Who composed the Rigveda?

Answer: The Rigveda was composed by ancient Indian sages known as Rishis.

The Rigveda contains numerous hymns dedicated to various deities, natural elements, and cosmic principles. Some of the major hymns of the Rigveda include:

  1. Purusha Sukta: This hymn, found in the 10th Mandala of the Rigveda, describes the cosmic sacrifice of Purusha, the primeval being, from whose body the universe and all living beings were created.
  2. Surya Namaskara Mantra: Dedicated to Surya, the sun god, this hymn extols the virtues and powers of the sun and is often recited as a part of Surya worship rituals.
  3. Gayatri Mantra: One of the most revered and widely known hymns from the Rigveda, the Gayatri Mantra is a prayer addressed to Savitr, the sun deity, seeking spiritual enlightenment and divine guidance.
  4. Agni Sukta: This hymn praises Agni, the god of fire, highlighting his role in various sacrificial rituals and as a mediator between gods and humans.
  5. Vishnu Sukta: Found in the 7th Mandala, this hymn glorifies Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, describing his cosmic attributes and manifestations.
  6. Indra Sukta: Dedicated to Indra, the king of gods and god of thunder, this hymn celebrates his heroic deeds, victories over demons, and protection of the cosmos.