Who wrote Bible?

Answer: The Bible was written by multiple authors over centuries, including prophets, historians, and apostles.

The authorship of the Bible is a complex and multifaceted topic due to its compilation over centuries and its diverse collection of texts.

Old Testament: Traditionally, the Old Testament was written by various authors, including Moses, who is credited with the first five books (the Torah), prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah, and other historical figures.

New Testament: The New Testament consists of writings attributed to early Christian leaders, notably the apostles Matthew, John, Peter, and Paul, as well as anonymous authors like the writer of the Gospel of Mark.

Compilation: The Bible’s compilation into its current form was a gradual process, with different books and texts being collected, edited, and canonized by religious authorities over time.


  • The Bible is a compilation of texts written by multiple authors over centuries.
  • Authors of the Old Testament include Moses, prophets, and historical figures.
  • Authors of the New Testament include apostles and early Christian leaders.
  • The Bible’s composition reflects diverse literary styles and theological perspectives, making it a rich and complex religious and historical document.