50+ Words That Start With Z

Which English letter do you think has the maximum number of words? Is it ‘A’, or ‘S’, or ‘E’? This can be easily checked either with the help of a dictionary or the internet. But, which English letter has the least number of words? ‘X’ and ‘Z’ have the least number of words in the English language. Understanding the meaning and appropriate use of words that start with Z or any other letter is important for every individual. Learning is a lifelong process and learning new words that align with the concept of lifelong learning will keep your mind active and engaged.

In this article, we will provide you with a list of 50+ English words that start with Z. Stay tuned!

English Words That Start With Z

In this section, we will provide you with a list of English words that start with Z. Also, we will be discussing their meaning and usage in sentences to make your understanding stronger.


Meaning: The highest point or culmination.

Example: The team reached the zenith of their success with the championship win.


Meaning: A large, wild herbivorous mammal with distinctive black-and-white stripes and an erect mane, native to Africa and part of the horse family.

Example: We were thrilled to spot a herd of zebras grazing on the savannah during our safari in Kenya.


Meaning: A gentle, mild breeze.

Example: The zephyr rustled the leaves on the trees, creating a soothing sound.


Meaning: Enthusiastic and eager interest or pursuit.

Example: She approached her work with great zeal, always striving for excellence.


Meaning: Great enthusiasm or energy.

Example: His zest for life was contagious, inspiring everyone around him.


Meaning: A pattern of sharp turns or angles.

Example: The hiking trail took us through a zigzag path up the mountain.


Meaning: Comical, clownish, or eccentric in a humorous way.

Example: The comedian’s zany antics had the audience in fits of laughter.


Meaning: Showing great passion or fervourpractised for a cause.

Example: The zealous volunteers worked tirelessly to support the local community.


Meaning: Relating to or resembling a zephyr; gentle or mild.

Example: The zephyrous breeze brought relief on a hot summer day.


Meaning: To move quickly with a humming or buzzing sound.

Example: The cars zoomed past on the highway, heading towards the city.


Meaning: Full of zest; lively and enthusiastic.

Example: The team gave a zestful performance, winning the crowd’s applause.


Meaning: A state of calm attentiveness and meditation.

Example: After a hectic day, she practised yoga to achieve a sense of zen.


Meaning: An extremely large, indefinite number.

Example: There seemed to be a zillion stars in the night sky.


Meaning: Doing something with great enthusiasm and energy.

Example: She approached her tasks zestfully, making every project enjoyable.


Meaning: The scientific study of animals.

Example: Sarah decided to major in zoology to pursue her passion for wildlife.


Meaning: A high-pitched, sharp, or vibrant sound.

Example: The chef added a touch of lemon zest to the dish, giving it a zingy flavour.


Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a gentle breeze.

Example: The garden had a zephyrian charm, with the flowers swaying in the breeze.


Meaning: The spirit or mood of a particular period in history.

Example: The art and music of the 1960s reflected the countercultural zeitgeist.


Meaning: A stepped pyramid, especially one built in ancient Mesopotamia.

Example: The ziggurat was a monumental structure that served as a temple in ancient Babylon.


Meaning: An infectious disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Example: Rabies is a well-known zoonosis transmitted through the bite of an infected animal.


Meaning: A large, rigid airship with a metal framework.

Example: The Zeppelin floated gracefully in the sky, offering a unique mode of air travel.


Meaning: The use of a word to modify or govern two or more words, although its use may be grammatically or logically correct with only one.

Example: ‘He stole my heart and my wallet’ – where ‘stole’ applies to both ‘heart’ and ‘wallet’ in different ways.


Meaning: Relating to or resembling a zephyr; gentle or mild.

Example: The zephyrous breeze brought a refreshing change to the stifling heat.


Meaning: About diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

Example: COVID-19 is considered a zoonotic disease that likely originated in animals.


Meaning: Having a full, rounded figure; pleasantly plump.

Example: The fashion industry is slowly embracing more diverse body types, including those that are zaftig.


Meaning: Resembling a gentle, mild breeze.

Example: The curtains swayed in a zephyrlike motion as the window was left open.


Meaning: Full of zest; characterized by keen enjoyment and enthusiasm.

Example: The chef prepared a zestuous dish, infusing it with vibrant flavors and spices.


Meaning: A mineral commonly used as a gemstone; often clear or various colours.

Example: She wore a beautiful necklace adorned with a sparkling zircon pendant.


Meaning: A large Japanese business conglomerate.

Example: In the early 20th century, zaibatsus played a significant role in Japan’s industrial and economic development.


Meaning: A stepped pyramid or terraced mound, often with a temple at the top, characteristic of ancient Mesopotamian architecture.

Example: The ziggurat served as a sacred structure and a focal point in the ancient city.


Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a gentle breeze.

Example: The garden had a zephyrian atmosphere, with delicate petals dancing in the wind.

50+ Words That Start With Z- FAQs

What are some common words that start with Z?

Here are some common words that start with Z: Zest, Zenith, Zoom, Zoology, Zillion, Zen, Zany, Zigzag, and Zeal.

What is the meaning of Zephyr?

Zephyr means a gentle, mild breeze. Consider this example: the zephyr rustled the leaves on the trees, creating a soothing sound.

Which English letter has maximum number of words?

‘S’ has the maximum number of letters in the English language. There are a total of 74,992 words in English language that start with ‘S’.

Which English letter has minimum number of words?

‘X’ has the minimum number of words in English language. According to the Oxford Dictionary, there are around 400 words in English language starting with the letter ‘X’.

What are some words that start with Z for children?

Here are some common words for children that start with Z: Zebra, Zip, Zag, Zest, Zoom, Zone, Zillion, Zigzag, Zenith, Zeroth, Zany, Zebec, etc.

This was all about the most popular words that start with Z. We hope the above listed words, their meanings and examples will help you improve your vocabulary. We will keep you posted with such informative content. If you have any query regarding your academics or English learning, feel free to visit GeekforBeginner.