Zeus Learning Interview Experience for Software Developer

Zeus Learning came to our college in Pool Campus. It had a combined aptitude and Coding Round. The coding round consists of 10 Questions. Out of 10, 3-4 of them were debugging codes and 6 codes needed a full solution.

The Concept used in Coding rounds were mostly based on Linked List.

Coding Round: Following questions were asked:

  • Reverse a string – debugging
  • Show the output of the code
  • Partition Linked list
  • Remove elements below 13 – linked list debugging
  • Print Random No between 20-30 using an function that prints random no between 100 and something. – debugging
  • The intersection of two Rectangles.
  • Check if loop exists in Linked list
  • Total time student was connected in online class
  • Occurrence of 1 string in another.
  • Arrange Rectangles 

Technical Round: My Zeus learning Technical Round began with Introducing myself. I had a previous experience as a Web Developer at Ecell SLRTCE, which was relevant to the role.  

  • He asked a few Common Web Development Questions like  1.Different ways to inluce css in web page
    2. If I have logged in, and i want to continue this next time without logging in again, then what should I use?
    3. When should the token expire in the above situation
    4. Write css for parent so that child is aligned in center Vertically as well as Horizontally  and he asked me a bit more about tokens and how it is used during login and in the backend. 
  • He asked me for an SQL Query related to Library Management. 
  • After this I was asked to Code, The question asked to me was to print duplicates from the array. 
  • As it was a really Easy Question, I solved it using maps and explain to him how one can use a key-pair concept-based solution to print duplicates.
  • He was impressed with my answers and I was able to answer everything he asked. 
  • Thus he ended the interview there. I asked a few doubts. 

Later after one-two week, I got a call from my college TPO that I am selected.