10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids

10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids: 10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids will be valuable in teaching the kids important life lessons in the form of short stories. While narrating these short stories to their kids, parents help them have an imaginative mind and learn new values. This is integral for a child to develop. In this article, we have provided 10 Lines of Short Stories With Morals for Kids, some famous short stories with morals like The Elephant and the Ants, The Talking Birds, The Tortoise and the Rabbit, A Little Help From God, The Lion and The Slave, The Dog and The Bone, Lazy John, The Thirsty Crow, The Fox and the Grapes and The Ugly Duckling to name a few.

10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids

10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids help kids learn important life lessons in a short, easy, and quick manner. They learn important moral values which enhance their understanding and knowledge. It builds up a child’s vocabulary and also improves their writing skills.

Some of the famous 10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids are as follows:

  • The Elephant and the Ants
  • The Talking Birds
  • The Tortoise and the Rabbit
  • A Little Help From God
  • The Lion and The Slave
  • The Dog and The Bone
  • Lazy John
  • The Thirsty Crow
  • The Fox and the Grapes
  • The Ugly Duckling

The Elephant and the Ants

Once upon a time, in a forest there lived an elephant who took pleasure in troubling smaller animals. He would march up to the ant colony and shower water on them. Seeing the ants quiver and cry in pain, would make the elephant laugh. He would threaten to kill them.

One day, the ants decided that they couldn’t keep on suffering like this & wanted to teach the elephant a lesson. They entered his trunk and started messing with him.

Now, it was the elephant who cried in pain. Realizing his mistake, the elephant immediately apologized to the ants and other animals he had troubled in the past.

Moral of the Story: Be down to earth. Never forget your roots. Treat everyone with respect. Incase you are in a position bigger than others, then use that to protect them instead of hurting them.

The Talking Birds

A long time ago, two talking birds lived with their parents. One day, while their parents had gone out, a villager who had been keeping an eye on them for quite a time decided to catch hold of them. He took the two talking birds away.

One of the birds somehow managed to escape and searched for his parents. At last, the bird reached a safe place where she was welcomed and fed. She hereafter, lived happily. A traveller came across the other talking bird who was still trapped under the villager.

He was surprised to see a bird talking, that too an angry one. The traveller went to the same place where the bird that had managed to escape, lived. At first, he was stunned to see another talking bird but this bird was quite respectful and welcomed him.

Moral of the Story: Good behaviour is a result of how we interact with others, how we are brought up and the company we have. Whereas, bad company often leads to negative consequences.

The Tortoise and the Rabbit

Once upon a time, a rabbit mocked a tortoise for being slow and showed him how fast he could run. Seeing this, the tortoise challenged the rabbit for a race. This made the rabbit laugh. He accepted to take part in the race as he was overconfident that he only would win.

Once the race began, the rabbit ran quite fast and went ahead of the tortoise. He was now tired and thought he should relax for a bit as it would take the tortoise a lot of time to reach as he was quite far away. So he decided to sleep, thinking that he would still win. As it would take a long time for the tortoise to reach.

But, the tortoise kept walking slowly and finally reached the finish line. The rabbit woke up to see that he was the one who had lost the race as the tortoise had reached the finish line and won.

Moral of the Story: Slow and steady wins the race. Being overconfident and underestimating others makes one regret later onwards.

A Little Help From God

A shipwreck left a man stranded in the middle of nowhere, at a shore. He started praying to God for help. After a long time of waiting for God to answer his requests, he finally decided to build himself a hut from the shipwreck’s destroyed parts.

Each day, he would search for food and look towards the sky, hoping for a miracle to happen, for God’s mercy. One such day, while having found food and on his way back to his hut, he was heartbroken to see the hut he had built, all destroyed and burnt. He felt helpless and angrily shouted: Why are you doing this to me, God? When will you hear my prayers?

A few hours later, a boat arrived to rescue the man at the shore. The stranded man asked the boatman, ‘How did he find him?’ The boatman replied, that he saw the smoke as a sign of help. Hearing this, the stranded man’s faith in God was re-instilled.

Moral of the Story: Have faith and patience. Don’t lose hope when things don’t work in your favour. Believe in yourself and continue working hard. Don’t give up. God has his own way of working.

The Lion and The Slave

Once upon a time, there was a slave who was badly treated by his master. Having been through a lot, the slave decided to run and escaped to the forest. There, he met a lion who couldn’t walk as he had a thorn stuck in its paw.

Seeing this, even though the slave was scared. He decided to help, gathered courage and took out the thorn from the lion’s paw. When the thorn was out from the lion’s paw, he ran into the forest. He didn’t harm the slave.

After some time, the master found the slave in the forest, along with some other animals. The master ordered to throw the slave into the lion’s den.

Seeing the lion, the slave recognised him instantly as it was the same lion he had helped in the forest. The lion didn’t harm him and let the slave escape. Once he escaped, he freed the other animals as well.

Moral of the Story: If you do good, you receive good in return. Kindness always pays you back. So be good, do good and the world will be kind to you.

The Dog and The Bone

Once upon a time, a dog ran in the streets searching for food, day and night. He finally, found a big juicy bone which he grabbed in his mouth and took it home. While on his way back home, while crossing a river he saw another dog with a bone in his mouth. Not realising that it was his own shadow.

He opened his mouth to grab the other bone. But the bone he had, fell into the river and sank. The dog now left with no bone, was left hungry again.

Moral of the Story: Be content with what you have. Being greedy an envious of what others have makes a person end of losing what s/he has.

Lazy John

A boy named John, was so lazy that he would not even bother changing his clothes.

One day, he saw an apple tree. He really felt like eating some apples. But being lazy, he didn’t climb the tree to get the fruits.

He laid underneath the tree and waited for the fruits to fall. But the apples never fell. In the end, he was left, starving.

Moral of the Story: Don’t end up being lazy as it won’t get you anywhere. In order to achieve something, one has to work hard for it.

The Thirsty Crow

A thirsty crow flew a long distance, searching in the forest some water to drink. He finally saw a pot, half-filled with water. But he was unable to reach the inside of the pot with his beak to drink the water.

He saw some pebbles on the ground. He threw the pebbles one by one into the pot until the water rose till the brim. The crow then hastily drank from the pot to quench his thirst.

Moral of the Story: If there is a will, there’s a way. Never give up. If only you look into it and work hard, you will definitely find a solution.

The Fox and the Grapes

Once upon a time, a hungry fox ended up being in a vineyard. Seeing the round juicy grapes hanging in a bunch, made him hungry. He was tempted to have them.

So he tried to reach it, but couldn’t. No matter how high he jumped. He soon gave up and said probably the grapes are sour and left. He ended up being hungry that night.

Moral of the Story: Most of us end up being like the fox. When we feel that there is something that we want, but it is too hard to get. We end up making excuses and give up. Instead, one should work hard to achieve what we want.

The Ugly Duckling

There was once a duck who felt very different from his siblings, from the moment he was born. As he looked nothing like them, he was always bullied. One day, the duck felt he had had enough of it and ran away to the pond he grew up in.

He searched nearby and longed for a family that would accept him and love him. Several days went by. But no one, wanted the ugly duck.

Then one fine day, he came across a family of swans. The duck looking at the them, realised that all these days while he had been searching for a family, he had grown up into a beautiful swan. He finally understood why he was unlike his sibling’s appearance. As he was a swan, not a duck.

Moral of the Story: Don’t judge a book by its cover. Never just a person based on how they look. Just because they don’t fit into the societal standards of beauty, doesn’t mean they are ugly. One should value a person’s noble soul and good deeds. Every one is unique and beautiful in their own way. We must learn to accept our differences and celebrate our individuality.


While trying to teach kids, an important life lesson, short stories help a lot. It not only widens their imagination, but enhances their knowledge as well. Short Stories with which have a moral, make lessons more relatable and exciting for kids. Kids get to know what is right and what is wrong and the consequences of their actions. As the short stories just have 10 lines, they are able to teach the kids in a shorter span of time, what needs to be taught and understood. It becomes both easier for the parent/guardian to teach and the child to learn. Thus, we see how 10 Lines of Short stories with Moral for Kids, helps in shaping up a kid’s character and personality.

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FAQs on 10 Lines of Short Stories With Moral for Kids

What does a ‘moral of the story’ mean?

In a story, towards a end we come across the moral. A moral is the lesson or the value that one learns after reading the story. Moral lessons help us in developing character and personality. It teaches what is right and what is wrong, the consequences of our action.

Tell one short story with a moral.

Here is a short story with a moral:

The Elephant and the Ants

Once upon a time, in a forest there lived an elephant who took pleasure in troubling smaller animals. He would march up to the ant colony and shower water on them. Seeing the ants quiver and cry in pain, would make the elephant laugh. He would threaten to kill them.

One day, the ants decided that they couldn’t keep on suffering like this & wanted to teach the elephant a lesson. They entered his trunk and started messing with him. Now, it was the elephant who cried in pain. Realizing his mistake, the elephant immediately apologized to the ants and other animals he had troubled in the past.

Moral of the Story: Be down to earth. Never forget your roots. Treat everyone with respect. Incase you are in a position bigger than others, then use that to protect them instead of hurting them.

How do short stories help kids?

Short Stories with which have a moral, make lessons more relatable and exciting for kids. Kids get to know what is right and what is wrong and the consequences of their actions. As the short stories just have 10 lines, they are able to teach the kids in a shorter span of time, what needs to be taught and understood.

How can parents teach their kids, moral lessons?

While narrating short stories to their kids, parents help their kids have an imaginative mind. This way the kids learn new values and moral lessons which are integral for a child to develop.

Define a simple short story.

Short stories are usually the ones which have a single plot instead of multiple subplots. They are easy to read and are not that time consuming. It enables the reader to get to know something in a short span of time and catches their attention.