Why Should We Study Political Theory?| Class 11 Polity Notes

Political theory may seem distant from the daily lives of high school students, yet its significance permeates various aspects of society. In this article, we delve into the reasons why studying political theory is essential, even for individuals who may not pursue careers directly related to politics or law.

Why Should We Study Political Theory?

Political theory might seem most relevant to certain professions such as politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, or activists, but its importance extends to everyone, including high school students. Even if we don’t plan to pursue careers directly tied to politics or law, grasping political theory can bring us various benefits.

To begin with, political theory sets the foundation for active citizenship and responsible participation in society. Regardless of our future paths, we’ll all become citizens engaging in democratic processes like voting and public discussions. Familiarity with the basic principles of political ideas and systems prepares us to engage thoughtfully in governance and policy-making. In today’s era of abundant information, being well-informed and logical is crucial for meaningful participation in public dialogues.

Furthermore, as citizens, we wield significant influence in shaping the political landscape, akin to how an audience impacts a musical performance. Informed and vigilant citizens prompt politicians to prioritize the public good over personal agendas. By comprehending political theory, we can contribute to fostering a more civic-minded political atmosphere.

Moreover, political concepts like freedom, equality, and secularism aren’t just theoretical; they profoundly impact our daily lives. We regularly encounter instances of discrimination and bias, and political theory encourages us to critically analyze these issues. Through introspection, we can develop empathy and moderation, thus nurturing a more cohesive society.

Lastly, engaging with political theory hones our critical thinking and debating abilities. Participating in debates and discussions helps us refine our viewpoints and arguments, ensuring they’re founded on logic and evidence. These skills are indispensable for navigating the complexities of contemporary society and advocating for collective interests effectively.

In summary, political theory isn’t exclusive to professionals; it’s relevant to everyone striving to comprehend, engage with, and enhance the society they inhabit.

Relevance Across Professions: A Foundation for Future Endeavors

While not all high school students may aspire to become politicians, bureaucrats, or lawyers, studying political theory lays the groundwork for understanding the political landscape that shapes our society.

Similar to learning mathematics, acquiring a basic knowledge of political ideas equips individuals with essential skills applicable to diverse professions and life in general.

Citizenship and Civic Engagement: Empowering Informed Participation

As future citizens entitled to vote and engage in civic affairs, high school students benefit from a basic understanding of political ideas and institutions.

In an information-driven society, being informed and reasonable is crucial for meaningful participation in community discussions, online forums, and decision-making processes.

Empowering the Citizenry: Shaping the Political Agenda

High school students, like the audience in a music concert, may not be the main performers in politics, but they play a vital role in setting the agenda and shaping public discourse.

An educated and vigilant citizenry holds politicians accountable and fosters a more public-spirited approach to governance.

Navigating Real-World Issues: Examining Discrimination and Prejudice

Freedom, equality, and secularism are not abstract concepts but tangible issues encountered in everyday life. High school students often witness discrimination and prejudice in various settings, prompting reflections on personal biases and societal injustices.

Political theory encourages critical examination of these ideas, fostering moderation and reasoned discourse.

Developing Critical Thinking Skills: Enhancing Debate and Communication

Engaging in debates and elocution competitions is a common activity for high school students, yet political theory enriches these experiences by providing a framework for systematic thinking on justice and equality.

By polishing their opinions and learning to argue in an informed manner, students develop essential skills for rational debate and effective communication, valuable assets in the global informational order.


In conclusion, the study of political theory offers high school students valuable insights into the complexities of politics, citizenship, and societal dynamics.

By equipping individuals with critical thinking skills, fostering informed civic engagement, and empowering reasoned discourse, political theory serves as a cornerstone for personal development and societal progress in an ever-evolving world.

Why Should We Study Political Theory?- FAQs

Why should high school students study political theory if they don’t plan to pursue careers in politics or law?

Studying political theory provides a foundational understanding of the political landscape that shapes society, offering essential skills applicable to diverse professions and everyday life. It fosters critical thinking, informed decision-making, and active citizenship, empowering individuals to engage meaningfully in civic affairs regardless of their career path.

How does political theory benefit future citizens and voters?

Political theory equips future citizens with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of politics and participate effectively in democratic processes. By understanding political ideas and institutions, individuals can make informed decisions, engage in civic discussions, and contribute to shaping the political agenda.

Can studying political theory help high school students address real-world issues like discrimination and prejudice?

Yes, political theory encourages critical examination of concepts like freedom, equality, and justice, which are directly relevant to addressing issues of discrimination and prejudice. By fostering reflection on personal biases and societal injustices, political theory promotes moderation, empathy, and reasoned discourse among high school students.

How does studying political theory enhance debate and communication skills?

Engaging with political theory provides students with a framework for systematic thinking on complex issues like justice and equality. By polishing their opinions and learning to argue in an informed manner, students develop essential skills for rational debate, effective communication, and persuasive advocacy, which are valuable assets in various academic and professional settings.

In what ways does political theory contribute to personal and societal growth?

Political theory enriches students’ understanding of politics, citizenship, and societal dynamics, fostering critical thinking, informed civic engagement, and reasoned discourse. By empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of the political landscape and contribute to positive social change, political theory serves as a cornerstone for personal development and societal progress in an ever-evolving world.