Who composed the Avesta?

Answer: The Avesta was composed by Zoroastrian priests over several centuries, likely starting in the 6th century BCE.

The Avesta, the sacred scripture of Zoroastrianism, was composed over several centuries by Zoroastrian priests. Here’s a detailed explanation:

  1. The Avesta’s origins trace back to ancient Persia, with its composition likely beginning in the 6th century BCE during the time of Zoroaster (Zarathustra), the founder of Zoroastrianism.
  2. Zoroastrian priests, known as the Magi, gradually compiled the Avesta, which consists of hymns, rituals, prayers, and teachings attributed to Zoroaster.
  3. Initially transmitted orally, the Avesta was later written down in the Avestan language using a script derived from the ancient Aramaic alphabet.
  4. The Avesta has undergone revisions and redactions over time. The oldest surviving portions are the Gathas, a collection of hymns attributed directly to Zoroaster.
  5. The Avesta remains a central religious text for Zoroastrians, guiding their beliefs, rituals, and ethical principles.


The Avesta, composed by Zoroastrian priests over centuries, serves as the foundational scripture of Zoroastrianism, providing guidance and inspiration for adherents of this ancient faith.