Why Kubernetes Called K8s ?

Among the many new terminology and phrases that appear necessary to participate in the complex world of Kubernetes, one unusual acronym that keeps coming up is K8s. Curious about the history and relevance of this shorthand, which you may have observed used interchangeably with its full term if you’ve been immersed in Kubernetes discussions.

The Significance of Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a fascinating name for a technology that is frequently hailed as sophisticated orchestration. In contrast to consumer-focused technologies with memorable names, Kubernetes has a somewhat awkward and foreign title. However, what is the meaning behind this name?

The ‘Helmsman’ Philosophy

Although many people are familiar with Kubernetes, not everyone is aware of its history. Remarkably, the name’s derivation is full of humour and reflection. The Greek word Kubernetes means helmsman or pilot. The responsibility of navigating apps over the turbulent waves of cloud computing and containerization is symbolized by this nautical metaphor. Similar to how a helmsman guides a ship, Kubernetes directs apps through the complexities of contemporary technology and toward their objectives.

The Name Kubernetes’s History

Kubernetes was first developed in 2015, which was a critical year for the project. The initiative went under the name The Borg before going public, a reference to Star Trek mythology. However, legal obstacles forced a rebranding attempt, which resulted in the term Kubernetes. Interestingly, at this time the project went under the internal moniker Seven of Nine, another nod to Star Trek.

The Apparent Rise of K8s

The switch from the full moniker to its shortened version, K8s, represents a significant reduction in the extensive vocabulary of Kubernetes terminology. Although this abbreviation’s genesis story isn’t as complex as that of its namesake, its widespread use cannot be disputed. The acronym K-s simplifies communication inside the Kubernetes ecosystem by substituting the number 8 for the eight characters that would otherwise be present between K and s.

Understanding Kubernetes: The Lego Example

When we’re already here, let’s get an overview of what actually is Kubernetes? Let’s say you want to create something awesome with the large box of LEGO components that you have. But managing and keeping track of all the pieces grows more difficult as your LEGO masterpiece gets bigger. Herein lies the role of Kubernetes.

Similar to a really intelligent LEGO manager is Kubernetes. It assists you in keeping all the various components of your LEGO construction in order and under control, ensuring that everything is functional and in its proper location.

We’re talking about software programmes and the machines they operate on in real life, not LEGO blocks. Kubernetes assists in the management of these applications, assuring proper operation, scalability in response to changing conditions, and availability in the event of a computer malfunction.

To put it simply, Kubernetes is similar to a LEGO manager in that it is a strong tool that facilitates the building and management of complicated software systems.

Dissecting the Architecture of Kubernetes

Fundamentally, Kubernetes is a platform for container orchestration created to simplify application deployment, scaling, and administration. Its architecture consists of a number of essential parts, each of which is essential to enabling smooth operations:

Master Node

The Kubernetes cluster’s master node acts as a control plane, supervising all of its activities and facilitating communication between different parts. Important parts of the master node consist of:

  • API Server: Makes the Kubernetes API accessible, enabling communication between users and other components and the cluster.
  • Scheduler: Assigns pods to nodes in accordance with workload limitations and resource availability.
  • Controller Manager: Oversees several controllers that are in charge of things like replication and node management, ensuring that the cluster remains in the proper condition.
  • etcd: A distributed key-value store that holds configuration information and state for the cluster.

Worker Node

Worker nodes, sometimes referred to as minions, are in charge of managing workloads and running containers. Every worker node is made up of the following parts:

  • Kubelet: An agent that interacts with the master node to oversee and maintain the health and functionality of pods.
  • Container Runtime: Docker or CRI-O are examples of software that runs containers.
  • Kube Proxy: Oversees load balancing and manages network connection between pods and external clients.

Within the complex world of Kubernetes, where it is critical to comprehend a plethora of terms, using acronyms such as K8s provides some illusion of clarity. The evolution of Kubernetes may be understood by dissecting its language subtleties and roots, even if its name may appear intimidating at first. Accepting acronyms like K8s is a great way to demonstrate the flexibility of the tech community’s lingo, whether you’re navigating the complex seas of Kubernetes or just understanding its vocabulary.


Finally, the acronym K8s summarises both the history of Kubernetes—which is derived from the Greek term kubernetes, which means helmsman—and the tech community’s love of shorthand. It reflects the inventive spirit of the society and facilitates communication. Accepting these acronyms makes it easier to navigate the complexities of Kubernetes and highlights the innovative spirit and dynamic character of the community. Container orchestration is being shaped by Kubernetes, and K8s is a convenient way to remember its beginnings and long-lasting influence on technology.

Kubernetes called K8s – FAQ’s

Was there a specific rationale for selecting the number 8 ?

The 8 in K8s is a placeholder for the eight characters that Kubernetes omits between the letters K and s. Its selection is random. This approach is often used to text-based abbreviations in order to keep them readable even as they become shorter.

What additional acronyms or abbreviations are often used while discussing Kubernetes?

There are several additional acronyms and abbreviations that are often used in Kubernetes. For example, kubectl is the name of the Kubernetes command-line tool, but kube may be used colloquially to refer to Kubernetes-related ideas or parts.