Zoho Machine learning Interview Experience (Zlabs)

I recently Attended Zoho(Chennai) interview – off campus.
I got referred through LinkedIn.

The interview consisted of three rounds:

1.Written Programming Round (5 questions)
Check for balanced parentheses in an expression
To check a given pattern of matrix present inside a big matrix.
Print odd repeating characters in a string. For Example: Input: datastructure; Output: dtsce
You have to classify a string as “GOOD”, “BAD” or “MIXED”. A string is composed of lowercase alphabets and ‘?’. A ‘?’ is to be replaced by any of the lowercase alphabets. Now you have to classify the string on the basis of some rules. If there are more than 3 consonants together, the string is considered to be “BAD”. If there are more than 5 vowels together, the also string is considered to be “BAD”. A string is “GOOD” if its not “BAD”. Now when question marks are involved, they can be replaced with consonants or vowels to make new strings. If all the choices lead to “GOOD” strings then the input is considered as “GOOD”, and if all the choices lead to “BAD” strings then the input is “BAD”, else the string is “MIXED? – Example: 1)a?fafff – BAD; 2)??aa?? – MIXED; 3) abc – GOOD
And I couldn’t remember the last question

2. Series of Technical Interviews

This round may depend upon your previous experience on Machine Learning. For me – I am an experienced Java Developer with Machine Learning Certificates. I got questions from Machine Learning Algorithms, Maths, Statistics and Java

3. HR round

I couldn’t clear the previous round. So I don’t know about this round.

Overall to clear such interviews – You need to be strong in Data Structures & Algorithms. Do a few Projects in Machine Learning and learn all the basic concepts in it.

And at last w3wiki is a great platform for interview preparation. All types of questions are available in a single platform.