10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

WordPress is the best blogging platform for bloggers to start their blogs on different topics. It is simple to use, post blogs, and monetize for money. However, if you want to enhance the functionality of the blogs and have social media icons or forms or other functionality, you need to have plugins.
10 must-have WordPress plugins for bloggers are essential for connecting to the broader audience and protecting the blog against security threats. It would help if you also had social media plugins to share your post with others who liked it on social media. In this post, we have listed the must-have:

10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Bloggers

  • Analytify
  • LoginPress
  • Simple social media share buttons
  • Rank Math
  • Jetpack
  • Updraft plus
  • WP Rocket
  • Akismet
  • Pretty links
  • WP Review


Analytify is one of the best wordpress plugins for bloggers that allows you to integrate the blog with Google Analytics without writing the code. It shows the traffic you are generating from blog posts.


  • Offer page-level analytics to help understand and organize posts and metrics.
  • Get the total number of visits from every social media brand.
  • Send automated email reports to you every month without charging anything.


  • The free version of one of these best plugins for WordPress colours is available with great features.
  • Easy to configure social media share buttons with a backend interface.


  • The features used to set up Google Analytics tracking needs to be clarified.
  • You need to pay extra for add-ons.


  • Developer: $299/year.
  • Conversion: $199/year.
  • Pro: $75/year.

Link: https://analytify.io/


LoginPress is another plugin bloggers use to customize the login page of the WordPress admin dashboard. It is one of the best wordpress plugins for bloggers that allows you to preview the changes before you publish.


  • Customize every element on the login page, such as login order, login button, footer, etc.
  • You have the option to auto-remember me
  • Allows you to add CSS and JS code to customize the login page further.


  • The limit of login attempts extension will help you keep the blog secure.
  • An instant way to customize the login page, background, logo, submit button, forms, and fields.


  • Google CAPTCHA option can be enabled only through the premium version.
  • It comes with a single template and theme; the rest must go for a premium plan.


  • Personal: $49/year.
  • Startup: $99.00/year.
  • Business: $149/year.
  • Agency: $299/year.

Link: https://loginpress.pro/

Simple social media share buttons

Simple social media share buttons are one of the best wordpress plugins for bloggers. They allow you to take the blog to another level by letting the readers share the posts on their social media using the social media buttons. The popup appears when users scroll down the page.


  • Social media buttons come with beautiful designs like small round, simple round, flat buttons, etc.
  • Allow visitors to view the total number of people who have shared the content.
  • Come with social media tags that improve the blog ranking.


  • You can include the social media buttons above or under the content.
  • You have the option to hide the social media buttons on different devices.


  • You can customize the colours of the buttons only with the premium version
  • Adding movement to the social media button is also possible with its premium version.


  • Personal: $49/year
  • Agency: $199/year
  • Studio: $99/year

Link: https://simplesocialbuttons.com/

Rank Math

Rank Math is one of the best wordpress plugins for bloggers that will optimize the content with the help of built-in suggestions. It provides access to every SEO tool required to improve the blog’s ranking and boost traffic.


  • Come with the content AI feature to generate the content in no time.
  • Has built-in advanced SEO analytics to check the metrics
  • It is easy to build custom or multiple schemas to a single post with just a few clicks.
  • Search engine-compatible sitemaps can be easily generated for the website in XML format.


  • Offer a wide range of SEO tools to optimize keywords to schema markup.
  • It does keep the advanced capabilities the same, but the interface can be used even by beginners.


  • Some of the features are overwhelming for SEO novices.
  • Enabling the features will impact the performance and speed of the website.


  • Agency: $49.99/month
  • Business: $20.99/month
  • Pro: $6.99/month

Link: https://rankmath.com/


Jetpack is one of the WordPress plugins for bloggers that will protect the blog or site from spam and malware. It can also back up the data and check the activity logs.


  • The plugin will protect the website from spam and brute-force attacks.
  • It allows you to monitor the site’s downtime.
  • It comes with two-factor authentication to increase the security of the site.
  • It will scan the site for malware.


  • Best to improve user experience with faster speed.
  • It has many security and safety features to improve site security.


  • Usage of this plugin will make the site slow and bloated.
  • The users will take some time to get used to new features.


  • Security: INR 573.95/month
  • Complete: INR 1395/month

Link: https://jetpack.com/

Updraft plus

UpDraftPlus is one of the WordPress plugins for bloggers that will archive the WordPress site and include all the latest updates. You can set up a backup schedule where the plugin will regularly back up data.


  • Backup every content on the website in a single archive.
  • Compatible to use with multi-site installations.
  • Encrypts the database backups to increase its security.
  • Import the backed-up archives to other locations.


  • It is easy to use and has a rich interface with all its features.
  • Many storage options are available to back up the website or blog data.


  • Costly compared to the other competitors.
  • It may work better on small websites than it worked on small websites.


  • Enterprise: $195/year
  • Agency: $145/year
  • Business: $95/year
  • Personal: $70/year
  • Gold: $399/year

Link: https://updraftplus.com/

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is a cache plugin that will increase the speed at which the WordPress pages load. It is one of the bloggers WordPress plugins that can be used to improve site SEO and speed.


  • It comes with file optimization features to manage files on the site so they can load briskly.
  • Has page caching, browser caching, and Gzip compression.
  • Easy to integrate with Cloudflare.
  • Optimize the code to combine CSS and Javascript files and load the deferred javascript.


  • Reduce the total requests sent from the browser to the server.
  • It comes with lazy loading to reduce the resources, like videos and images, that must be loaded when required.


  • There is no option for you to load Javascript asynchronously.
  • It does not have integrations with image compression tools to compress images.


  • Single: $59/year
  • Plus: $119/year
  • Infinite: $299/year

Link: https://wp-rocket.me/


Akismet is one of the most widely used WordPress plugins for bloggers to handle spam comments. It will scan the comments and filter the ones that resemble spam.


  • These WordPress plugins will automatically filter out spam comments.
  • It lets you track the comments that were deleted.
  • It comes with a discard feature to block the worst spam.
  • If the content URL points to an invalid site, this plugin will catch it.


  • Compatible to use with all WordPress themes.
  • No coding skills are required to use these blog plugins for WordPress, and content is safeguarded.


  • Free plans are only for non-commercial and personal sites.
  • You can flag even legitimate comments as spam.


  • Personal- custom
  • Pro: INR 578.95/year
  • Business: INR 2906.95/year
  • Enterprise: Custom

Link: https://akismet.com/

Pretty links

Pretty Links is the best WordPress affiliate marketing plugin that will replace unattractive links with shorter versions that can be used anywhere in products. It is one of the WordPress plugins for bloggers that helps you identify and place affiliate links in the right places.


  • See the affiliate links you have added on the dashboard.
  • Get a detailed report showing the clicks you got from each link and analyze the performance of affiliate links.
  • Create a link group for the same products to simplify managing links.
  • Create easy-to-share links that users can share without changes on social media sites and websites.


  • Automatically share the short links to social media networks and email.
  • Quickly view details or information about the browser, IP address, operating system, etc.


  • There is no option for you to schedule links.
  • No pretty links button is available in the Gutenberg block editor.


  • Super Affiliate: $ 199.60/year
  • Marketer: $ 149.60/year
  • Beginner: $99.60/year

Link: https://prettylinks.com/

WP Review

WP review WordPress plugin is for people who want to write professional reviews of blogs. It is one of the WordPress plugins for bloggers that allows readers to give honest opinions on your reviewed products.


  • Allows users to rate features and lets them comment on the reviews you posted.
  • Write reviews of products, movies, games, or books.
  • It has an advanced options panel that lists the settings automatically.
  • The plugin is mobile-friendly and runs smoothly on every website.


  • Compatible to use with every WordPress theme
  • Display reviews from third-party sources such as Yelp, Facebook, and Google Places to add as social proof to the website.


  • Most of the features can only be unlocked in the pro plan.
  • It is relatively expensive compared to the other review plugins.


  • Unlimited sites: $67/year

Link: https://mythemeshop.com/plugins/wordpress-review/

Things to Consider Before Installing a WordPress Plugin

The following are a few things to consider while choosing WordPress plugins for bloggers:


The compatibility of the plugin should be checked. Most of them do not cause any problems. You can activate it to check its functionality and deactivate it to see if the website features that were not working after installation of the WordPress blog plugin free work after its deactivation; then, the plugin is faulty.


You can only try out all plugins, as most cost a bomb. Therefore, you can understand the plugin in the review section and check the ratings.

Last Updated

Many outdated plugins are available and contain malware or bugs. You need to use the plugin with timely updates, and WordPress will notify you when a new version of the plugin is available.


Blogging gives the best experience, especially for people who want to share their experiences or are passionate about writing content on a specific subject. It can be taken up as a full-time business. In this post, we have discussed the top 10 WordPress plugins for bloggers, with pros and cons. All these plugins will help you make the most of the site or blog. You can make use of these plugins to skyrocket the blogs. You can still use free plugins to enhance the blog functionality if you have little budget.

Best WordPress Plugins for Bloggers – FAQs

How many plugins can I add to the blog?

There is no limit on the number of plugins you want to add to the blog. You can add as many as you want until and unless these are valid, licensed, and sponsored by WordPress.

Which plugin is mainly used in WordPress?

Akismet is a plugin widely used by WordPress sites to filter out spam comments that can affect the site’s ranking.

Which plugin is best for WordPress SEO?

Rank math is the best plugin for SEO since it offers you complete control over the on-page SEO. The plugin is lightweight and easy to manage.