Zscaler Interview Experience For Internship

It was an on-campus placement drive. Zscaler had started coming to our campus from last year only. We knew that Zscaler is not a mass recruiter as last year also only 4 candidates were selected for internship cum placement offers.

Something about Zscaler:

At that time we only knew that Zscaler is a product-based networking organisation. But in an orientation program, we came to know about other products and features of Zscaler like :

  • Zscaler acts as a proxy between the Customer and Remote Servers.
  • Around this main stack of proxy, they have built other features like Firewall, DNS, Antivirus, Basic and Advanced Sandbox etc.

Started with Orientation Program:

There were in-total 7 people who came from Zscaler for recruitment. In the Orientation Program, We were told about Zscaler and the services being offered by them. We also came to know about some big companies who are customers of Zscaler like: General Electric(shortly known as GE), Seimens, Wipro, ST Microelectronics etc.

Then we were informed about the recruitment process which followed as an Online Assessment Test on Hackerrank’s Platform, Multiple Technical Interviews, and a People and Culture(HR) Interview Round.

Online Assessment Round:

It constituted Multiple Choice Questions(mostly on networking concepts) and 3 Coding Questions(1 related to arrays and the other 2 related to strings). Coding Questions can be tagged under the “Easy” category.

I was able to complete and pass all testcases for 2 coding questions(1 array and 1 string question).

Time for the Results of the Online Round:

Everyone was very nervous about the results but I was roaming around the campus with a big smile on my face (I was feeling very happy after solving 2 full coding questions). Somewhere in my mind, I was confident that I would be able to clear this round(as after discussing with most of my batch mates, none of them was able to solve 2 full coding questions).

Then more than expected thing happened for me, I was called out first from the list of the candidates who cleared this test. I was told that I topped this online round test. It was a very good feeling for me.

First Technical Interview Round:

I was asked to give my brief introduction in about 50-odd words. Firstly I got confused but then I somehow managed to present myself focusing mainly on my projects.

Then I was questioned about the OSI reference model. I explained all the 7 layers in the mail.

The next questions were specific to the JAVA programming language: Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Final Keyword in Java.

Then I was given below problem to solve :

  • Calculate the maximum product of 3 distinct numbers for the array.
    Example 1: for array: [5,4,1,2,6], output — 120
    Example 2: for array: [5,4,1,2,6,6], output — 120

I managed to share 2 approaches for this question but was not able to solve it if we included negative numbers also.

Second Technical Interview Round:

Here I was tested mainly on my aptitude skills. I was a probability question(What will be the probability of getting at least 2 heads when 3 coins are tossed simultaneously).

Then I was given a situation problem (Suppose you are crossing a road and you see there’s a lot of traffic on that road and a traffic policeman is not present What will be your course of action?)

Third Technical Interview Round:

Here I was again given 2 coding problems to solve.

1st problem: You are given 2 sorted arrays. Your task is to merge these 2 sorted arrays to make a merged sorted array out of these both arrays.

2nd problem: You are given a log file.

  • Write code to print all the lines containing the words “errors” and “exceptions”.
  • Then I was asked a question based on clustering: What is clustering and what are its applications?

People and Culture(HR) Interview Round:

Here I was asked about my expectations with Zscaler.

  • Reasons why I want to join Zscaler.
  • What do you know about Zscaler?
  • What will you do if you get selected for this position?

Then at about 11 P.M., all the interviews were over and We were told that the final results would be shared with the college after 2–3 working days.

After 4 days, I got the good news about my selection and I was very thrilled after listening to this news!!