Zeus Learning Interview Experience for Software Developer (On-Campus)

Hello Beginner, recently Zeus Learning came to our college for recruiting B.Tech undergrads for the role of Software Developer.

The interview process followed is as follows:

Round 1:

  • The first round was an online test hosted on the Methyl platform which comprised of around 25 Aptitude questions and 10 Coding questions( difficulty from easy to medium). The total time given was 3 hrs. I would suggest being good at calculation skills which can help you at solving maths questions faster.
  • Also, the 10 coding questions were like- Finding errors in the syntax of codes, completing some sorting function(eg, merge sort),pointer-based output questions, and then there were questions like finding if the linked list has a loop, find if 2 rectangles intersect each other or not, etc. The difficulty was easy-medium.

Tips: Do the calculations carefully in maths and brush up on the syntax of C/C++ languages as they ask you to correct syntax in codes.

Round 2: Technical Interview

I entered the meeting and there were 2 interviewers. I introduced myself and they straightaway started asking technical questions from me.

Round 3: HR

  • Very familiar HR questions asked.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Kind of projects you have done and your role in them.
  • Why is Zeus learning as a company?
  • Why should we hire you?

Unfortunately, I was not selected but it was a good interview experience. Hope it helps.

Tips: Know yourself before any interview. Be calm & answer politely.