Most Famous Bible Trivia Quiz (Most Famous Question and Answers)

Bible Trivia Quiz: Get ready to level up your Bible knowledge with our dynamic selection of Bible trivia questions! Perfect for quiz enthusiasts, Bible study buffs, families seeking a fun game night activity, or anyone eager to look deeper into the rich stories and teachings of the scriptures, this collection is your go-to source for all things Bible.

Structured across a variety of engaging categories, from the epic tales of the Old Testament and the life-changing messages of the New Testament to the intriguing lives of biblical characters, iconic books, fascinating facts and figures, Jesus’ parables, prophetic insights, and miraculous events.

Easy Bible Trivia Questions for Kids and Adults

Here’s a structured list of the Bible Trivia Quiz Questions to help engage a variety of interests and knowledge levels, divided into several categories for easier navigation.

Table of Content

  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Old Testament Trivia
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: New Testament Trivia
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: People of Bible
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Books of the Bible
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Facts and Figures
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Parables of Jesus
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Prophets and Prophecies
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Miracles of the Bible
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Early Christian Church
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Women of the Bible
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Bible Geography
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Symbols and Types in the Bible
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Bible Numbers
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: General Knowledge
  • Bible Trivia Quiz: Quotes

Bible Trivia Quiz: Old Testament Trivia

1. Trivia Question: Who were Adam and Eve’s sons?

Answer: Cain, Abel, and Seth

2. Trivia Question: What was Noah instructed to build?

Answer: An ark

3. Trivia Question: What was the sign of God’s covenant with Noah?

Answer: A rainbow

4. Trivia Question: Who were Abraham’s sons?

Answer: Ishmael and Isaac

5. Trivia Question: Where did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?

Answer: Mount Moriah

6. Trivia Question: What were the names of Jacob’s wives?

Answer: Leah and Rachel

7. Trivia Question: How many sons did Jacob have?

Answer: Twelve

8. Trivia Question: What was Joseph’s gift from his father?

Answer: A coat of many colors

9. Trivia Question: Who found baby Moses in the river?

Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter

10. Trivia Question: What were the Ten Commandments written on?

Answer: Two stone tablets

Bible Trivia Quiz: New Testament Trivia

1. Trivia Question: Who baptized Jesus?

Answer: John the Baptist

2. Trivia Question: What miracle did Jesus perform at the wedding in Cana?

Answer: Turned water into wine

3. Trivia Question: How many disciples did Jesus have?

Answer: Twelve

4. Trivia Question: Who betrayed Jesus?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

5. Trivia Question: What did Jesus feed to 5,000 men, not counting women and children?

Answer: Five loaves and two fishes

6. Trivia Question: On what day did Jesus rise from the dead?

Answer: The third day (Easter Sunday)

7. Trivia Question: Who was struck blind on the road to Damascus but later regained his sight and became a follower of Jesus?

Answer: Saul (Paul)

8. Trivia Question: What is the shortest verse in the New Testament?

Answer: John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”

9. Trivia Question: Who wrote the Book of Revelation?

Answer: John

10. Trivia Question: What gift did the wise men NOT bring to Jesus?

Answer: Silver

Bible Trivia Quiz: People of Bible

1. Trivia Question: Who was the strongest man in the Bible?

Answer: Samson

2. Trivia Question: Who was the wisest man in the Bible?

Answer: Solomon

3. Trivia Question: Who was the first king of Israel?

Answer: Saul

4. Trivia Question: Who killed the giant Goliath?

Answer: David

5. Trivia Question: Who was swallowed by a great fish?

Answer: Jonah

6. Trivia Question: Who was the mother of John the Baptist?

Answer: Elizabeth

7. Trivia Question: Who interpreted dreams for Pharaoh?

Answer: Joseph

8. Trivia Question: Who led the Israelites into the Promised Land?

Answer: Joshua

9. Trivia Question: Who was the Queen of Persia who saved her people?

Answer: Esther

10. Trivia Question: Who was the first martyr of the Christian faith?

Answer: Stephen

Bible Trivia Quiz: Books of the Bible

1. Trivia Question: What is the first book of the Bible?

Answer: Genesis

2. Trivia Question: What book comes after the Gospels in the New Testament?

Answer: Acts

3. Trivia Question: Which book is known for its wisdom literature?

Answer: Proverbs

4. Trivia Question: What is the last book of the Old Testament?

Answer: Malachi

5. Trivia Question: Which book contains the story of the fall of Jericho?

Answer: Joshua

6. Trivia Question: What book is known as the love song in the Bible?

Answer: Song of Solomon

7. Trivia Question: Which book is a collection of prayers and hymns?

Answer: Psalms

8. Trivia Question: What New Testament book addresses the end times?

Answer: Revelation

9. Trivia Question: Which book outlines the laws given to the Israelites?

Answer: Leviticus

10. Trivia Question: What book tells of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem?

Answer: Nehemiah

Bible Trivia Quiz: Facts and Figures

1. Trivia Question: How many books are in the Bible?

Answer: 66

2. Trivia Question: How many books are in the Old Testament?

Answer: 39

3. Trivia Question: How many books are in the New Testament?

Answer: 27

4. Trivia Question: What language was most of the Old Testament originally written in?

Answer: Hebrew

5. Trivia Question: What language was the New Testament originally written in?

Answer: Greek

6. Trivia Question: How many days and nights did it rain during the flood in Noah’s time?

Answer: 40 days and 40 nights

7. Trivia Question: How many plagues did God send on Egypt?

Answer: Ten

8. Trivia Question: How many years did the Israelites wander in the desert?

Answer: Forty

9. Trivia Question: How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?

Answer: Forty

10. Trivia Question: What was the first thing God created?

Answer: Light

Bible Trivia Quiz: Parables of Jesus

1. Trivia Question: What is the parable where a son asks for his inheritance early, wastes it, and returns home to a forgiving father?

Answer: The Parable of the Prodigal Son

2. Trivia Question: In which parable does a farmer sow seeds on different types of ground?

Answer: The Parable of the Sower

3. Trivia Question: What parable talks about a good man helping a wounded man on the road, while others pass by?

Answer: The Parable of the Good Samaritan

4. Trivia Question: Which parable describes a woman searching for a lost coin?

Answer: The Parable of the Lost Coin

5. Trivia Question: What is the parable that teaches the importance of being prepared, represented by ten virgins and their lamps?

Answer: The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Bible Trivia Quiz: Prophets and Prophecies

1. Trivia Question: Who prophesied the birth of John the Baptist?

Answer: The angel Gabriel

2. Trivia Question: Which prophet confronted King Ahab and Queen Jezebel?

Answer: Elijah

3. Trivia Question: Who interpreted the writing on the wall for King Belshazzar?

Answer: Daniel

4. Trivia Question: Which prophet was told by God to marry a prostitute to symbolize Israel’s unfaithfulness?

Answer: Hosea

5. Trivia Question: Who prophesied about a New Covenant that would be written on people’s hearts?

Answer: Jeremiah

Bible Trivia Quiz: Miracles of the Bible

1. Trivia Question: What miracle allowed Joshua to conquer Jericho?

Answer: The walls of Jericho fell down after the Israelites marched around them for seven days.

2. Trivia Question: What miracle did Elisha perform with a widow’s oil?

Answer: He multiplied the widow’s oil to pay her debts and save her sons from slavery.

3. Trivia Question: What miracle occurred at the Pool of Bethesda?

Answer: Jesus healed a man who had been invalid for 38 years.

4. Trivia Question: How did Peter escape from prison?

Answer: An angel of the Lord freed him.

5. Trivia Question: What happened to Lazarus that demonstrated Jesus’ power over death?

Answer: Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

Bible Trivia Quiz: Early Christian Church

1. Trivia Question: Who replaced Judas as the twelfth apostle?

Answer: Matthias

2. Trivia Question: On what holiday were the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit?

Answer: Pentecost

3. Trivia Question: Who was the first Gentile convert to Christianity?

Answer: Cornelius

4. Trivia Question: What was Paul’s profession before becoming a missionary?

Answer: A tentmaker

5. Trivia Question: Which council decided that Gentile converts did not need to be circumcised?

Answer: The Council of Jerusalem

Bible Trivia Quiz: Women of the Bible

1. Trivia Question: Who was the only female judge of Israel?

Answer: Deborah

2. Trivia Question: Who was Ruth’s mother-in-law?

Answer: Naomi

3. Trivia Question: Who saved the baby Moses from the Nile River?

Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter

4. Trivia Question: Who was the first woman to see the risen Christ?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

5. Trivia Question: Who was the wife of Isaac?

Answer: Rebekah

Bible Trivia Quiz: Bible Geography

1. Trivia Question: Where was Jesus born?

Answer: Bethlehem

2. Trivia Question: Where did Jesus grow up?

Answer: Nazareth

3. Trivia Question: In what body of water was Jesus baptized?

Answer: The Jordan River

4. Trivia Question: Where did the Israelites receive the Ten Commandments?

Answer: Mount Sinai

5. Trivia Question: Where was Paul on his way to when he was converted?

Answer: Damascus

Bible Trivia Quiz: Symbols and Types in the Bible

1. Trivia Question: What does the dove symbolize in the Bible?

Answer: The Holy Spirit

2. Trivia Question: What is the significance of bread in the Bible?

Answer: Sustenance and the body of Christ (in communion)

3. Trivia Question: What does a lamb typically symbolize?

Answer: Jesus Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God

4. Trivia Question: What is the significance of water in the Bible?

Answer: Cleansing, baptism, and the Holy Spirit

5. Trivia Question: What does the fig tree represent in some parables?

Answer: Israel and judgment

Bible Trivia Quiz: Bible Numbers

1. Trivia Question: What is the significance of the number 40 in the Bible?

Answer: A period of testing or trial

2. Trivia Question: What does the number 12 typically represent?

Answer: God’s power and authority (12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles)

3. Trivia Question: What is the symbolic meaning of the number 7?

Answer: Completeness and perfection

4. Trivia Question: How many times did Jesus say to forgive others?

Answer: Seventy times seven

5. Trivia Question: What does the number 3 represent?

Answer: The Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Bible Trivia Quiz: General Knowledge

1. Trivia Question: Who is considered the author of the majority of the Psalms?

Answer: David

2. Trivia Question: Which book is a love poem between a bride and groom?

Answer: Song of Solomon

3. Trivia Question: Who wrote the letters to the early churches in the New Testament?

Answer: Paul

4. Trivia Question: What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

Answer: Psalm 119

5. Trivia Question: Who was the king of Israel known for his wisdom?

Answer: Solomon

6. Trivia Question: What was used to part the Red Sea?

Answer: Moses’ staff

7. Trivia Question: Who were the parents of Cain and Abel?

Answer: Adam and Eve

8. Trivia Question: What is the Golden Rule?

Answer: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

9. Trivia Question: Who said, “Here I am; send me” when called by God?

Answer: Isaiah

10. Trivia Question: What was the main message of John the Baptist?

Answer: Repentance and preparation for the coming of the Lord.

Bible Trivia Quiz: Quotes

1. Trivia Question: Finish this proverb: “Where there is no vision, …”

Answer: “…the people perish,” see Proverbs 29:18

2. Trivia Question: “And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh.” Gen 37:19 Who is the dreamer in this verse?

Answer: Joseph, see Genesis 37:19

3. Trivia Question: Finish this Proverb: “Labour not to be …”

Answer: rich, see Proverbs 23:4

4. Trivia Question: Complete this verse: “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth…”

Answer: good tidings, see Isaiah 52:7

5. Trivia Question: Complete this verse from Job: “…for the price of wisdom is ………….”

(Answer: “…above rubies,” see Job 28:18)

6. Trivia Question: Who does God call: “…my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.”?

(Answer: David, see Psalms 89:27)

7. Trivia Question: Who said, “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.”?

(Answer: Paul, see Philippians 3:7)

8. Trivia Question: Who said: “Come now, and let us reason together…though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”?

Answer: The Lord, see Isaiah 1:18


As we conclude our journey through these Bible trivia questions, we hope you’ve enjoyed testing your knowledge of the Scriptures. The Bible is a source of wisdom, inspiration, and faith for millions around the world, and its stories continue to captivate hearts and minds.

Whether you answered every question correctly or learned something new today, we hope this experience has deepened your appreciation for the rich heritage of biblical history and teachings. Keep exploring and discovering the timeless truths found within its pages, and may your journey through the Bible be a source of enlightenment and inspiration.