asked various questions on React.
  • What are different Lifecycle methods in React?
  • He asked me for a rapid-fire round, then he asked me various questions related to semester Subjects like Operating System, Networking, Java, Data Structures and Algorithms, DBMS.
  • TCP vs UDP
  • Mutex vs Semaphore
  • How HTTPS is different from HTTP.
  • What is Virtual Memory?
  • What is Producer-Consumer Problem?
  • What is Collision?
  • Normalization. Types of Normalization.
  • What is a digital signature and how it works?
  • Which algorithm is used to find shortest path in a weighted graph.
  • Bellman Ford’s algorithm.
  • Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • What is Multiple Inheritance and how do we implement it in Java?
  • He asked me to write a code to Count the number of Even Nodes in a Tree on any Online IDE and after I write the code he asked me to Run the Code and the code was run successfully after that asked for Time Complexity.
  • The next Coding question was
  • Suppose we have created many objects of a class then how will we calculate the number of objects is created of that class.

I answered most of the questions except 2-3 questions. I enjoyed this round as it was rapid-fire.

Round 3(Technical Interview Round 2): This round was scheduled for 1 hour but my interview was completed in 30 minutes.

  • Tell me something about yourself
  • I was asked which programming language I am comfortable with. ( I told C++)
  • Then he asked me various questions related to oops.
  • What is a Void pointer?
  • Friend function in c++
  • He asked me about my projects. (my project was on React)
  • He asked how Virtual DOM is different from DOM.
  • Then he asked me to write a code to
  • He asked how much you familiar with JavaScript (I told average)
  • Create a class Student which contains student Name, Rollo, and College Name. College Name is common for all objects of the student class. Total memory taken by all objects should be minimum. (I made ClgName variable Static)

Verdict: Selected

Tip: Be confident and try to communicate with the interviewer especially in coding questions.