ZScaler Interview Experience For Summer Internship

Zscaler conducted campus hiring for summer interns. The process started with an online assessment comprising four questions of varying difficulty levels. One question was exceptionally challenging (comparable to Codeforces 2000 rating). I managed to fully solve two questions and partially solve two others. Subsequently, I received a call for the interview rounds.

Round 1:

The interview commenced with a brief self-introduction covering academic background, CGPA, Competitive Programming achievements, projects, tech stack, and accolades such as the ATL marathon and ICPC Regionals.

The first technical question was relatively straightforward: checking for cycles in a Linked List and removing them if present. Following this, I was tasked with writing a recursive program to find the Nth Fibonacci number and analyzing its time and space complexity.

A few core Computer Science questions on Operating Systems followed. Then, I was asked to write a program to add two numbers using only bitwise operators.

Feeling confident after this round, I eagerly awaited the outcome.

Round 2:

In the second round, I was asked to revisit one of the questions I had partially solved during the online assessment. With a little assistance, I managed to complete it.

Next, I had to write a C program to determine if a given string is a valid IPv4 address. Despite my limited experience with C, I was able to complete the task with the interviewer’s guidance.

A lengthy problem involving operations on a Linked List followed. Though I could only partially solve it due to time constraints, we moved ahead.

Towards the end, there were some unexpected queries on computer networks, which were beyond the syllabus. Politely, I acknowledged my lack of knowledge on the topic.

Before concluding, I inquired about the technology stack at ZScaler and the technologies I would be working with.

Important Note:

ZScaler holds a strict stance against plagiarism and unfair practices, with the recruitment team meticulously reviewing snapshots from the online assessment to ensure integrity. Candidates are advised against engaging in any unethical behaviour during assessments.