Zoho Interview Experience | Set 22 (Off-Campus)

I attended Zoho off-campus. I registered through a link i received from my friend who has friends in Zoho. For attending off-campus you need that registration link which is available to their employees.

First Round:
It was for 30 marks. 10 aptitude questions. 15(10- 1 mark question, 5- 2 mark questions) C output questions. Aptitude interms of difficulty is above average. Not like the easy aptitude you get in the companies which hire a bulk of students like TCS CTSetc. total time given was 2 hrs. For C aptitude practice from sites like 2braces.com it was very helpful.

I got shortlisted for the next round and i received a mail regarding that after 12 days.

Second Round(coding round):
We were given a total of 6 programs and 2 hrs time. The provided us with laptops. They had all frequently used IDEs for C, C++ and Java(turbo c++, netbeans, eclipse, editplus)

The questions were:

1) Find the minimum number of times required to represent a number as sum of squares.

12 = 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 
    1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 + 1^2 
12 = 2^2 + 2^2 + 2^2
12 = 3^2 + 1^2 + 1^2

Input: 12
Output: min: 3

2) Search a string in a given 2D matrix. And print its possible path.
allowed movements are right left up and down.

3) In a given pascal triangle find the possible triangles.

4) in a matrix find the number of rectangles filled with 1s.

Input:   0 1 1 0
         1 1 1 0
         0 0 1 1
         0 0 1 1

Output: 2.

All Practice Problems for Zoho !